Voting Thread Here: http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=86362
1. Entries are limited to 1200 words. 2. Send entries to me via pm before the deadline. 3. Deadline is tentatively set at January 17th at 12:00 KST. (If that is a problem, let me know.) 4. I hate to limit people in their artistic expression, but just please keep your audience in mind as far as content goes.
Current Deadline to turn in story = January 17th at 12:00 KST. Revised Deadline to turn in story = January 19th at 12:00 KST.
Hey guys, choboPEon's third battle of the bands just entered the voting stage and (with his blessing, and some help from him too) I want to get us ready for our next creative expression contest, but this one is going to be a little bit different.
We have had Creative writing contests before, which were run by choboPEon, but this one has a twist, you are going to have a prompt.
To enter the contest, you send me an image in a pm, and then you, and that image, are entered into the contest. Then, when we are ready to start the writing portion of the contest, I will send out a single image to each participant (You will NOT get the image you submitted) and they will write a story/poem/whatever they feel like with that image as their prompt. Now, you don't have to adhere to it very strictly. For instance, if your image reminds you of something that happened in your life that you think would make a good story, go ahead and write it. Just please don't ignore the image and write whatever you feel like.
From now until JANUARY 5TH at 9:00 KST, (1 week from right now) I will be accepting pm's containing a single image (link to where it is uploaded, if you need help uploading pm me or ask in the thread and I/we will tell you what to do). Then, I will pm each participant an image chosen randomly from the pool, and they will have a [measurement of time...haven't figured this out yet] to write and submit. Then we will have voting, and then we will crown a winner.
DO NOT POST IMAGES IN THIS THREAD (I want the images to be a surprize to the participants that are given them, so I would rather they didn't see them in the thread a week before the reveal.)
RULES (For the image submission portion.)
1. Submit an image ONLY if you are also going to write something for the contest, if you aren't planning on writing something, do NOT submit an image to me. I know I just said that twice, but DON'T FUCKING DO IT or I will fabricate a story about how gay you are and edit it into every post I have ever made.
2. Images must be SFW. (Safe For Work) This means that images should not contain Sex, Nudity, Blood/guts, Gross things, or Gratuitous amounts of violence. (Some violence is ok, just take it easy.)
3. Images should be reasonable. (If you send an image of a red dot, and that's it, I will chuckle to myself and then tell you to send me a different image.)
4. Images should be relatively obscure. By this, I mean that sending an image of a character from some anime/movie is essentially pidgeon-holeing whoever receives that picture into writing on that character, so just keep that kind of thing in mind while you choose the picture to submit.
If you send me an image that breaks the rules I will inform you to send me a different image.
This thread will be used, in part, to determine the length of the submissions, and how long should be given to write them.
The first creative writing contest had lengths of 1000 words and about 2 weeks for writing time.
If you guys are ok with that we can just keep it, but if you have a different Idea post it in the thread and we will discuss it.
Not sure if I explained everything well, so if you still have questions post them in the thread, and I will try to clarify. Or if you just want to tell me how awesome I am you can post that in the thread also, I don't mind. 
Hahaha. Done =). EDIT: Wait, nevermind. I'm not going to write anything.
Oh, and you can submit things either with your name or anonymously, in case people were wondering.
Vatican City State491 Posts
On December 29 2008 08:55 Lemonwalrus wrote: RULES (For the image submission portion.)
2. Images must be SFW. (Safe For Work) This means that images should not contain Sex, Nudity, Blood/guts, Gross things, or Gratuitous amounts of violence. (Some violence is ok, just take it easy.)
What about Safe For Work Porn?
this seems like a fun competition, maybe the money my parents spent on private school will come to fruition, 1000 words also seem sort of low, but i can live with it...
how will the entries be judged? it seems from the OP that everyone on TL will be shown all the entries and they vote, but if there are over 5 entries, voters will have to do a lot of reading
Korea (South)11568 Posts
I was thinking of upping the word limit to 1,500, but if people think it should stay at 1,000, or perhaps go up even more, let me know.
Also, as of right now, we will do the same voting system that the first writing contest did, but if you have any ideas I am open to suggestion.
Too bad about rule 1. I'm not much of a writer, but could've found a picture.
I'm thinking of joining anyways heh.
Well, anybody could find a picture, but I expect a good portion of the fun for the participants is going to be seeing what somebody else wrote given the picture that they themselves provided. Imo it would be unfair to allow non-participants to submit pictures.
Of course now I have to think of a way to keep people from submitting a picture and then just never submitting something they write. I think in that case I will just write something really crappy and submit it in their name to make them the laughing stock of tl, unless somebody has a better idea. (Although hopefully the situation doesn't come up.)
hahahaha. No, that's a pretty good idea.
let me start look for a picture...
Alright, here is a question, should I tell the person who submitted the image that they get?
I have been saving images as the name of the person that sent them in, but I could change them back if people want it to be more anonymous.
On December 29 2008 16:06 Lemonwalrus wrote: I was thinking of upping the word limit to 1,500, but if people think it should stay at 1,000, or perhaps go up even more, let me know.
Also, as of right now, we will do the same voting system that the first writing contest did, but if you have any ideas I am open to suggestion. i guess i should have looked at the old thread earlier, chobopeon gives a pretty old explanation:
On April 02 2008 02:33 choboPEon wrote: Read 'em! Seriously. There was a 1,000 word limit for several reasons - one of which was to encourage you to read all of the entries!
so we should keep of the 1000 word limit for the sake of the voters...
bah, I'm probably going to suck horribly at this...but it seems like awesome fun so I'm in 
(yes, that means I will write something)
Edit: PM sent. I just needed to send a picture right?
3 days left!
Is it fair if I join? 
And yes, falcynn, what you sent is fine.
So far every picture I have received is fine by the rules, just in case any of you were wondering.
I don't see a strong case for being anonymous... For reasons I can't think of, they can just pm you or post in the thread about being anonymous. I'm fine with w/e. But I can't wait to get writing, you should shorten the time =(.
I'm sorry tensai, but i already posted the time, it would start, so no take-backs.
If you need something to write in the meantime, go to the dictionary, open it to a random page, pick a word, then repeat. Put those two words into google image search and write a story about the first image you get as a result.
yeah i cant wait to get started
good luck to all the people that have already done this. I dont have time for the writing stuff, and when ever I get my free time i need it for sc and hygene xD