recently pulled up this yt vid while watching cmsl
and when nocturne came on at 8:51 a game had just started and it was haunting how appropriate the song was for broodwar. i think classical music and broodwar have an eerie pairing. has anyone else ever experienced this? this is what i was watching btw
I recommend watching the 10-11 hour ksl online qualifier broadcast while listening to nocturne with the vod on mute. it's.. something.
hahaha i remember that u2 album i couldn't get rid of. probably the worst pr in the history of relations. it was particularly during the early/mining phases that the music really struck me like the futility or mundanity of it or something. it was like the first time i saw top golf xd
I like some music from the baroque, classical, and romantic eras, but to me Brood War is like martial arts, and I'm not sure that the music fits for sick boxing combos or kicking a heavy bag, or an opponent in the face.
thanks for the reply fluidrone the wagner video you linked is one of very few comps of his i know and i think it applies to bw as well. jefferson airplane on the other hand... :D i used to play sc2 and bw with illmatic and infamous in the background and that always felt right. but while watching games, there is something so fucking eerie about chopin and bw i can't quite put my finger on. i don't think i will ever be able to. i'm just going to keep on doing it.
aside: sometimes, the audio on nfl or mlb gets messed up and you can't hear the announcers and you can only hear the "game sounds" (lul) and these have always, for me, been the greatest moments in sports.
i don't believe great games require commentators. what is important is an observer like the one they have for the ksl quals.
recently i tried to watch wc3 wcg but it was unwatchable because they didn't think to hire an observer who knew anything about the game.
commentators are optional; a great observer is all that is required. this, of course, presumes you know the game which is the point of commentators. an odd conundrum
On March 31 2019 02:48 vOdToasT wrote: I like some music from the baroque, classical, and romantic eras, but to me Brood War is like martial arts, and I'm not sure that the music fits for sick boxing combos or kicking a heavy bag, or an opponent in the face.
i believe there is a difference between the music you play to vs the music you watch to
On April 16 2019 18:02 ninazerg wrote: I once experimented with playing classical music while playing StarCraft, but I can't play unless I get hyyyped.
yeah if i tried to play with classical music i would just die immediately. as i said, playing music is much different from watching music. and no one likes watching their ass get beat to a dope sound track edit; my preferred playing music is .. nas- illmatic; mobb deep- infamous; biggie- ready to die (selected tracks); eminem- slim shady lp and marshal mathers lp; chrono trigger and chrono cross sound tracks; in flames albums: the jester race, whoracle, colony, clayman those be my hype. got like 230489234 hours of music to wile out to
here's a taste
all rivers run to the sea but the sea is never full bruh