How I became a progamer (Sorta)
So TL.net, whats up. Haven't been posting much, your just not that intresting when I have a shitty internet conection and easy schoolwork. (4chan is just so much more fun ) But anyway, I have 500 posts. You know what that means? I have to give back to the community. Could be through a cool picture, a replay pack or an interview of an awesome community memeber.
But instead I will be telling a cool story. About how I won $1 through playing a little game called SC2.
On March the 6th, I had moderation day. Don't exactly know 100% what this day entails for my teachers, but I know that I get a day off. Sounds good right?
So being the nerdy kid that I am, I arrange to meetup with my SC2 bro and go to our local lan cafe, to play some games.
We get there, and after walking down the stairs to the underground lan cafe(I really wish I had a camera to take pictures with >_>, blog's going to be so boring without them), I see a guy with a teamliquid t-shirt on.
I pay for my time there, and we start messing around, talking about what we're going to do. My friend's computer however does not have SC2 on it, so we get moved. And I get sat right next to the TL guy.
Now, being the typical cocky SC2 player (SEA Diamond bitches), im commenting on his game while we're getting moved around the place, trying to get computers working. My computer has SC2 working, but my friend's does not, again. So he has to get moved. Instead of waiting for him, I think to myself.
"I can take this scrub"
The "scrub" has noticed my existence and has made eye contact with me. As I go to my friend I ask him.
"Wanna 1v1?"
He replies.
"Yeah man, what league are you"
"Hey same!"
Wait, shit... Well can't back down now
"Allright, money match then? Just like 1 dollar"
Wait... What?
"Sure. Bo3 though. What race do you play?"
"Uh, Zerg?"
"Cool, I play Zerg or Protoss"
Wait... Shit...
I sat down. All thoughts of playing a relaxing 2v2 with my friend disappeared. I had just challenged someone directly infront of me to a game where not just ladder points are on the line. I had openly challenged someone to a game of Starcraft where money was on the line. I knew how Boxer must feel (Somewhat, anyway)
The first game, he went Zerg on Daybreak. It ended up with a pretty standard ling/bling war, except I played very agressively while droning behind it. I ended up breaking his defense while teching to hive. I got 1 really good baneling off, and I won.
"Shit man, that was a pretty lucky baneling"
"Nope, not luck, I just microed badly"
The next game was on Entombed Valley. Zerg vs Protoss. I opened with 14/14 into not getting speed, but expanding. I then quickly teched to lair (I had lost most of PvZ's because of my reliance on lings and not roaches). I then scouted his stuff with a fast overseer and saw he was going gateway/phoniex's. I responded with spire/roaches The phoniex's then moved out. I lost a couple of overlords. Thankfully I scouted his gateway army moving out and started pumping roaches. Then he pushed in.
But then something amazing happened. My army wasn't 12 lings, it was 15 roaches and lings.
He ended up losing his entire army.
"Wait, I just won a dollar?"
And that was how I became a progamer. Seeya at GSL 2015.
+ Show Spoiler +Hahaha, not serious about that GSL part. Also due to writing this from memory, some of facts are blurred. But you get the general gist. Thanks to the dude in the TL top. You made that day awesome. After our games, I played SC:BW with my friend, and we just ended up talking about Starcraft while I was playing, it was fucking awesome. If you read this post man, tell me. Your fucking awesome ))) TRY AND ARRANGE A CANBERRA BARCRAFT. I WANNA SIT AROUND WHILE OLDER PEOPLE GET PISSED AND SHOUT AT THE SCREEN
+ Show Spoiler +Also, suggestions on what I should spend that dollar on?
Also trying to get to 499 posts before posting this is hard mang.
There are Canberra people here? Hi.
Nice read. Was that The Barracks?
I would totally go to a Canberra Barcraft.
Haha. Love it man. I started reading this post thinking "pro-gamer... who is this guy?"
But seriously, winning something at Starcraft really makes you feel like a progamer for that short moment. You don't need the fans, just that moment of win :D!
Hey nice blog there....would have been awesome with pictures but good work nonetheless. I am from India but play on the EU server and really miss such kind of community interactions.
