Group A
-drink when Snute goes roach/ravager into BL vs Terran
-drink when PtitDrogo calls himself a patchtoss
-drink when someone calls MaSa the up and coming player or the next big thing or the NA hope
-drink when Stephano plays lurker turtle
Group B
-drink when Elazer throws in ZvT
-drink when MaNa loses a macro PvZ
-drink when Dayshi balance whines on twitter after a match
-drink when people bring up FireCake's HSC final
Group C
-drink when Showtime hesitates to move out and it loses him the game
-drink when SortOf tries to get to hive tech in ZvP and loses before it's out
-drink for every 3 tanks that Bunny loses to corrosive biles
-drink when NoRegret does some kind of a zergling all-in vs Protoss
Group D
-drink when uThermal wins a TvZ with 2 base all-in
-drink when Lambo does a nydus all-in/timing
-drink when Namshar wins a ZvZ
-drink when people make fun of Nightend's voice
Group E
-drink when TRUE wins a macro game with mass zerglings
-drink when HeRoMaRinE fails a 2 base all-in vs Zerg
-drink when Zanster is called the dark horse
-drink when DnS does a DT cheese
Group F
-drink when MarineLorD is refered to as the former EU Terran hope
-drink when Scarlett loses to a European
-drink when Welmu does an immortal all-in vs Zerg
-drink when Serral goes lurker turtle with crackling harass in ZvP
Group G
-drink when Nerchio upgrades melee and range but not carapace in ZvP
-drink when Lilbow does a 2 base all-in in any matchup
-drink when TLO does a creative or off-meta build
-drink when Demuslim goes mech/skyterran in any matchup
Group H
-drink when Harstem goes oracle into double forge vs Terran
-drink when souL falls apart in TvZ after good early game
-drink when someone brings up that Guru uses F2
-drink when people bring up that we haven't seen GunGFuBanDa in a while
aditional rules for alcoholics:
-drink whenever a French Protoss wins a game with blink stalkers
-drink whenever a Polish Zerg goes nydus in lategame ZvT
-drink when a Terran loses vs Zerg
-drink when Zerg goes LBM vs Terran
-drink when Protoss goes disruptors/blink vs Zerg
-drink when NightEnD does a blind proxy on a 3 or 4 player map
-drink whenever someone is too drunk to cast anymore on the couch
-drink if Stephano or Demuslim advance from group stage 1
-drink if NoRegreT places better than Scarlett
-drink if Nerchio is eliminated in the bracket by the tournament winner
-drink if MaNa beats a Zerg in playoffs with 2 base all-ins
-drink whenever Emil appears on the camera