TeamLiquid S3 Hamachi StarLeague Qualifiers
Latest News: Finished!
[s]The group match schedule
Each player will be responsible for scheduling and finishing his matches on or before the deadline of Tuesday, February 19 ( Time). Please get into contact with other member in your group to organize matches. The time given should give you plenty of time to get in some practice if you need it, but not so much time as to drag the tournament out too long.
Everyone plays on every map twice, sometimes three times in the larger groups. The map order was picked at random. Top two in each group advance. Tiebreakers will be settled if they need to be when we get to that point.
[spoiler=GROUP A]DragoonPK v YanGpaN on Troy
DragoonPK < Blind on Katrina
DragoonPK v Payt on Blue Storm
DragoonPK < Littlechava on Zodiac
DragoonPK > o3.power9[shield] on Troy
DragoonPK v Nova-The-Feared on Katrina
DragoonPK v zulu_nation8 on Blue Storm
DragoonPK < MoNKeYSpanKeR on Zodiac
YanGpaN v Blind on Blue Storm
YanGpaN v Payt on Zodiac
YanGpaN < Littlechava on Troy
YanGpaN v o3.power9[shield] on Katrina
YanGpaN v Nova-The-Feared on Blue Storm
YanGpaN v zulu_nation8 on Zodiac
YanGpaN v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Katrina
Blind v Payt on Troy
Blind < Littlechava on Katrina
Blind > o3.power9[shield] on Blue Storm
Blind > Nova-The-Feared on Zodiac
Blind > zulu_nation8 on Troy
Blind v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Zodiac
Payt v Littlechava on Katrina
Payt v o3.power9[shield] on Blue Storm
Payt v Nova-The-Feared on Zodiac
Payt v zulu_nation8 on Katrina
Payt v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Troy
Littlechava > o3.power9[shield] on Zodiac
Littlechava v Nova-The-Feared on Troy
Littlechava v zulu_nation8 on Blue Storm
Littlechava > MoNKeYSpanKeR on Blue Storm
o3.power9[shield] v Nova-The-Feared on Troy
o3.power9[shield] v zulu_nation8 on Zodiac
o3.power9[shield] v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Katrina
Nova-The-Feared v zulu_nation8 on Katrina
Nova-The-Feared v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Blue Storm
zulu_nation8 v MoNKeYSpanKeR on Troy[/spoiler] -> go to Hamachi channel: HSL Group A//Team Liquid
[spoiler=GROUP B]Wonders > clazziquai on Troy
Wonders > sMi.FakeSteve on Katrina
Wonders v Zerg..HerO on Blue Storm
Wonders > Arcology on Zodiac
Wonders v LegendaryDreams on Troy
Wonders < nullmind on Katrina
Wonders < Ret on Blue Storm
Wonders v Lyra.Morph on Zodiac
clazziquai > sMi.FakeSteve on Blue Storm
clazziquai > Zerg..HerO on Zodiac
clazziquai < Arcology on Troy
clazziquai < LegendaryDreams on Katrina
clazziquai < nullmind on Blue Storm
clazziquai v Ret on Zodiac
clazziquai v Lyra.Morph on Katrina
sMi.FakeSteve v Zerg..HerO on Troy
sMi.FakeSteve > Arcology on Katrina
sMi.FakeSteve > LegendaryDreams on Blue Storm
sMi.FakeSteve v nullmind on Zodiac
sMi.FakeSteve > Ret on Troy
sMi.FakeSteve v Lyra.Morph on Zodiac
Zerg..HerO v Arcology on Katrina
Zerg..HerO v LegendaryDreams on Blue Storm
Zerg..HerO v nullmind on Zodiac
Zerg..HerO v Ret on Katrina
Zerg..HerO v Lyra.Morph on Troy
Arcology v LegendaryDreams on Zodiac
Arcology < nullmind on Troy
Arcology < Ret on Blue Storm
Arcology v Lyra.Morph on Blue Storm
LegendaryDreams > nullmind on Troy
LegendaryDreams v Ret on Zodiac
LegendaryDreams v Lyra.Morph on Katrina
nullmind < Ret on Katrina
nullmind v Lyra.Morph on Blue Storm
