After my first blog post I was pretty inspired to update more frequently. I also mentioned in my first blog post that I am pretty lazy at work and usually squander my time here or on reddit or whatever websites take my fancy. Last week was hectic though and I ended up being a good employee for once and found a spark of interest in my work at least for the time being.
I also mentioned that I had many interests the main ones being of course gaming which is how I found my way here. I want to share with you guys one of my longest running interests and something that I am constantly googling even if no knew information has come up. I am obsessed with mysteries, especially the unsolved variety.
I started off on listverse with all the top 10 weird mysteries, I then ventured to a reddit that held some interesting stories and websites as well. I want to share my favorite mysteries and once I have I would love love love to hear some spooky unsolved mysteries from you guys as well.
Ok here we go...
The first one I will mention is in general terms. I have this fascination of unsolved deaths and murders. The Zodiac killer and Jack the Ripper are especially interesting to me. I would also like to mention that my favorite show is criminal minds, although it is super predictable I still enjoy watching shows about criminals and how they go about solving murders by delving into their minds (the spin off is shit btw).
This next one happened in Adelaide, Australia. An unidentified man washed up on Somerton beach in December 1948. In his pocket they found a piece of paper with the word Tamam Shud (meaning end or finished) written on it. His identity remains a mystery to this day. This phrase, Tamam Shud was used in the final page of a collection of poems “The Rubaiyat” of Omar Khayyam. There is also a scribbled code on the page which is speculated to have been written by the dead man. Missing people mysteries and people suddenly vanishing are also really interesting to me.
I also love ghost ship stories, they are so spooky and although I have read them many times they freak me out a bit. Ok so my favorite one is about the S.S. Ourang Medan, two nearby ships picked up a distress signal from the vessel saying "S.O.S. from Ourang Medan * * * we float. All officers including the Captain, dead in chart room and on the bridge. Probably whole of crew dead * * *." There was a lot of ineligible dots and dashes before the final message of "I die" was received. So one of the nearby boats goes over the Ourang to check her out and see what the hell is happening. It turns out everyone is dead on board with their faces pointed to the sun and a look of terror on their faces, even the dog looks like it freaked out before it died. They then decide to check out the boiler room. Despite the heat they all reported a chill that ran through their spine. They decided they would tow the boat back to land and check it out more. As they were about to move it it started billowing smoke and consequentially exploded.
There are a lot of stories about inscriptions being indecipherable or in some unknown foreign language. My favorite one is the Voynich Manuscript. It is a book with many plant looking illustrations which along with the language it is written in is unknown. It is 240 pages long and was first discovered in 1912 by a Polish-American bookseller named Wilfred Voynich. Carbon dating has determined the book was made sometime between 1404 and 1438.
So these are basically my favorite unsolved mysteries. Please let me know of any interesting ones you find in your travels.
On an unrelated note I played my first game of starcraft against another human in over two years. It can be assumed I was completely crushed...
Thanks for reading