->> Shin-Han Pro League <<- Player Profile Name: Jun Tae Gyu Game ID: Zeus Race: Protoss Current Team:OGN Sparkyz
[신한은행] 온게임넷 전태규 인터뷰 "다음 차례는 STX 김윤환, 삼성전자 이창훈"
[Shinhan Bank] – OGN Sparkyz Zeus Interview “STX’s InteR.Calm, and Kahn’s Sigamari are next”
-팀플레이 3연승을 기록했다. ▶명수와 호흡을 맞춘 지 얼마 되지 않아서 우리가 잘하는건지 못하는건지 솔직히 모르겠지만 3승이나 한 걸 보니 잘하는 것 같다. 우리가 어디까지 갈 수 있나 테스트해보고 싶다.
-You recorded 3 victories in team-play ▶I did not know because it Yellow[name] and I teamed up recently but after the 3 victories I felt we were a good team. I want to test how much we can achieve.
-초반 방어가 빛났다. ▶원래 전진 게이트는 빨리 봐야 대처가 가능하다. 그런데 명수가 처음에 채팅으로 '드론이 어쨌느니', '해처리를 취소했느니' 헛소리를 계속해서 채팅을 보다가 정찰을 제대로 못했다. 어떻게 하나 고민하고 있는데 명수가 '내가 프로토스를 끝낼테니 방어만 하라'고 하더라. 그런데 또 갑자기 말이 없어져서 그때부터 무아지경으로 했다. 이번에는 서로 잘한 것 같다.
- Your defense in the early game shined. ▶A proxy gate works well when you scout your opponents early. However Yellow[Name] was spamming the chatbox so I got distracted and was unable to scout properly. I was thinking of what to do after that until yarnc told me “I will finish the protoss, you just defend”, and suddenly stopped typing. I started to focus in defending and felt we both did well in the game.
-평소 오더는 누가 내리나. ▶내가 내린다. 가끔 명수가 내리는데 항상 경기를 하다보면 말이 없어진다. 아까도 질럿캐논 러시를 올 때 명수 말을 들었으면 큰일날 뻔 했다.
-Who usually thinks of the build order? ▶I make the decisions. Sometimes yarnc does but we usually lose when he decides the build order. We would have lost our last game if I listened to yarnc during the zealot/cannon rush.
-서로 호흡은 어떤 편인가. ▶우리는 진짜 무아지경으로 게임한다. 연습때 상황에 맞춰 대처법을 강구해놓지만 실제 게임에 들어가면 서로 개인 실력을 믿고 플레이한다. 서로 한 마디 말도 주고받지 않아도 알아서 상대 저그 본진에 모여 공격을 하는 것을 보면 호흡이 잘 맞는 것 같다.
-How is your teamwork? ▶We usually consider plans during practice, but in a real game we trust our own skills to win. We don’t need to communicate a lot, but our armies usually act as one to destroy the enemy forces. Considering this I think we have a very good teamwork.
-이번 시즌 팀플레이 다승 공동 1위다. ▶팀플레이에 몸담고 있으면 꺾어야 할 사람이 3명 있다. 삼성전자 이창훈, 팬택 심소명, STX 김윤환이다. 이제 한 명 꺾었으니 나머지도 다 꺾겠다. 모두 꺾고 팀플레이 왕좌를 한 번 차지하고 나면 팀플레이에서 물러나 자리를 다시 내주겠다. 다들 먹고 살아야하지 않겠나(웃음).
-You are tied for 1st in team-play this season. ▶If we truly want to be good, we have to defeat 3 programmers. Samsung’s Sigamari, Pantech’s Silver and STX’s InteR.Calm. I already defeated one, and will of course defeat the rest. I will defeat all of them and be the prince of team-play. After I am crowned the prince, I will step down so other people can win(laughs).
P.S - You can make requests here http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/viewmessage.php?topic_id=52360 and one of our cool translators may translate the interview for you. I did Zeus because there were no requests and I think he's the most sexiest programmer ever XD. Well Enjoy!!
On April 24 2007 18:37 sweatpants wrote: YAHHHH!!! Zeus is so godly. SiZ.FaNtAsY, did he really call him "fake yellow" those times or did he just say his name?
Zeus speaks in such a hilarious tone that no translation can do justice. I love Zeus but doesn't he have to go to the army soon?
For someone that's been a progamer for as long as he has (since late 99), he's kind of young compared to the other players from that generation. Yellow, Reach, and Nal_rA are all older than him for example and I don't think they've showed any possibility of military service yet