terran or zerg? check its genitals
So for some reason I had received enough information through subliminal channels to rule out that his race was indeed Protoss, but not enough so that I knew if he was Terran or Zerg.
Some where around 8 food I seemed to have forclosed on the idea that my opponent was indeed Zerg, and I sent a probe to place my first pylon below my ramp
looks simple enough
Now that I had dropped the pylon there, there was no turning back. On 15, I put up my nexus followed by the all important forge, leaving a space for a gateway and a cannon in good enough positions. I then send my probe to scout counter-clockwise, as this is how Zerg would scout me and I forgot to check for the overlord's arrival to the east of my Nexus.
I didn't see the creep at the top right expansion and I was just beginning to proceed up the ramp with my scout when a probe back home met an unexpected visitor. He had just finished placing the 2nd pylon, tucked away to prevent zergling runbys beneath the southern geyser when he found himself standing face-to-face with some zerg mutation
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Could it be?? He had to get a closer look. He managed to snap this photo with his cell phone.
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He still was not convinced. He had to TASTE the metal suit of the SCV, he had to FEEL THE COLD STEEL PRESSED UP AGAINST HIM to believe a Terran was on the map.
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Alas! This was a PvT, but he and his buddy, who fled the natural long ago, were given blueprints from the Nexus for a PvZ opener. Being the intelligent probe that he was, he ordered for the cancellation of the forge and the construction of two additional gateways! Actually the probe didn't make the decision.
It was me sitting here thinking to myself, wow fuck this game. But then I remembered that I had practiced this build many times before. The exact build order unfolded behind my eyes as though I had rehearsed it since my first cognizant thought:
PvZ->T 15 Nexus Alpha
9 Pylon
15 Nexus
15 Forge (cancel at 99%)
17 Pylon
18 gate
18 gas
Make sure you cancel your forge right before it finishes, right after your opponent scouts you (long before you would have scouted him, mind you) and right as you realize you had no idea you were using a PvZ opener against a Terran player. If he doesn't scout you in time, you're doing it wrong.
I proceeded to hold the subsequent bunker rush to the best of my abilities. I'm still not sure how I managed to let him get a bunker up so closely to the nexus. I feel like I should have scouted that..
If this looks serene to you, it's because you can't hear the rat tat tat tat rat tat tat tat
I ended up losing 5 zealots and 3 probes on the bust, killing 2 bunkers, 6 scvs and 2 marines. We end up being just about even, as his gasless 1 rax fe was on par with my 15 nexus after I had to spend so much money on zealots, not to mention he has 2 OC's worth of mules.
Because of the early mishap, I approached the game a bit differently from here on out. I was counting on my opponent playing very conservative after he had showed so much aggression early on, so I decided to go for speed warp prism colossus drop, a style that is very effective against a safe-playing 2 base terran opener. If they rush up to reactor'd port after 2 rax, a pair of early vikings can spoil your fun somewhat. Indeed, my opponent was producing off of 4 barracks before teching up factory, meaning he wanted to hit a pretty strong timing before colossus were out, though without medivacs.
Instead, my opponent used the safety of his opening to secure a greedy third instead of hitting a timing. This seems smart, as colossi are much stronger on defense when they pop out in time to hold the racks push than when they walk across the map to try to punish a Terran who takes a quick 3rd and has medivacs by the time you get there.
This decision, while smart in its own right, helped my style. It would be much harder for him to defend three bases from the dreaded colossus drop--much harder than two! Not having sniffed out a two base timing, I leave with the colossus and plant a third Nexus.
A Speed prism is fast as hell! Before I knew it, I had a colossus in my opponent's mineral line. Do you know what a congo line of scvs looks like when it runs from a colossus that spontaneously appears from a butterfly in the sky? Something like this:
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Sense: This picture makes none
As bad ass as this looks, you rarely get big shots off on scvs. Scvs move pretty fast, and the colossus is pretty clunky and his AOE allows you to only hit one or 2 patches at a time. It does stop their mining, however. I guess that would cancel out mules in a perfect world. lol. So I stop by the nat and stop mining there, and then stop by the fresh third which I didn't know had existed and started rippin shit up over there.
apparently you don't even need to drop the damn thing to cause mass panic.
Utter chaos ensues.
Where the fuck are we going
Even though my colossus only got 6 kills, he stopped my terran opponent from ever getting any drop harass of his own off the ground. He was stuck defending something he could not possibly catch! How many stimmed marines does it take to catch a speed prism that has an equal move speed? Most terrans seem to think the answer is "all of them" much in the same way we protoss players approach defending single medivac drops with stalkers. I was managing to keep my macro up while harassing, and then suddenly I was 40 food ahead! Because my tech route had been so funky, My upgrades were quite behind. I was working only working on 1/1 to his soon to be 2/1, but I had 5 colosi out to his 4 vikings, 75 probes to his 63 scvs.
HT tech on the way, too :p
My opponent had placed enough turrets to where harassing with colossus drops were hard to make cost effective. I proceed to move into build&conquer mode, adding several gates and take a 4 and soon a 5th. This gets boring so I decide to resume dropping colossuses.
nothing that shoots in sight. and my colossus is drawn to those red health bars like a rhinoceros in heat
At last I land a shot! The Terran pulled his SCVS quick enough as I barely even got that shot. As you can see, it could have been a lot worse for him:
this feels so satisfying
On a subsequent attempt after the vikings had cleared, I almost lined up a real money shot, but 6 range feels so short when scvs clump up at 7 range
caught with his leg in the cookie jar
Him not being able to mine all of the timed paired with the fact that his drop harass is nonexistant nets me a very strong lead in the middle game. I can secure my 5th at the gold no problem as he struggles to establish his 4th. His current max is stronger than mine because I need food to make workers lol, but I can trade all day thanks to my 20 warpgates supplying 40 food worth of meat to the field immediately. It's only a matter of time
fucking stupid imba protoss deathball
The game from here is pretty straight forward with a lot of a-movement. I guess what you should take away from this is that colossus drops are pretty good in pvt.
good thing he wasn't protoss '-.-
heres the replay if you want. actually all of the replay sites are giving me shit so i guess pm me for it or post a replay site that actually works right now :p