I love swimming.
When I first get into the pool I have a mental battle with myself in order to jump into the pool. Every time I make myself go in i feel like ive accomplished an act of mental discipline.
I'm not a technically perfect swimmer, my form is wonky, my flipturns are wierd, but i dont swim to get the fastest times. Im the kid that cant sit still in class. I have a million little tics. I push up my glasses, play with my ear, rub my nose, chew on my lip, drum my fingers against my thumb like im shooting a paintball gun or spamming sdsdsdsdsdsdsdsd at the start of a game.
When i get into the pool i attack the water. swimmings a full body workout. Whatever ocd instinct that makes me do all those tics gos into ecstasy mode when i'm churning up the water. It feels so good to feel the power flowing out of me into the water. Every stroke is sweet release. When I pull my arm through the water Im scratching a million itches all at once.
The best part of swimming is when its over. Then I sit in the sauna and feel the endocannabanoid and endorphins slamming into their receptors.I start to buzz with a cannabis like high. I can't wait to destroy some food, I know my depression won't start to creep back until tomorrow. I feel so accomplished and strong.
Cardiovascular exercise will not make you feel better than drugs, but it will make you feel good! and theres no comedown! I don't know how people stay sane without it.
Reminds me of a good sprint. The feeling at the end and at the beginning where you hit the track, mmm.
aaa must run.
I like running too! I think I prefer swimming because it forces me to control my breathing, which has great mental benefits as well! I know good runners regulate their breathing but I lack the discipline to do that T.T
You made me want to go swimming  I love that feeling of peace when I am underwater - it's a different world. However, nobody could get me in Sauna. I hate it - it's too hot and there's not enough open windows etc. edit: another thing I love about swimming is that there can't be a problem with sweating.
Inspirational! I think I might hit the lap pool today for the first time in MONTHS!
I don't like running/jogging but it is by far the easiest and unexpensive way to stay fit. Specially if you have an outdoors area to do it. One thing that makes me do it is the 'high' after the running. After the streaches a good hot or cold shower (depends of the day) just make the day turn out beautiful. After each running session I end it liking a little more of it! Someday I might even love it! Who knows?? ^^
Blog talking about staying healthy by doing exercise? 5/5!
On January 30 2012 06:09 OmyVi wrote: Inspirational! I think I might hit the lap pool today for the first time in MONTHS!
Do it, man! You know you should!
Swimming was nice because it was low impact and thus less injuries. Brings up good memories from my high school swim team. Practicing and waking up early always was a pain, but looking back the bad stuff seems to fade away and you can only remember the victories, fun times with the team, and the crazy shenanigans the team pulled while at the hotel at the state meet. Good times.
I used to swim a lot. I kept getting sick, and losing out on practice time so I could never keep up with my teammates by midseason. Very discouraging and left a bad taste in my mouth regarding swimming.
Used to be a swimmer, this made me want to go for a swim :<
into weightlifting now though but you feel great after swimming just as you wrote!
All you made me do is wanting to swim T____________T