Hey everyone, just wanted to check in with the forum like I do every day. Today I've been laddering and also wondering...Will it be good for me to join a competitive team? I mean I was looking around last night and found eXe to be wanting more players.
I definitely like a good community as well as a diverse range of players (to be coached and coach in return and practice with everyone!) but at the same time ladder gives me the anonymous and mysterious cheeses, all-ins, and wacky tech games that I have to defend and defeat in order to get to my goal of Diamond league (masters is a reach, and so is the time committment toward it)
I also wonder if I would enjoy casting and if the community would like it. This would bring me to the low-level tournament scene as well as give me some streaming experience and try my hand at entertaining at SC2 while still critically analyzing the games going on before me so that I understand the game better.
In the end I may just keep MMMing my way to macro-victories against zergs who can't tech past banelings or terran who leave 1 too few tanks behind to cover drops before I crush their armies or toss who can't handle two drops at once.
So what do you guys think, especially those also on the field to getting better in this blog section? Should I actively look for a team to play with and tourny with or should I just ladder? Should I stream and cast or just study my replays even more and play even more? The inspiration for me to cast and stream is to be a part of the community, and I feel so "ivory tower" after 10+ ladder games with no more said that GL and HF with the occasional GG.
Well, this will be seen as quite biased seeing as I'm one of the division heads for eXe But, this really does depend on what you want to do, I know there are quite a few guys in eXe who stream/commentate and who could help you out with that, our partnerships help out with that as well, but eh, I don't really know all that much about them as I was on a hiatus for a bit.
If you really want to figure this out, I can get you in touch with one of our NA heads, either Trumpcard, Hydro, Firnafth, or Frost are your best bets, with your best for general knowledge of eXe being Firnafth as she was, and is, in charge of the introductory system for the SC2 branch.
As far why you should look for a community to join, you'll get to face things that have been practiced to death by people, (looking at you, Roman) as well as people who may not have the best mechanics, but have such a deep understanding of the game that they can point out what was done incorrectly, and that you may have missed if you were simply looking over replays on your own. And if you do stream with commentary, you should do a healthy mix, if you are constantly casting live, there will be a lot of times where you're simply going "fuck fuck fuck, what the shit is he doing now!?" without being able to explain what happened live, which is where you can go into a replay afterwards and go over the mechanics and thought processes involved in either holding the random cheese/well executed attack or failing to defend it and figuring out what you could have done better to hold it off. I know that personally, if all that's being casted, even if it's being cast well live, you miss some of the more important aspects in the heat of the moment than if you were doing a commentary of a replay.
You don't necessarily need a team, especially since you know what you are doing wrong. However, joining a team can help a ton. Not sure about the tournaments, though. They might give you a bad mentality, but they may also function as strong motivation to constantly improve, but you can kerfuffle that too.