my father play Word of warcraft since 2 year and he was lvl 70 ( i think that the max lvl )
so me and my friend when i was drunk deleted all character lvl 70 , 65 , 55 and some low lvl . i realy dont know why i have do that other that i was angry at him for some reason .
im out of the house right now , but he REALY ANGRY , realy realy ... seriously lol . that like i have burn the whole house , destroy the car , well im sure he would be less angry if i have do something like that . im fearing for my life .
what i should say to him or do ? when you think i will be ok for come back to the house ?
USA29055 Posts
wow you are a fag for doing that.
The sheer hours he lost getting characters that high... yeah I'd kill you as well.
Go to your local Pc bang Go on WOW Make around 3-4 lvl 70 characters Give it to your dad Problem solved
I dont think your serious but anyway you cant delete wow characters. You can just call back blizz and they will send you back the chars since they are kept in their database.
You can ecall up blizz and they can fix it for you.
Submit a ticket to have them all restored.
Brave soul who deleted his father's lvl 70 WOW characters
lvl up to 70 take alot of time ?
blizzard can realy bring back character deleted ? realy hope
realy dont know what to do
Get your dad a hot prostitute
You'll be doing a good thing and helping their great cause in the process.
if you really did somehow delete those, say bye bye to 300 hours of your dads life wasted on WoW
i think you just saved your dad from the worst drug in the world
How'd you get in to his account anyway, troll?