My scores: 190, 119, 171.
Game 1: Only 1 open, and even though the lanes were a bit dry, I found a good place to start and was bringing the ball in fairly well.
Game 2: 7 of the first 8 frames were opens. A couple of those frames I was not sliding properly and the ball was off when it hit the pins. The other frames were all nice throws where the ball entered the pocket and resulted in some ridiculous, unexpected split (save one or two frames were I missed easy spares by a bit due to a silly error). I kept my cool but it didn't really help.
Game 3: Halfway between the first game and the second, and I also made one or two nice splits. If I always bowled like this I wouldn't be happy but I wouldn't be upset either.
Conclusion: I think I can credit my inconsistency to the fact that the lanes were, once again, a bit on the dry side. HOPEFULLY they will be more oiled next week.