I'm sure you've all seen the incredible work from Definitelymiwa in his GCC compeition submissions (particularly this one which is just perfect for hype) - and I was asked to put something in - but something not SC2 related!
So here I am with my video for Natural Selection 2!
For those of you who've played a little NS2 you'll know a few small details are missing - but unfortunately I was a little pressed for time due to work. So it's not exactly as clean and filled out as I wanted it to be - and I know that there are a bunch of things missing (notably ARCs) but I did what I could with the time I had.
If you've never played NS2 - it's a FPS/RTS mashup game where it's (in a way) a little like playing a cross between Counter-Strike and Starcraft 2. If you're interested, jump on my Twitch channel on Tuesday nights (AEDT) where I regularly stream the game and take a look. If anyone is really interested in giving it a go, I may still have a few copies laying around that I can hand out
Hopefully you enjoy the video, if you feel inclined to liking/sharing/retweeting) it would be very much appreciated - though I don't really expect to win this (especially with Definitelymiwa's awesome stuff) it was moreso something I was "just doing anyway" for fun especially given how much I really like this game.
If anyone has any questions about the video let me know - if you have questions about NS2 I'll do my best to answer!