Though I have lived 22 winters, I have never gotten a game console before (PC games ftw, I guess). Recently, however, I am considering getting something hand-held, like an NDS, to spend time while on a bus (most likely I will be riding a bus for ~3 hours, 4 days a week, starting September).
So my question is, is an NDS worth getting? If you own one, how do you think of it? Since I have never gotten any items like this before, I am not sure what my demands are, but some general comments will help greatly.
EDIT #2:
Thanks for everyone's valuable input so far and I've gained a lot of knowledge of this item. I understand now that I need to get a console plus a memory card of some sort which allows me to illegally download games for free to play on the console. I think I will definitely get the duo.
Some research from my part shows that there is a slightly newer console called NDSi. Should I get that one? Also, about R4 being "outdated", how exactly is it bad and what are my alternatives?
Hi everyone. I just bought NDSl with TT (like R4) today. Then I realized that I bought the wrong memory for TT (my reaction: TT___TT). After some rest I will go again and get it exchanged for the right one... I am sure BestBuy will forgive my stupidity... or I hope anyways. Idealy I can play it tonight! :D
Fixed~!!! playing yoshi's island right now ^_^
Again many thanks for everyone's input. I really apprepriate it.
Yup. Make sure you get a R4DS card so then you can download the games for free.
^ R4 is essential. And I recommend you buy it from here. It's where I bought mine and I did not have any problems. Fast delivery and cheap price.
Also, the DS hold something like 70% of hand held console sales. Lots of people like playing it, but everyone is different. If you don't want to think you'll be wasting a few hundred, borrow a friends DS, like me I had it for a week and wanted one. Some people might find that they don't like it.
Lastly, there are tons and tons of games to be played. No matter what genre you enjoy, the DS will have it.
Nintendo DS's are great. I would recommend looking into Picross (puzzle game), Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney (sort of like a choose your adventure novel), and The World Ends With You (RPG). These are my personal favorites, but there are plenty of other games to satisfy your needs.
Yes R4/Cyclos is required though.
I got a DS for christmas a couple years back, and it's pretty cool. I've spent countless hours playing PuzzleQuest and the FF remakes, but overall, it seems hard to find good games since it's mostly targetted at a younger audience.
Imo, Nintendo DS is THE console with the best games since the SNES.
Of course, there's a ton of crappy games, but if you know where to look, there's a very good amount of gems. Amongst my favorites:
-Contra 4 -Phoenix Wright serie - Megaman XY - New Super Mario Bros - New Tetris - The World Ends WIth You - Advance Wars - GTA Chinatown Wars - Korg DS-10 - Zelda Phantom Hourglass - Mario Kart DS - Castlevania, Dawn of Sorrow - Chrono Trigger DS - Ninjatown - Elite Beat Agents
Those games are also fairly cheap too, ranging from 25 to 40$.
It makes a great ebook reader if you get DSReader.
CycloDS is sweet... I had an r4 but it breaks after a little while and its getting kind of outdated. The CycloDS is better because it has the option to upgrade the microsd card to larger memory.
yeah but don't get an R4..those are outdated and the original R4 company doesn't create anymore updates. All the other R4's that are coming out are pirated ones of the original R4. I suggest getting an AceKard since those are updated frequently and cheaper too .
^ what he said. R4 is outdated and horrible. research some other flashcards and pick your pick. just not R4
United States22883 Posts
On my computer I currently have Prototype, Oblivion, Fallout 3, Dead Space, Crysis, Bioshock, Assassin's Creed, The Witcher, GTA SA/VC/IV, etc. Guess what gets the most play time- my computer or my DS. 
The R4 is totally out of date. CycloDS is ok, but more expensive. http://www.electrobee.com/real-perfect-bundle-rumble-p-29.html
That's probably the best package you can find now. M3 Real has good support and is as modern as anything else (with RT save, brightness adjustment, cheat codes, etc.) The UI isn't great, but I've never seen a card with a good UI. I definitely recommend the GBA pack though. There are still a lot of great GBA games to play.
Put a poll up next time. I would say no unless you don't like books. Then yeah of course.
O wow I didn't know you can read books off it (is the screen too small for that????). That's simply amazing and I would find it extremely useful.
Yeah R4 is antiquated.
Acekard from dealextreme is the best deal.
I heard from a friend that I should get a "cracked" NDS that would allow me to download (illegally, alas, but pirating rocks so meh!). Does that have to do with R4?
Should have read more carefully I guess. So does that mean I should buy a console + R4? O_o
There are no "cracked" NDS. There are "cracked" PSP though.
damn thats a long bus ride.
but get the acekard, frmo dealextreme if you can wait for 7days+ because it ships from Hong Kong. DS Lite are lesser than $120. which is so good. with near ~100 good games to try out.
On June 16 2009 11:32 illu wrote: O wow I didn't know you can read books off it (is the screen too small for that????). That's simply amazing and I would find it extremely useful.
lolol he means if he doesnt like reading books, then get a ds. Why on earth would you read on a DS if you can just have the actual book
On June 16 2009 11:44 bdams19 wrote:Show nested quote +On June 16 2009 11:32 illu wrote: O wow I didn't know you can read books off it (is the screen too small for that????). That's simply amazing and I would find it extremely useful. lolol he means if he doesnt like reading books, then get a ds. Why on earth would you read on a DS if you can just have the actual book
Some of my books are electronic so having some sort of reader is also in my consideration. I once saw a girl on the bus using one made by Sony with a display screen of roughly 4-5 inch diagonally and I was very intrigued. Regrettably I did not ask her about it.