Ret v Lyra.Morph on Troy[/spoiler] -> go to Hamachi channel: HSL Group B//1
[spoiler=GROUP C]Storchen > LumberJack on Troy
Storchen < NeaX on Katrina
Storchen v ZZangDreamjOy on Blue Storm
Storchen > ShaLLoW[baY] on Zodiac
Storchen v Avius on Troy
Storchen v Sadist on Katrina
Storchen v XCetron on Blue Storm
Storchen < TS-Rupbar on Zodiac
LumberJack v NeaX on Blue Storm
LumberJack v ZZangDreamjOy on Zodiac
LumberJack > ShaLLoW[baY] on Troy
LumberJack v Avius on Katrina
LumberJack v Sadist on Blue Storm
LumberJack > XCetron on Zodiac
LumberJack > TS-Rupbar on Katrina
NeaX v ZZangDreamjOy on Troy
NeaX > ShaLLoW[baY] on Katrina
NeaX > Avius on Blue Storm
NeaX v Sadist on Zodiac
NeaX > XCetron on Troy
NeaX v TS-Rupbar on Zodiac
ZZangDreamjOy v ShaLLoW[baY] on Katrina
ZZangDreamjOy v Avius on Blue Storm
ZZangDreamjOy v Sadist on Zodiac
ZZangDreamjOy v XCetron on Katrina
ZZangDreamjOy v TS-Rupbar on Troy
ShaLLoW[baY] v Avius on Zodiac
ShaLLoW[baY] v Sadist on Troy
ShaLLoW[baY] v XCetron on Blue Storm
ShaLLoW[baY] < TS-Rupbar on Blue Storm
Avius v Sadist on Troy
Avius v XCetron on Zodiac
Avius v TS-Rupbar on Katrina
Sadist v XCetron on Katrina
Sadist v TS-Rupbar on Blue Storm
XCetron v TS-Rupbar on Troy[/spoiler] -> go to Hamachi channel: HSL Group C//1
[spoiler=GROUP D]Chill > Dewis on Troy
Chill v Seraphim on Katrina
Chill > nAi.Cyrax on Blue Storm
Chill > InfeSteD]i[ on Zodiac
Chill v Anihc on Troy
Chill v on Katrina
Chill > Art.Oshibori_probe on Blue Storm
Chill v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac
Chill v GiTM.Dante on Troy
Dewis v Seraphim on Blue Storm
Dewis < nAi.CyrAx on Katrina
Dewis v InfeSteD]i[ on Troy
Dewis v Anihc on Zodiac
Dewis v on Blue Storm
Dewis > Art.Oshibori_probe on Katrina
Dewis v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac
Dewis v GiTM.Dante on Zodiac
Seraphim v nAi.CyrAx on Troy
Seraphim < InfeSteD]i[ on Katrina
Seraphim v Anihc on Blue Storm
Seraphim v on Zodiac
Seraphim v Art.Oshibori_probe on Troy
Seraphim v 7c.nEptuNe on Zodiac
Seraphim v GiTM.Dante on Blue Storm
nAi.CyrAx v InfeSteD]i[ on Katrina
nAi.CyrAx v Anihc on Blue Storm
nAi.CyrAx v on Zodiac
nAi.CyrAx > Art.Oshibori_probe on Zodiac
nAi.CyrAx v 7c.nEptuNe on Troy
nAi.CyrAx v GiTM.Dante on Katrina
InfeSteD]i[ v Anihc on Zodiac
InfeSteD]i[ v on Troy
InfeSteD]i[ > Art.Oshibori_probe on Blue Storm
InfeSteD]i[ v 7c.nEptuNe on Blue Storm
InfeSteD]i[ v GiTM.Dante on Troy
Anihc v on Troy
Anihc v Art.Oshibori_probe on Zodiac
Anihc v 7c.nEptuNe on Katrina
Anihc v GiTM.Dante on Zodiac v Art.Oshibori_probe on Katrina v 7c.nEptuNe on Blue Storm v GiTM.Dante on Blue Storm
Art.Oshibori_probe v 7c.nEptuNe on Troy
Art.Oshibori_probe v GiTM.Dante on Katrina
7c.nEptuNe v GiTM.Dante on Troy[/spoiler] -> go to Hamachi channel: HSL Group D//1
[spoiler=GROUP E]ForTT v HellAngel on Troy
ForTT v Smorrie on Katrina
ForTT v OneOther on Blue Storm
ForTT v vGl-RaGe on Zodiac
ForTT v Darkmole on Troy
ForTT v SuperJongMan on Katrina
ForTT v G5 on Blue Storm
ForTT v Saracen on Zodiac
ForTT v BluzMan on Troy
HellAngel > Smorrie on Blue Storm
HellAngel < OneOther on Katrina
HellAngel v vGl-RaGe on Troy
HellAngel v Darkmole on Zodiac
HellAngel v SuperJongMan on Blue Storm
HellAngel v G5 on Katrina
HellAngel v Saracen on Zodiac
HellAngel v BluzMan on Zodiac
Smorrie < OneOther on Troy
Smorrie v vGl-RaGe on Katrina
Smorrie v Darkmole on Blue Storm
Smorrie v SuperJongMan on Zodiac
