Table of Contents
How to use Liquipedia
The Building Blocks
Semantics of the Wiki
Key Areas for Helping Out
Contributor Spotlight
A Liquipedia Primer
It has now been over half a year since we decided we wanted to make a wiki for Hearthstone. We’ve come such a long way since then and filled in a tonne of information and created over 700 articles, and nearly 15.000 edits made by about 280 contributors. However this is still just the beginning. So for this reason:
We hereby invite you all
to take part in creating
the best resource for
competitive Hearthstone.
to take part in creating
the best resource for
competitive Hearthstone.
We aim to be the most comprehensive resource both for the esports side (tournaments, players, teams, etc) but also for the game knowledge side (cards and classes).
Liquipedia also licenses all the text and code as CC-BY-SA meaning your contribution is open for anyone else to reuse or remix (as long as they also release their derivative work with the same license.) This we think is the best license to service the community, we don’t restrict people using the material in a for profit product either. To us this license is ideal as it allows the content we all create to better the community to be used and reused in any number of ways, and allows it to further built upon.
In our first instalment of the Liquipedia Review - Hearthstone edition, we will go over some of the basic parts that make up the wiki and talk about how you can help us out.
How to use Liquipedia
The Building Blocks
Main Page
First we have the main page, which has some information in the news section, links to the main tournament around todays date (upcoming, ongoing and previous). For easy access to the big portal pages there’s some image banner links and classes have links too. The Liquipedia News box is mostly for contributors of the wiki who might be interested to know of new templates or structural changes to the wiki.
Card Pages
The card page consists of three main parts:
The infobox where the relevant information about a card is listed.
The overview section where you have the card explained in plain simple English.
The strategy section where how to use the card efficiently and with what other cards, is listed.
Or Navigation Boxes are typically used to display a team’s roster or used display a Tournaments on-going series of events, usually found at the top or bottom of a page.
Infoboxes represent information in a organized way, most commonly used for player pages such as on Artosis’s page.
Name, Date of Birth, country, team, social media links, nicknames, and sponsors are presented.
Brackets and groups
The brackets are there to show and display information to you, on who has played, what classes they used, and what country they are from, other useful bits of info such as Live report thread links, tournament previews/recaps, and interviews.
Clicking on the little “I” on the bracket will bring up the relevant info – classes, and all other links – relevant to the match.
Groups will list players in ranking order, with a complete match list usually below, accessed by a [show] link. We also use colour coding to show how many from a group progress and then it will be shown in the rank column, when a position (move on, or drop out for example) then the background colour of the name and score will instead be what’s filled in.
Semantics of the Wiki
Well semantically all of our wikis are special.
But it’s also when we speak semantically that we can see that HS wiki is special. it’s the first of our wikis we’ve added Semantic Media Wiki (SMW) extensions. And its effects are all over the wiki, however one of the most notable examples of the cool stuff that can be done with SMW is the schedule.
Unlike the other wikis where people have to add new leagues to the portal pages manually, SMW makes it possible to display these automatically so as soon as we know the dates of a tournament they will be automatically added to the schedule, and the regular tournament overview. This makes life much easier for all contributors since you only have to input data once, instead of in 3-10 places.
Key Areas for Helping Out
The Hearthstone wiki has come a long way since it was started but at the moment we would really like to get more help in keeping tournaments listed and up to date as they are being played. Most interesting is keeping the score updated, but also class info on which decks are being played.
We are going to be putting out some simple skeleton tournament pages for the more commonly different tournament types so you can cut and paste the code from them to make new pages too.
For the game aspect the Class pages could use some help to be more clear and help out with more newbie information. And for the card pages, we could use more synergies listed and more consistent synergies listed so that if you have two cards that have a synergy they should link to each other.
Player Pages
The link above is for Artosis’s Liquipedia HS page, it’s a good example of a page that is well structured, firstly it gives an intro to who Artosis is, and what he does besides play in Hearthstone tournaments, the Infobox is well populated with links to his social media and website, we have a decent sized trivia section, followed by his tournament achievements, interviews and throughout the page, sources to back some of the facts up.
List of pages that need work(or ones that need need to be created):
+ Show Spoiler +
Classes & Card Pages
A good example of a class page is Mage
Class pages should work both as the first place you go to when you want to learn about a class when you pick up the game, and as a reference source once you know the class but want to refresh your memory on some small parts.
+ Show Spoiler [List of Class pages] +
Priest - Needs Example Decks posted/linked
Warriror - Needs basic strategy, common weaknesses, and example decks
Warlock - Whole strategy section needs filling out
Hunter - Needs example decks posted/linked
Druid - Whole strategy section needs filling out
Paladin - Example decks and main synergies need to be filled out
Shaman - Basic strategy, main synergies, and common weaknesses need to be filled out
Warriror - Needs basic strategy, common weaknesses, and example decks
Warlock - Whole strategy section needs filling out
Hunter - Needs example decks posted/linked
Druid - Whole strategy section needs filling out
Paladin - Example decks and main synergies need to be filled out
Shaman - Basic strategy, main synergies, and common weaknesses need to be filled out
A good example of a card page is Counterspell
Card pages also have two objectives, to give you a quick overview what the card does. And to inform when, how, and with what other cards it is best played.
+ Show Spoiler [List of Card pages] +
Blood Fury - - Needs synergies listed
Ravenholdt Assassin - Needs synergies listed
Rampage - Basic strategy + synergies
Lightwarden - Synergies + Basic strategy
Equality - Needs Synergies
Contributor Spotlight
Today we have an interview with WarhOk a stand-out contributor to the Hearthstone Liquipedia:
Please introduce yourself.
WarhOkHi, my name is Evgeniy "Warhok" Dobrynin and I'm from the Russian Federation.
Why are you so awesome?
Sorry just kidding, kinda, we do think you’re awesome but how come you wanted to start helping out with the wiki?
Sorry just kidding, kinda, we do think you’re awesome but how come you wanted to start helping out with the wiki?
WarhOkIn February this year, I accidentally found the Hearthstone section of Liquipedia. Then I decided that I would add information about Zotac cups and IhearthU KotH. After several weeks I started add team templates and new tournament pages.
Have you used Liquipedia before Hearthstone, and for which titles (SC2, BW, DOTA 2)?
WarhOkYes, of course. Basically I used SC2 wiki. I want that Hearthstone wiki became as big as SC2 wiki.
Great ambitions
WarhOkYea, I know.
What is your current status are you a student/do you have a "job" or are you already graduated?
WarhOkI'm a student of the fourth year now. My speciality is maths and system programming.
Do you have a favorite food you like to eat?
WarhOkYes, I have. It's grilled steak.
And do you have a favorite Hearthstone Player you like to watch play?
WarhOkHmm. It's Abver (Russian streamer, ex-sc2-wc3 player) and Kolento.
Do you have some hobbies besides editing Liquipedia and watching Hearthstone, any sports perhaps?
WarhOkLooks like I have no special hobbies. I read books, play chess, ride a motorcycle. I do a little bit of everything.
Favorite book?
WarhOkIn my childhood I liked to reread "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain.
Cool, and do you have any final words for the readers?
WarhOkI want to thank everyone who helps with the Hearthstone section of Liquipedia. We need more people to do more articles!
Have a nice day!
Thank you very much for your time
WarhOkThank you too.
And we would also like to say thank you to all of you for reading this post.
-See you on the wiki