Wait, you're in diamond and you use 14/14 without getting speed vs toss. God, how can I possibly be in platinum?
EDIT: Oh you're on SEA, I suppose that explains it? lol
I'm from Canberra (though live in Sydney). Only time I've been to The Barracks, or tried, was on a Saturday night after some drinking. The dude behind the counter was utterly incredulous that we thought we could just waltz into an internet cafe at midnight on a Saturday and assume there would be computers available. Some LAN party event. Satireday.
On March 06 2012 20:35 Tobberoth wrote: Wait, you're in diamond and you use 14/14 without getting speed vs toss. God, how can I possibly be in platinum?
EDIT: Oh you're on SEA, I suppose that explains it? lol
It can also just be used as mind games, if a toss see's the gas, he might be afraid of a roach ling all in and play more defensive.
Cool story though man! Spend the dollar on something you can eat, then you can taste your victory!
On March 06 2012 20:41 how wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2012 20:35 Tobberoth wrote: Wait, you're in diamond and you use 14/14 without getting speed vs toss. God, how can I possibly be in platinum?
EDIT: Oh you're on SEA, I suppose that explains it? lol It can also just be used as mind games, if a toss see's the gas, he might be afraid of a roach ling all in and play more defensive. Cool story though man! Spend the dollar on something you can eat, then you can taste your victory! That's true, kind of wierd to use against a complete stranger in the second game of a BO3 though. I mean, actually doing a roach/ling allin would make sense, but gimping your build by faking it seems a bit weird.
Using the gas to get an early lair in ZvP makes very little sense unless you're going for some really early mutas or infestors, which either way is better pulled off by getting gas after expansion... there's just no way to have use for a gas that early unless going for speed.
On March 06 2012 20:35 Tobberoth wrote: Wait, you're in diamond and you use 14/14 without getting speed vs toss. God, how can I possibly be in platinum?
EDIT: Oh you're on SEA, I suppose that explains it? lol An optimal opening or otherwise doesn't dictate how good you are at those levels, you probably have a solid opening but are weak in other equally important areas. No need to bash SEA, if anything it says he's the stronger macro/micro player cause he still does well with a bad opening.
On March 06 2012 18:32 slam wrote: That was me!
Made me laugh
TL is always bringing people together ^^
Showmatch! Best of 9! Make it happen :D
i just checked the site about the barracks in canberra, what fucking rip off. $5.50 for the 1st hour then $4.50 for the 2nd. I wish they just closed it down, that price is so disgustingly high, even for australian standards.
On March 06 2012 21:20 Scarecrow wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2012 20:35 Tobberoth wrote: Wait, you're in diamond and you use 14/14 without getting speed vs toss. God, how can I possibly be in platinum?
EDIT: Oh you're on SEA, I suppose that explains it? lol An optimal opening or otherwise doesn't dictate how good you are at those levels, you probably have a solid opening but are weak in other equally important areas. No need to bash SEA, if anything it says he's the stronger macro/micro player cause he still does well with a bad opening. Which is the sad part. It's not about having a good/bad opening, it's about having the understanding of the game to know what makes sense and what doesn't, but SC2 is more about how you win that one huge engagement than strategy.
Haha nice story. Always nice to see how just being in the same community (TL) can mean an instant friendliness towards someone.
An entertaining read! Way to give back to the community for your 500th post!
On March 06 2012 18:25 Bswhunter wrote:
But anyway, I have 500 posts. You know what that means? I have to give back to the community.
Nice story, but I don't know why everyone has this attitude.
On March 07 2012 07:36 Jedclark wrote:Show nested quote +On March 06 2012 18:25 Bswhunter wrote:
But anyway, I have 500 posts. You know what that means? I have to give back to the community. Nice story, but I don't know why everyone has this attitude.
what's wrong with it? lol gj winning your dollar xD
your Country52797 Posts
Now that you've tasted the overwhelming and complex flavor of the progaming delight dish... Do you want to go back?
Spend the dollar on a candy bar :D