I have recently started drawing and it's seriously the most fun thing ever; and being a long-time Starcraft fanboy, it was only natural I'd end up honing my portrait-drawing skillz on proleague stars.
I couldn't help myself but start with the most handsome of them all, so there it is!
+ Show Spoiler +(In case you're wondering about the hair or whatever, I've drawn it after an early 2010 pic because that's when he was most definitely in his prime in the LookingGood league! :D)
Any sort of feedback is more than welcome; and if you have any questions about drawing or something, I'll be happy to answer - bear in mind though, you're talking to a n00b. :p
Also, a poll for my next victim!
+ Show Spoiler +Poll: Who should be nextJaedong (18) 56% Boxer (9) 28% Someone else (please post who if you go for this!) (4) 13% oGsInCa (1) 3% 32 total votes Your vote: Who should be next (Vote): Jaedong (Vote): Boxer (Vote): oGsInCa (Vote): Someone else (please post who if you go for this!)
Obviously nada should be next ^^
I LOVE IT. Maybe its because I'm not a good artist, but i think it looks really cool. Can I get a vote for Lomo?
how can you resist a face like that?
It looks really good! One thing I would point out to you is the line weight-- heavier vs lighter lines. Heavy lines would look really good on something like the jacket, but less good on the hair, because the hair is fluffier. The other thing is to consider where to put the lines. Very few things actually have lines irl. Wherever you used tone looks really good, so keep it up!
Wow that's amazing *___* I really admire your hand drawing skills.
New Zealand1975 Posts
Nice work! You should find a way to send it to the players themselves I'm sure they would appreciate fan art.
Bisutopia19144 Posts
That's going in my secret stash of Bisu I hide under my bed.
Leta. Most girly girl guy. Almost.
Thanks for all the comments seems like Jaedong's a pretty clear favourite for my next target, can't believe not a single person said InCa though, that guy has the brightest smile ever
And yeah, I know what you mean about line weight - it's actually super obvious how much better the hairline looks at the top of his head where I made the line lighter than the heavier lines on the sides do. Going to fix that first thing in the morning tomorrow, bedtime now though!
That doesn't look noob at all, nice work.
Looks amazing :O Go draw Nada !
I though this was supposed to be a noob drawing, not a freaking work of art!
Bisu, the Prince of Protoss.
How about MC giving his trademark thumbs down?
This is awesome! Draw Jangbi next.