Hey everyone! I'm Lena, and I'm new here annnnd it's my first blog post. I love Starcraft and drawing but I'm mediocre at most at both haha. Although I'm always trying to improve both! 
I kind've debated sharing these because upon looking at them again.. I don't think they're really worthy to post.. the styles look pretty different and erratic because I'm still experimenting and none of these are really polished IMO. So I'm nervous about it, but what the heck, it's my blog, and hopefully some of you might enjoy them!
April 26/08 Nal_rA, 3 hours.
May 3/08 Much[GM], 2 hours.
May 19/08 sAviOr, 4 hours.
Sorry if they look huge on your monitor. :p I use Photoshop CS2, and a Wacom Intuos2 tablet. I like to do a cross between realism and stylized artwork.
I can't do individual requests because of my workload, but: What progamer would you like to see drawn most?
Wow, amazing. <3 They look very nice, good job. x3
Mm...how about Reach? Or Casy? Or... Hwasin. x3 !!
Canada6683 Posts
Nice artwork 
Do XELLOS please~~
I like nal_ra's pic the best
you are too hard on yourself, your work is good.
i really like the style you went for. it shows the humanity of the individual, rather than the stats/numbers side of a progamer.
dont let other people criticsms affect you; you know your own self worth.
Much came out the most accurate. I like the style with which you drew them, but I think you need to work on proportions (some aspects of your faces are skewed) and I guess accuracy (Savior and Nal_ra don't resemble themselves IMO). It was a great effort though, if I didn't know who they were supposed to be I'd like it a lot more because I do like your style.
You're way too modest...
Anyway all three look great. I really dig your style, it's really the best I think I've seen, and fits the progamer since really well. But of course to be perfectly honest, the drawings don't portray the progamers very well yet. For example, I would not have recognized Savior if you didn't tag him but I'm sure you'll improve.
Hopefully I wasn't too harsh? Oh ya, and could you do Nada?
omg, why did you write in the blog section? this art deserves its own thread. Honestly, its THAT good... you should make more of these.
FBH maybe? =P
ok now yourself in a TL shirt gogogo
or maybe.. yellow now please, the real yellow~!
Hong Kong20321 Posts
keep it up, they look fine, just need some small attention to details to make them look more like what they should look like
United States1654 Posts
Very nice! I like the colors especially.
awww, nal_ra and savior look so cute!!!
savior is normally posing like "I'm the king of the world and i can beat anyone, and i dont even care", but that image is more like "please girls come and cuddle with me!!!!". 
So he's got a soft side as well despite the CJ-face.
If there wouldn't have been any title, I couldn't have recognize savior and ra. Though I recognised Much easily!
Nice, keep up.
Could you draw my MUMYUNG portrait pls?
is awesome32269 Posts
Good job! They look very nice. I wish I could do things like this t_t
I really like nalra
savior looks nice, but doesnt have the right face
his eyes arent droopy enough
On May 20 2008 05:43 freelander wrote: If there wouldn't have been any title, I couldn't have recognize savior and ra. Though I recognised Much easily!
That is funny I was thinking the opposite. I could tell Nal_Ra and Definitely Savior but without the the titles I wouldn't have been able to recognize Much. Anyway, like everyone else I think that you did a great job. I would love to see a portrait of Sea[Shield] myself.
They were all well-made, but they didn't really resemble the real version of them though (except for much, that one was pretty accurate imo). You really did a great job on Nal_Ra's eyes (they look like they do irl) and I woulda recongnized savior cuz of the ear jewelry and hairstyle ;o
Hey Lena. Welcome to TeamLiquid. I really enjoy your artworks and I think you have great talent. Please keep drawing and posting your arts here. ! I'm sure a lot people will like them. I really like your signature!
Best regards Silvano
all in caps for emphasis:
who cares if they aren't exactly like the original, it's a more fantasized drool-worthy rendition of the players.
Heck, I dare you to do IriS[gm] and see how that turns out XD
do another nal_ra with a scout in the back.. PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEE.