Updated September 2.
Graduating year
Major/other info
Note: If you go to UMCP or CMU, PM me and I can hook you up with some SC peoples =D
+ Show Spoiler [2009 College List] +
Arizona State University
Xenixx ('09/'10) - Psychology / Network Admin, transfer from MCC
Pyrrhuloxia ('10) - Political Science
Atrioc ('12) - Economics
Auburn University
anotak ('11) - Software Engineering
Auburn University Montgomery
imabossdude ('10) - Accounting
Baylor University
ketomai ('13) - Biology/Premed
Brooklyn College
QuickStriker ('11/'12) - 2011-12? (unsure since I'm transferring with unknown # of credits that will be accepted, put me down for 2011 for now), Broadcast Journalism.....
Bloomfield College
d1sh0ng ('11) - Music Technology- Record Production/Audio Engineering
Brigham Young University
Nylan ('14) - Philosophy (for now...)
California Institute of Technology
Saracen ('13)
klizzer ('13) - Electrical Engineering, might change this though
category ('10) - Mathematics
oxidized ('10) - Physics and Engineering & Applied Sciences
California Polytechnic State University
koreakool ('13) - Aerospace Engineering
frozenkatkiller ('11) - Electrical Engineering
California State University, San Bernardino
Biochemist ('11) - Majoring in Biochemistry
California State University San Marcos
Carthac - Majoring in Psych
Cardiff University
Megalolzz ('15) - medicine
Carnegie Mellon University
gzealot ('13) - School of Computer Science
R3condite ('11) - School of Computer Science
Snipinpanda ('12) - Electrical and Computer Engineering
piko ('13) - ECE, minor in CS
teh leet newb ('12) - Computer Science
Cobalt ('13) - Computer Science
Slynki ('12) - Chemical and Biomedical Engineering
vishrut ('13) - ECE
d34gl3r ('13) - ece
Crunchums ('12) - math
nosliw - grad student in ChE
rotinegg ('11) - ece
Send me or Snipinpanda a PM if you're interested in doing Collegiate Starcraft League next year, or are just interested in finding people to play with.
Case Western Reserve University
kNyTTyM ('13) - Bio (pre-med)
arlber ('11) - Electrical Engineering
yoden ('09/'10) - BS '09, MS '10, major: Computer Science
Colby College
Steelflight-Rx ('10) - Chemistry
The College of New Jersey
EFF_TotaL ('13)
College of Southern Nevada
VorcePA - Mechanical Engineer
College of William and Mary
EchOne ('10) - Marketing
Columbia University
skronch ('10) - Electrical Engineering
ydg ('12)
Cornell University
fanatacist (extramural) - first semester
Dartmouth College
SpiritoftheTunA ('13) - probable major: physics / math doublemajor
Duke University
SilverskY ('11) - biomedical engineering
unsoundlogic ('12) - Biomed/Econ
ItchReliever ('10)
OneOther ('13) - poli sci (pre-law)
Emily Carr University
Emory University
LiLu ('12) - biology
DE_NaDA ('13) - Psychology with Minor in Music
ESSEC Business School, Paris
MK ('11) - International Management
The Evergreen State College
cgrinker - computer sciences
Ferris State University
iSiN ('11) - Applied Mathematics; Computer Science Concentration, Computer Information Systems Minor
George Mason University
StorrZerg ('11) - Information Technology
theobsessed1 ('13) - Information Technology
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Archerofaiur ('13)
Georgia Tech
hasuprotoss ('12) - mathematics
Ideas ('12) - computation media
Glasgow Caledonian University
Eishi_Ki ('11) - Accounting and Finance
Harvard University
jinjohn ('11) - Math (advisor: Richard Taylor, Rapoport-Zink cohomology, number theory)
Harvey Mudd College
joewest ('12) - Chemistry
ReketSomething ('12) - Possibly engineering
Illinois State University
Lemonwalrus ('11/'12) - Biology
Indiana University
Xenocide_Knight - Violin Performance
Iowa State University
mcgriddle ('12) - Civil Engineering
Jacksonville University
Osmoses ('09) - Computer science
Johns Hopkins University
DN2perfectionGM ('10) - Biology
Kansas University
zizou21 - French & Philosophy
CatioN ('12) - Psychology. Plan on getting my my masters and medical degree from there aswell
SojT - Philosophy and English -- Technical Writing
Kennesaw State University
Colbi ('09) - Communication (Journalism)
Kettering University (GMI)
petzergling ('13) - comp sci
Louisiana State University
wanderer ('10) - Mathematics
Black Gun ('10) - major: m.sc. statistics
Macalester College
tree.hugger ('13) - No Idea
McGill University
seppolevne ('10) - Physiology
AssuredVacancy ('13) - Biology
Xxio ('13) - East Asian Studies
Freaky[x] ('10/'11) - Major : Electrical Engineering, Masters : Telecommunications & Signal Processing, I have an office in McConnell on the 8th floor aka the secret floor where you have to take the elevator to the 7th floor then go up 1 floor using the stairs
Michigan State University
decafchicken ('12) - Business Pre-law
Miami International University
ShoCkeyy ('10/'11) - Major: Graphic Design, Minor: Advertising
KOFgokuon ('12/'13) - chemical engineering
Ninja[SiN] ('12)
Nazareth College
chekyosikz ('11) - Biology/Philosophy
New Jersey's Science & Technology University
Raithed - Electrical & Computer Engineering / 1.5yrs!
New York University
Carnivorous Sheep ('13) - International Business
GrandInquisitor ('11) - New York University School of Law, Rutgers University '08 (Alum), Computer Science, Chemistry
Olivebay ('13) - Majoring in Physics and Mechanical engineering (for two Bachelor degrees)
XellOs_PlutO ('12) - Finance and Economics, Class of 2012, Currently taking a leave of absence lol
StripedBlueCrow ('10) - Double major Finance and Management with minor in Psychology
Nipissing University
TryThis ('11) - Major: history, but i think its going to change
North Dakota State University
Bosu ('10) - nursing
Northeastern University
-orb- ('11) - Studying Animation
Northwestern University
darkmetal505 ('11) - Biomedical Engineering
Roffles ('12) - Not a fucking clue.
Northern Illinois University
eMbrace ('12) - Computer Science
Old Dominion University
Alpine - Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering
The Ontario College of Art & Design
Friloux ('11) - Drawing/Painting Major
PACE University
Amber[LighT] ('09/'10) - Pleasantville Campus, Graduate Program: White Plains Campus
Pasadena City College
Princeton University
duckett ('13) - electrical eng-neuroscience
hazelynut ('12) - undeclared
azndsh, duckett, Pods, d.arkive, raiame, TheYango, Ja
Purdue University
chameleonia ('10) - History, Anthropology
JDPingpong ('11) - MS - Astrodynamics and Space Applications
Dr. Tran ('13) - College of Engineering, Specific discipline not yet decided
Queen's University
G3CKO ('13) - Major: Engineering
Quinnipiac University
HooTie ('09) - Information Systems Management
Radford University
CaucasianAsian ('12) - Business
Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Jaksiel ('09) - Economics
yenta ('07) - Computer Sci, Computer & Systems Eng, AGH University of Science and Technology '09 - M.E. Applied Computer Science
Royal Military College of Canada
ShaLLoW[baY] ('12) - Aeronautical Engineering
Rutgers University
miseiler - Grad in computational biology
AoN.DimSum ('11) - Electrical Engineering
Ryerson University
XDawn ('11) - Theatre Production
Salem State College
iNCuBuS_ ('09)
San Jose State University
scyper ('12)
x89titan - MIS
Savannah College of Art and Design
KCrazy ('12) - BFA, Painting, Will be x-fering in this fall
Silesian University of Technology
drug_vict1m ('11) - Chemical Technology and Engineering
Simpson University
boesthius ('12/'13) - major: applied music with emphasis on guitar/composition
St. Olaf College
Stratos_speAr ('13) - Music and/or Computer Science Major
Stanford University
Exteray ('12) - Mathematical and Computational Sciences
JWD ('09) - Economics, History
thunk ('13) - Electrical Engineering
hsidori ('11) - Electrical Engineering
phosphorylation ('11) - hoping to double major in music and bio
State University of New York Geneseo
rawk ('13) - Math/Physics double major
State University of New York at Purchase
choboPEon ('10)
Swinburne University of Technology
Imagist ('13) - Multimedia
Texas A&M university
SS-guy ('11) - Industrial Engineering
holy_war ('11) - Civil Engineering
Evilmonkey. ('13) - Major: undecided, Going on an AFROTC scholorship
jw232 ('11) - Computer Engineering
For_The_Swarm ('12) - Nuclear Engineering
Texas State university
Vencedor ('09) - Health and Fitness Management, May be moving on to Texas Tech University for graduate school.
