10183 Posts
goddamn today is fucking amazing.
Too bad I won't be able to watch it
word up. flash AND savior. what else can i ask for?
i hope flash isn't too drained from yesterday
Damn these broadcast times.
Savior > Upmagic Flash > Leta Luxury > Hwasin Free > Forgg
Can't wait for these games, so much so I had to make the thread! 
My predictions:
Savior < Upmagic Flash > Leta Luxury < Hwasin Free > Forgg
UpMagiC has been playing really good lately. Hwasin has also been owning it up lately.
I've been hoping to see a ZvT on Carthage. This should be fun.
Savior > Up Flash > Leta Hwasin > Lux ForGG > Free
I hope Leta wins, actually wins the entire MSL, him or HwaSIn
*off-topic* staying up to keep these type of threads was so hard when you have class at 10 or 11am... lol
Savior Flash Luxury Free
I wish I could at least watch Free vs forGG.... but why does it have to be the last match?! 
At least I can watch VODs.
btw does anyone know who made the banner? i feel like a jerk not putting his name.
Only ONE match matters tonight, in this glorious 2009
if this is tonight, fuck work. Im watching this
CA10824 Posts
woohoo!! this looks like a great MSL night. i'm hoping for some good games!
savior > upmagic leta > flash hwasin > luxury forgg > free
Fuck this is such an amazing lineup of games. Such even matchups too. Well, maybe free > forgg... but the other 3 are tough to call!
Savior Leta Hwasin Free
Canada1957 Posts
MA JAE YOON, Park Chan Soo, Lee Young Ho............ForGG HWAITING!!!
United States17042 Posts
my 7k is going to end up being in this thread. the real question is if there's going to be a daum sports stream, or anything else for that matter.
edit: oh, this was my 7k. keeping with traditions that my thousands always end up in live report threads