Canada45 Posts
On March 06 2012 13:17 gosuMalicE wrote: Well lets see, Starting at 10pm last night and up to about 6pm today (slept from about 6am-9am), I read the first 3/4 s of a 400level photonics & optoelectronics textbook, memorized ~50 complex diagrams and graphs, and countless more equations. Then wrote one of the most difficult tests of life that was based on me having an absolute concrete understanding of those things. Aced it. Also did basically the same thing last Thursday for my Discrete Signals Processing class, and will be doing it again this Friday for my communications systems class. Oh and i only procrastinated studying so i had time to do my other homework and design projects.
Engineering is fun kids, learning to function on a schedule of like 3hours sleep most nights, on top of 12-16 hours of work every day (including weekends) is a good skill. (unless you are a civil then you just drink every day and never go to class to earn your 90%, or 4.0+ for you Americans)
First year engineering in Alberta here and that sounds exactly like what I've already experienced. Obviously my stuff isn't 400 level but I find it tough enough to do the 100 level stuff just due to the shear amount of work we have to do.
Procrastinating, therefore, becomes not a choice but a requirement. You go into every week knowing that you don't really have enough time to get everything done, and that you therefore need to decide what assignments can be left until the last minute. Cause something will certainly need to be left until potentially minutes before it is due.
Worst procrastination I ever did was in high school where we had to pick 10 quotes from each act of Hamlet (50 quotes total) and write a half page explanation of each one. Started it almost exactly 24 hours before it was due. Banged out a good 20+ pages of BS on Shakespeare. Got an 80.
Mission accomplished.
Live long and prosper (=O) fellow procrastinators.
You know what they say....
Hard work always pays off later, but procrastination pays off now.
My procrastination story:
I have a set of questions about Frankenstein that I have due on Wednesday at 12 pm. I still have to write about 4 more pages on it. On Thursday, I have a 8 page poetry analysis assignment on about 6 poems that I haven't started on and it is due Thursday at 12 pm. I have 20 pages of reading for this biology chapter that I have to do tomorrow because the test is on Wednesday. I have 30 pages of reading for my Government class that I have to do by Thursday. I have this 1 hour statistic assignment that I have due tomorrow, I did half of it and I'll probably due the other half in the morning, tomorrow. And I have all my daily calculus homework.
Despite all of these assignments, I'll probably never read the biology or government chapters. SENIORITIS! FTW!! Instead, I'm procrastinating by reading blogs made by stupid people on TL (JK about the stupid people part). I'ma probably going to play a game of SC2 afterwards and go on Yahoo! Answers to answer some questions that I shouldn't be giving advice about. Then, I'll probably go downstairs to get something to eat and play some Jetpack Joyride on my ipod for an hour. Around 1:30am, I'll probably get started on my homework. This is basically my daily schedule.
I would tell you of my great battles with procrastination. I would tell you of the weekend spent running around the greater KC area trying to find people to interview for presentation I had Monday morning, or trying to cram 6 hours of labor into 30 unsupervised minutes. Hell I would tell you of how I would get a haircut 2 minutes before showing up at a restaurant to meet someone. BUT, what usually happens is I wait till the last couple hours, decide in my head that its not worth it, and drop the class/activity/responsibility. So I guess I'm not much of a procrastinator, more of a lazy ass.
On March 06 2012 12:01 lubu42 wrote:
So I was curious. What are your guys' procrastination stories?? College Student
Played video games/ate out/got drunk for 3/4 of the semester. Decide to go to calculus class with about 4-5 weeks left in the semester, teacher tells me there's a test next week, "you going to come?"... I'm like well since I know its there... why not? (I had not attended the previous two tests because I had no idea when they were). The next class is the next day of the week, so I go out have a good time, come back... In the morning I start playing some games thinking I had lots of time, look at my schedule "OH #%@^, My exam started 30 minutes ago!" 45 minutes into the 75minute exam, I walk in... Teacher smiles at me and she's like whatever, take a test and sit down. 30 minutes later, time's up, didn't finish the last page (8%) of the test because I lacked time, got 91% on the exam, teacher so impressed she allows me to retake the previous two exams. same week, I take those two exams, Score: 98, 96.
3-4 weeks of work (kind of), I passed every class (that wasn't attendance based) in good standing.
My procrascination story: I have to implelment the physics of a cannon, the cannon ball, the particle effects, and the surrounding enviroment in a 3D physics engine for my class. We were given 2 weeks. I did it an hour before. Along with my quiz, and my mathematics assignment all for that one class. I am doing the exact same thing this week as well, just not the same assignment. In high school, I never studied, never did 'homework' (did it in class or in studyhall (maybe)). I have been getting a solid 3.6 in both High school and college. What I have learned? Well, the nagging "what-if" I had put more effort in for a 3.9 or 4.0 and I would be in a better school perhaps. But would I be happy? My procrasination story is that it makes me happy, so why not do it?
On March 06 2012 14:28 Chairman Ray wrote: Will update post with story later *Shakes Fist* My story will come even later.
Oh procrastination my arch nemesis. If it wasn't for you, I, like many others would be like Leonardo da Vindi.
Last semester I studied only the day before, 90 typed pages of economics theory. It was no fun, and I still haven't got the result. But the results for the rest of my classes are pretty good =]