I was just thinking how, as the years go by, I'm going to be a member of an ever-shrinking group of people who have actually gone into, and more awesomely to the top of the twin towers (aka WTC 1 and 2). When I say this, I mean either one... not necessarily both. As I recall, one tower had an observation deck which I stood on and the other had a huge antenna instead.
It was when I was ~8 and my dad brought me along while he was escorting some business men visiting from Egypt (no they were not scouting). The men were very nice and seemed to enjoy my company along with the 2-3 local engineers, and gave me a gift of 2 small metal statues and a scroll sort of item before they left the country (oh let me go take pictures I guess).
What I found most interesting about the observation deck of the tower was how the suspended catwalk was a good 6-10 feet above the actual roof of the building. There were large handrails that made it difficult for you to drop down to the surface, and huge fences bordered the edge of the roof. I suppose the catwalk needed to be elevated in order to allow observers to see over the walls.
I also remember the elevator ride took a long freaking time haha.
So, who has been in or to the top of the Twin Towers before they fell? Share your story.
Poll: Have you climbed the WTC (steps or elevator acceptable) (Vote): Yes I did (share story!) (Vote): No, but I've been to Manhattan. (Vote): No, but I've been in the lobby of the WTC. (Vote): No, and I've never gone near it.
Im also one of the few who have actually been to the top.
My dad worked as a swedish diplomat at the UN building in NY between 1999-2001. During that time my parents thought it would be a good idea for me and my brother to live with him so we would learn english. And of course during my 3 year stay i went up the WTC a few times and the view was incredible. However i never went to the actual top so i was outside. Dont know why but i was on the second highest floor and looking down is something ill always remember.
RIP victims of 9/11(this video always brings tears to my eyes)
9/11 happened in ninth grade for me, and in eighth grade our class trip was to nyc. we all got to go up to the top of the towers, and i have a bunch of photos of the view from up there. pretty depressing to look at =[
On September 12 2008 07:54 intrigue wrote: 9/11 happened in ninth grade for me, and in eighth grade our class trip was to nyc. we all got to go up to the top of the towers, and i have a bunch of photos of the view from up there. pretty depressing to look at =[
Ah amazing. Yeah I know the feeling. BTW from the top you can practically see my county on Long Island in the distance haha.
I'm not sure if I mentioned it at TL or not, but a family friend of ours was working in the towers on the day of the attack. He was in the building that got hit second, and ran down about 40 flights of stairs before his building was hit; he continued and made it to the ground safely.
i visited wtc, i actually went to the top, almost passed out, and then we went into that nice cafe they used to have at the top and had a good meal. That was the first and unfortunately last time I went there.
The sad thing is, the terrorists ended up killing more immigrants and non-Americans, as most of the people that worked there weren't your typical businessmen.
One of my family friends was one of the rescue workers and actually got sick from all the dust, she had to go into the hospital for a few months but she's ok now. Another one of my family knew someone that actually managed to get into the subway station and escaped that way.
The sad thing is, the terrorists ended up killing more immigrants and non-Americans, as most of the people that worked there weren't your typical businessmen.
I don't think it's a race war, I think it's an ideological war....I can't tell you what message they were exactly trying to send, but I don't think their main motive was just to kill a bunch of people.
I was in 8th grade when 9/11 happened. It'd didn't mean much to me then, and it doesn't now. A bunch of adults talked about how tragic it was, I recognized it as sad, and airline security tightened up. The only thing different from this tragedy, and every other one that happens every year, is that this one helped start a war (2003 Iraq). I find it difficult to feel more sorry for the people who died in WTC than the people who die in any other tragedy. I'm often confused why everyone feels so much more upset over it than anything else. I mean, I understand if you knew someone who died, but all this "I was there once, and I will never go there again " bullshit is ridiculous. It sounds so forced and insincere, I just know that emotion is a product of media attention, esp. G.W.B.'s speeches.
My opinion is probably going to be very unpopular though, especially among Americans.
I'm not sure if I mentioned it at TL or not, but a family friend of ours was working in the towers on the day of the attack. He was in the building that got hit second, and ran down about 40 flights of stairs before his building was hit; he continued and made it to the ground safely.
Whoa, I can only imagine how fast his heart was beating.
Yeah, went up top. That was such an amazing view man, I could see the area where my city is from there. I think I was like maybe 10 or so. I still remember that elevator ride taking foreverrrrrrrrr.
So sad, my sister has a pic of her, her friend and my dad in front of hte towers maybe 7 days before they went down? Sad as hell. Quasi-related: I almost had a close call myself over at the Empire State Building, back when that gunman killed people on the obs deck about 10 years ago. I was up there the same day. Pretty scary.
9/11 is such a depressing day. Sucks for my friend, it's his bday
My ex's got it the worst. Her uncle was the pilot on the plane that hit.
I have pictures of myself underneath the towers, looking up. I went inside, but I don't think I went up. It was a very cloudy day, so the picture doesn't show the very tips. I went there when I was 6th grade I think? and I was living across the Hudson in Fort Lee.
I agee, It wasn't about killing a lot of people, it was about ridding America of its false sense of security considering that we haven't been attacked since Pearl Harbor, and that's Hawaii, not really close to home.
...and that's why Americans think it is such a big tragedy. I'm with you honestly, I can empathize with people who knew people who were killed in the attacks, but everyones emotions beyond that are simply learned from the media
yeah tragedy my ass, how many innocent ppl, not only adults, died when us troops invaded iraq. cry me a river. the only difference is the ppl in the middle east take all the injustice served to them by the western world and bottle it up, while america bitches n moans with a thousand ppl die.
I've been to the top of the empire state building and to the bsae of the statue of liberty but never inside the WTCs. I did visit the ruble the last time I was in NYC though. It's amazing how huge ground-zero is where the buildings used to be.
On September 12 2008 13:07 ReapersSorrows wrote: yeah tragedy my ass, how many innocent ppl, not only adults, died when us troops invaded iraq. cry me a river. the only difference is the ppl in the middle east take all the injustice served to them by the western world and bottle it up, while america bitches n moans with a thousand ppl die.
fuck off, you could use that exact same method of thinking to say that whatever injustice has been done to the people in the middle by the "western world" (I suppose that doesn't include the soviet invasion of the middle east a few decades ago) is nothing compared to that done to all of the jewish people, men, women, and children, in the holocaust and therefore not a tragedy. Typical anti-usa bullshit
On September 12 2008 13:07 ReapersSorrows wrote: yeah tragedy my ass, how many innocent ppl, not only adults, died when us troops invaded iraq. cry me a river. the only difference is the ppl in the middle east take all the injustice served to them by the western world and bottle it up, while america bitches n moans with a thousand ppl die.
Fuck you. War is war, whether or not the reason used was complete bullshit leaves it no less justified otherwise. There will always be collateral damage in war. Terrorist attacks were unprovoked and the sole purpose is to kill innocent people.
You are a miserable excuse for a human being.
And you are an incredibly stupid mother fucker for bringing an offensive anti american tone where it had absolutely no fucking place. You actually disgust me.