Because literally nobody knows anything about 4v4 maps, I have nothing to say. Well, the spawns are in top right and bottom left. That's about it. The expansion pattern is about as straightforward as it can get, but you'll have to fight with your mates about who gets the easy naturals and thirds. Or who bum-rushes for the gold base.
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And of course, the space shark .
I don't know much about 4v4 maps, but I do know that this is a good 4v4 map.
The white textures of the center makes it look like empty space, lol. Really hard to get used to. I'm sure it looks fairly different in game.
Awesome 4v4 map if there ever was one, way better than the current shit. But then, I have no fucking clue what makes a good 4v4 map.
Congrats on Ladder!!! So stoked to play on this map.
They took out Bob the Hydralisk, and my space shark. Kind of annoying.
Still less annoying than them retexturing my whole map for no obvious reason, and an awesome early birthday present
Good stuff! More like dis.
Semmo they already had one in 4v4?
United Kingdom1381 Posts
The 4v4 scene is so stale, I can't wait to play this on ladder!