When people started posting the image macros of the random pictures of scenery and cursive or whatever bullshit collage of crappy fonts with the 'uplifiting' drivel or whining crap about how a man/woman should be/be treated, I smh and skip over.
Then people started posting those stupid E-card image macros which are funny 1 out of 30 60 times, I didn't say anything.
But now I have to draw the line, Bitstrips.
These 'new' pictures that look like a 12 year old drew them that have some stupid unfunny nonsense caption on the bottom, this shit has to stop. WHY and HOW does this shit even become a thing. It's soo bad. srs kill yourself if you post these or find them funny.
Here is the one and only bitstrip I made myself:
The End.
edit- Totally forgot about the 'Keep Calm And _____ ______.' meme. That shit sucks too, I even see people with the shirts. sheep.
1001 YEARS KESPAJAIL22272 Posts
On November 06 2013 19:40 lichter wrote: The fuck is a bitstrip That's what I said. fucking ghey shit
There is a hide button on Facebook....
On November 06 2013 20:20 Velr wrote: There is a hide button on Facebook....
I know, I discovered that shit earlier. Took the barrel out of my mouth.
I like all that stuff because it gives you quick notice of who not to interact with. Basically if you do any of that stuff it's like holding a sign that says "I'm a moron".
how did it get so popular I have no idea why...at first I thought it's a cruel joke or something
Pretty simple, someone post's something you don't like, you unsubscribe from their posts. Still shows you as friends, you can still be messaged by them, talk to them on wall etc, but you never have to worry about stupid images ever again.
On November 06 2013 21:47 ReignSupreme. wrote: Pretty simple, someone post's something you don't like, you unsubscribe from their posts. Still shows you as friends, you can still be messaged by them, talk to them on wall etc, but you never have to worry about stupid images ever again. preach
I noticed the same shit being spread across FB walls. They are ugly and annoying.
Eh I don't really get too annoyied by it. Sometimes I will actually like a few of them. But yeah I think people, at least mostly female friends like these things to get attention. And I think to myself.....wow why the fuck did you deny me when I asked you out I am a nice guy, I am going to have a good career....why date this PoS who made you spam relationship things on fb lol.
If not for the groups/bulletin board aspects of FB I'd never use it. (I think I'm actually subscribed to 1/50 of my friends - the ones who use it as infrequently as I do...)
still much better than posts that start with "So".
Just don't use facebook? Adds no value to living imo.
Netherlands6175 Posts
On November 06 2013 19:35 farvacola wrote:
I believe you have vitiligo....
These are the exact reasons why I only keep around 20-30 friends on Facebook
Facebook is an endless stream of digital filth where lesser humans strive and others are coerced into through ridiculous social standards.
It's a shame because the internet seems to bring the worst out of people. Some of the people I know, most notably members of my family, are actually complete morons and I wouldn't have known without facebook...
Don't worry, eventually FB will go the way of MySpace and the Do-do bird. Eventually....