Smorrie v G5 on Troy
Smorrie v Saracen on Zodiac
Smorrie v BluzMan on Blue Storm
OneOther < vGl-RaGe on Katrina
OneOther > Darkmole on Blue Storm
OneOther > SuperJongMan on Zodiac
OneOther < G5 on Zodiac
OneOther > Saracen on Troy
OneOther > BluzMan on Katrina
vGl-RaGe v Darkmole on Zodiac
vGl-RaGe > SuperJongMan on Troy
vGl-RaGe < G5 on Blue Storm
vGl-RaGe > Saracen on Blue Storm
vGl-RaGe v BluzMan on Troy
Darkmole v SuperJongMan on Troy
Darkmole < G5 on Zodiac
Darkmole v Saracen on Katrina
Darkmole v BluzMan on Zodiac
SuperJongMan v G5 on Katrina
SuperJongMan > Saracen on Blue Storm
SuperJongMan v BluzMan on Blue Storm
G5 v Saracen on Troy
G5 v BluzMan on Katrina
Saracen v BluzMan on Troy[/spoiler] -> go to Hamachi channel: HSL Group E//1
[spoiler=GROUP F]deALmeYOurHAnd v YoUr_KiLLeR on Troy
deALmeYOurHAnd v MasterReY on Katrina
deALmeYOurHAnd v xBTx on Blue Storm
deALmeYOurHAnd v 2p.Kaolla on Zodiac
deALmeYOurHAnd v SoMuchBetter on Troy
deALmeYOurHAnd v SamachKing on Katrina
deALmeYOurHAnd v yenta on Blue Storm
deALmeYOurHAnd v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac
deALmeYOurHAnd v stalife on Troy
YoUr_KiLLeR v MasterReY on Blue Storm
YoUr_KiLLeR v xBTx on Katrina
YoUr_KiLLeR v 2p.Kaolla on Troy
YoUr_KiLLeR > SoMuchBetter on Zodiac
YoUr_KiLLeR v SamachKing on Blue Storm
YoUr_KiLLeR v yenta on Katrina
YoUr_KiLLeR v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac
YoUr_KiLLeR v stalife on Zodiac
MasterReY v xBTx on Troy
MasterReY v 2p.Kaolla on Katrina
MasterReY v SoMuchBetter on Blue Storm
MasterReY v SamachKing on Zodiac
MasterReY v yenta on Troy
MasterReY v randomKo_Orean on Zodiac
MasterReY v stalife on Blue Storm
xBTx v 2p.Kaolla on Katrina
xBTx v SoMuchBetter on Blue Storm
xBTx v SamachKing on Zodiac
xBTx v yenta on Zodiac
xBTx v randomKo_Orean on Troy
xBTx v stalife on Katrina
2p.Kaolla v SoMuchBetter on Zodiac
2p.Kaolla v SamachKing on Troy
2p.Kaolla v yenta on Blue Storm
2p.Kaolla v randomKo_Orean on Blue Storm
2p.Kaolla v stalife on Troy
SoMuchBetter > SamachKing on Troy
SoMuchBetter v yenta on Zodiac
SoMuchBetter v randomKo_Orean on Katrina
SoMuchBetter < stalife on Zodiac
SamachKing v yenta on Katrina
SamachKing v randomKo_Orean on Blue Storm
SamachKing v stalife on Blue Storm
yenta v randomKo_Orean on Troy
yenta < stalife on Katrina
randomKo_Orean v stalife on Troy[/spoiler] -> go to Hamachi channel: HSL Group F//Team Liquid
The groups:
group A
Littlechava 5-0
Blind 4-1
MoNKeYSpanKeR 1-1
DragoonPK 1-3
zulu_nation8 0-1
YanGpaN 0-1
o3.power91 0-3
Nova-The-Feared 0-1
group B
Ret 4-1
Wonders 4-1
sMi.FakeSteve 3-2
Nullmind 3-2
LegendaryDreams 2-1
clazziquai 2-4
Arcology 1-4
Zerg..HerO 0-1
group C
NeaX 4-0
LumberJack 3-1
TS-Rupbar 2-1
Storchen 2-2
Avius 0-1
XCetron 0-2
ShaLLoW[baY] 0-4
group D
Chill 5-0
nAi.CyrAx 3-1
InfeSteD]i[ 2-1
Dewis 2-2
Anihc 1-0
Art.Oshibori_probe 1-4
Seraphim 0-8
group E
OneOther 6-2
G5 3-0
RaGe 2-1
HellAngel 1-1
SuperJongMan 1-2
BluzMan 0-1
Darkmole 0-2
Smorrie 0-2
Saracen 0-2
group F
stalife 2-0
YoUr_KiLLeR 1-0
SoMuchBetter 1-2
yenta 0-1
SamachKing 0-1
randomKo_Orean 0-0
Blue Storm
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Player list:
Terran - Pride of War (5)
Zerg - Overcame All (12)
Protoss - Victory After Victory (18)
Random/Race-picker (7)
zulu_nation8 - ZvT ZvP TvZ PvZ
SoMuchBetter - ZvT, ZvP, PvZ
ret - Z/T
InfeSteD]i[ - TvZ, ZvP, TvT
nAi.Cyrax - TvZ, PvT, ?vP