Tidewater Community College
Alpine ('09) - Associate of Science, Engineering
Truman State University
KurtistheTurtle (12) - Undeclared
Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes
Night[Mare - Computer Systems Engineering
University of British Columbia
resonance ('12) - Major: Psychology
University of California, Berkeley
Last Romantic ('12) - Pre-business/Political Science
Kentor ('12) - College of Chemistry, Chemistry
dnastyx ('12) - Political Science/Biochem major
phase ('10) - Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences
davidgurt ('10) - Bioengineering
radiumz0rz ('10) - History, Classics Double Major. Latin minor
Djabanete ('10) - music
University Of California - Davis
intothewrx ('10) - Economics, Chinese
m4gdelen4 ('13) - Biological Systems Engineering
orz.fail ('13) - major: Civil Engineering
BanZu ('13) - Biochemical Engineering
University Of California - Irvine
krazymunky ('10) - international studies, economics
Polar_Nada ('13) - major: chem
University of California, Los Angeles
Centric ('11) - Physiological Science
aZnvaLiaNce ('09) - Mathematics/Economics
CommanderFluffy ('11) - International Economics with Computing
Blind ('10) - Major/other info: Philosophy
University of California, Merced
De4ngus ('13) - Major: Biology
University of California, San Diego
JinSol ('12) - Electrical Engineering
Fontong ('12) - Music/Biology
iloveHieu ('09) - Structural/Civil Engineer
T.O.P ('12) - ERC College, Biochemistry/Chemistry
shavingcream66 ('13) - Biochemistry and cell biology
University of California, Santa Barbara
Braintricks ('12) - former comp eng
University of Central Florida
Whiplash - Digital Media
michael. ('13) - Undeclared
Fr33t ('13) - Computer Science
University of Chicago
Caller - Economics premed
University of Colorado at Boulder
Meta ('11) - Mechanical Engineering
University of Colorado Denver
Hypnosis ('12) - mechanical engineering
University of Connecticut
Rotodyne ('12) - Biomedical Engineering
University of Denver
Jonoman92 ('13) - Engineering
University of Dubrovnik
University Erlangen
poilord - English, history
University of Florida
deverlight ('11) - Computer Science / Graphic Design
huameng ('13) - Math / Computer Science
ActualSteve ('13) - Pre-Health
poppa ('11) - Information Systems
University of Georgia
omninmo ('05) - Philosophy, Chinese
University of Illinois
Comeh ('11) - economics
MannerMan ('12) - Finance
University of Indiana
uglymoose89 ('12) - Major: Business (finance)
University of Maryland, College Park
shudmeyer ('11/'12) - Major in Political Science, possibly also American Studies or Philosophy
University of Massachusetts at Amherst
QuoC - pre-med
University of Massachusetts Lowell
Dknight ('10) - History
University of Michigan
brjdrb ('11) - college of engineering (aerospace atm)
DeathByMonkeys ('13) - Computer Science (College of Engineering)
Funnytoss ('10) - Political Science, Asian Studies (LS&A)
anImaru ('10) - Math/Econ
University of Montana - Missoula
Guilford ('13) - Biological Chemistry
University of Nevada Las Vegas
kidd ('09) - planning on graduating this year. I think I might stay at the Boyd Law School (also at UNLV) here or maybe do my masters instead.
