Good. Two separate threads. Let's see if this works.
Oh yeah. ESTRO FTW!!!
For a detailed explanation of my madness, check out liquibet
Let's see...
Darkelf<Cool (Darkelf is not cool enough) Iris>Upmagic (Iris TvT = Upmagic T_T) Mania/Oversky<Eliza/Bassen (It's DMZ. We can probably expect some gay rushing to occur.) Much>Tester (I like much much.) And eSTRO takes the Ace BECAUSE I VOTED FOR THEM!
Does anybody know why CJ isn't playing Savior in 1v1? I mean, not sending Savior today is consistent with using Much/Savior for Chariot of Fire, with this other team for DMZ, but uh...they're playing Much, who's in the same situation as Savior in terms of game preparation.
And they're consistently playing Darkelf. ~_~
Maybe Savior exploded after winning the OSL and no longer is spectacular?
I think that they are just trying to get more experience for the others initially in order to have a more well-rounded team. Maybe the coach sees something in Darkelf.
Hm, are they still going by that (((3v4) winner v 2) winner v 1) format for Proleague playoffs? If that's the case, I'd personally think that getting wins is of utmost importance over getting players experience. If you go up one rank because of a win or two, you could either make the playoffs or not, or have to go through an entire one less round (which you have like a 50% of losing).
Okay because LR claimed the other thread (and I respect him, even though I want to watch... ah well. I'll just watch the VODs later), I will be live reporting here. But maybe not for the first game. Homework >_<.
A bunch of teams this season are playing their rookies/ B players a lot. I would say they're trying to do what MBC did last year and get their players some exposure while giving them some stage experience. CJ keeps playing Darkelf, OGN- Luxury, Hanbit- Ganzi, the list continues. As we saw with MBC, the fruits will show in time. Hero's lineup easily has the most depth in the league, and they seem to be creating superstars left and right (not to mention 3-0ing everyone and their mother). The strategy definitely working nicely for OGN, I'll tell you that much.