Well todays my brothers birthday, happy.birthday to him. We are currently sitting in the car waiting for my parents to drive us to his birthday dinner. Currently, I am sitting here on my in an uncomfortablr silence. Why? Of all days, my parents are arguing about something. It is a full out yelling match. Thats ehat my mom resorts to when she tries to make a point.
And its just getting louder and louder and has been going on for about 15 mins now. One part of me wants to interrupt whatever they are fighting about, tell them to shut up get along. They are being selfish right now by fighting like this in such an obvious moment on what is supposed to be a more cheerful day. As a parent, why make the kid suffer (he's turning 17 so almost not a kid), on his birthday like this?
But alas, the other part of me tells me not to get involved. Although I want to help their marriage and help them get through what is going on, but the predominant arguing poimt that I have had to argue against my parents is the experience card. They are older than me, therefore they know more than me.
Well, idk where this was heading but I don't have anything else to do right now and its all that's on my mind right now. I feel bad for them, bad for my brother, bad that I don't think I can help them with anything because they always just shrug off whatever I have to say.
Tell your brother happy birthday from Epishade on TL. That will cheer him up.
Just gotta take it for what it is. Talk to your bro. Tell him TL wishes him a happy birthday and ask him to come join. ^_^
Looks like this has since been concluded, but I would have just gone up to them and ask if they can argue/discuss "it" (whatever it is) later because you are both waiting. Don't pick sides or argue with them, just tell them you're waiting and if they can postpone the discussion that would be great!
It's pretty annoying when your family does NOTHING BUT YELL. My family is like that. Every little insignificant thing has to turn into some obnoxious screaming match while I'm trying not to get involved. Shit sucks yo.
Last thing you ever want to do is get involved thinking you can do something about it.
You can't do shit. Trust me, been there, tried to do that - all it does is deteriorate the situation even more. The best thing you can do is stay out of it (which is SO HARD to do, it's more difficult to stay out then butt in and tell them to get along). Your parents are adults in a committed relationship. They have to sort out THEIR problems THEMSELVES. You CANNOT do it for them.
Please do not try.
They shrug off what you have to say because it is not YOUR relationship, it is theirs. But you can make it known that you are not happy with their fighting (but NEVER while they are fighting). Do not try to play the Dr. It is so very hard to stay out, but believe it or not, it is the best thing you can possibly do.
Telling them to shut the f up and leave you and your brother out of their shit is not getting involved. It is basic self defense. They don't own you. Just tell them to have their (most likely stupid) arguments when you or your brother are not around.
Happy Bday to your brother and gl + hf in all your future endeavors!