University of New Brunswick
DownMaxX ('12/'13) - Software Engineering
University of New Mexico
University of New South Wales
lazz - accounting/mathematics
The University of North Carolina
StarN ('12) - Media Studies + Screenwriting
University of the Sciences in Philadelphia (USP)
Metal[x] ('12) - pharmacy
University of Southern California
LosingID8 ('10) - East Asian Languages and Cultures (Korean) and Biology
SoLsiTO ('13) - School of Policy, Planning, and Development, masters of public policy program
Day[9] - MFA in Interactive Media!
KimTaeYeon ('13) - Business and East Asian Languages and Cultures (Chinese)
University of South Florida
Poriyan1 ('13) - Mechanical Engineer
RushWifDietCoke ('10) - Psychology
University of Sydney
Bockit ('09) - Bachelor of Design Computing
iCCup.deL ('10) - Structural Engineering
University of Tennessee
Myst- ('11) - MBA in Business with a minor in Engineering.
University of Texas at Austin
SoLaR[i.C] ('11) - graduate student, Petroleum Engineering
1337o ('13) - Biomedical Engineering
iceburn ('10) - Psych/premed
University of Texas San Antonio
XoXiDe ('09) - Criminal Justice
iPF[Div] ('12) - Architecture w/ Art minor
University of Toronto
Kwidowmaker ('13)
illu ('09) - Honours Bachelor of Science 2009 (Major in Mathematics and Major in Integrative Biology)
University of Victoria
tarpman - graduating whenever I get around to doing some more courses. Major: Computer Science, Minor: Latin (if I can convince them :D) half done third year, idk why I didn't bother posting here until now. on co-op for another term, back in spring.
University of Virginia
Try ('13) - Economics/Math Double Major
University of Washington
Scooter ('11) - In Computer Science, aiming to dual class in Japanese
EpiK ('12) - Biology/Korean
falls ('12) - Chemical Engineering
dl2agon ('10) - Mechanical Engr
Chaos- ('12) - Computer Engineering (Hardware Specialization)
University of Waterloo
infinity21 ('12) - Honours Math program with major in Mathematical Finance
18zotbob ('09) - Honours Biomedical Science
Chromyne ('12) - Honours Nanotechnology Engineering
ShOoTiNg_SpElLs ('12) - Mathematical Finance
ZerglingShepherd ('13) - Electrical Engineering
Cambium ('10) - Systems Design Engineering
Mumblee ('09) - Major: Computer Engineering. I still live in the area so it still counts
Vin{MBL} ('14) - Chemical Engineering
Sunhay ('14) - Major/other info : Computer science
Weasel- ('14) - Nanotechnology Engineering
villagepark ('10.5) - 2010 (but fall convocation not summer so '10.5), Major: Honours Mathematical Studies with Minor: Pure Math
monkxly ('12) - Computer Science
University of Western Ontario
DragoonPK ('13) - BMOS
o3.power91 ('13) - BMOS
Vassar College
Darrun ('13) - History w/ chem minor (possibly)
Virginia Tech
tec27 ('11) - Computer Science
MorningMusume11 ('09) - Statistics
Washington University in St Louis
triangle ('13) - School of Arts and sciences
SIUnit ('10) - School of Arts and sciences
justdweezil ('10) - School of Arts and Sciences
Wichita State University
Slaughter)BiO ('11) - graduate student studying Biological Anthropology
Williams College
miNi ('13) - Chem/Music
Yale University
wok ('12) - CS