red didn't have detection. blue brought a changeling with his infestors. red targeted the changeling, but when blue saw the roach attack animation, he thought they were targeting his infestors, so he unburrowed to get away
good players will always watch their burrowed infestors, so what i'm thinking is this:
if you suspect or know of burrowed movement play, but can't keep your overseer(s) everywhere they need to be, keep a ling/changeling or 2 in your roach/infestor army just to take a good thwack at. if your opponent sees your roaches even begin their attack animation, he's going to unburrow his infestors immediately so he doesn't get fungal'd/ran down by roaches
edit: it might be even better in tvz. have a marine you don't particularly like? frag that son of a bitch and you just might win the game because of the knee-jerk unburrow reaction the sound of 10 siege tanks firing at the same time ought to provoke.