i remember there was a cd with all remixes about this song. I mean it, just a cd with the same song over and over, remixed. Great song and quite catchy if you like the tunes.
here's more on japanese TV. Human Tetris... i mean, really... the guys must fit through the holes or get override by the wall - still hilarious for me and watched it without sound =D
i'm in ur shower... what can i do...
this pics really crack me up. Sometime i'll post all the ones i have downloaded while pretending to work...
anyhow, here's the link about wet cats. Those fluffy things that appear to be really cute are actually reincarnation of gremlins...
i mean it...
PD: again, plz rate/comment the blog. It's good to see if there's any interest in me keeping posting stuff. I might remember to do it more often