Join2 Kulas 전되 쿨라스 size 162x148 Published on EU, NA, KR
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The bridge is a custom version of the campaign one, it's been fixed to mimic the behavior of the multiplayer ramp. It cannot be retracted. Wall-ins remain the same (or close). You can burrow, plant creep tumors but you can't warp and can only place forcefields at the top sides. The map is unlocked, you're welcome to use it as a choke for your own maps. Just download the map from the editor and copy the bridge unit. The map was inspired by Kulas Ravine.
Some interesting features here. Here's some comments/suggestions: -The extremely long and narrow choke at the 3rd might make it difficult for Z to defend attacks -Might be a good idea to add a path through the middle blocked by rocks initially - sure it's kind of a stereotypical and Daybreak-ish but right now the lack of paths seems kind of restrictive -There are some awkwardly placed bases where the resources protrude into the path (natural, 3rd, 4th, but especially the 3rd) -Why are the corners 3/4 bases? I don't see a reason for this, they're not easier to defend or anything like that. -Artificial cliffs with natural terrain looks weird
Thanks for answering. I'll make a few changes and update the map.
About the bridge I agree it's too narrow and long, I'll have to edit the model to change that because that's the widest size available in the game. I'll make it so you need 1 more forcefield to block the bridge, but the 3rd has to be safe too because of the way the natural is open. Also it's very quick for a zerg to go from the main to the 3rd with the rocks down, so you have to even that with a down side. Also the army attacking the 3rd will be seen by the Xel naga tower and there are rocks so you have time to prepare. But I'll make it more open too as well as some other places too.
Regarding the middle path, if I opened the way with rocks in the middle the rush distance between both naturals would be ridiculously short, like 20 seconds or something, because of the way the natural goes forward. It's another take on the concept of "close by air, long by ground" and I think it can bring interesting tactics like elevator across the water or mass dropping over it.
Regarding the 5th and 6th bases, I've tried to fix a few problems of maps like Daybreak and Cloud Kingdom. One is the fact that far bases are usually hidden bases rather that regular bases so I wanted to decrease a bit the advantage of hiding one. Another reason about reducing those bases is the way zerg works. Zerg can expand exponentially when everything goes fine, but when games go back and forth for a while, usually after 4 bases the zerg can take a bunch of expansions simultaneously and get an undeserved advantage even though the game is close. Also one thing I like about Akilon waste compared to Daybreak/Cloud Kingdom is that the expansion pattern is a triangle that is not too open and not too closed, so as the game goes on you're never too far from your previous bases. That's a reason why I don't really like maps where bases are placed along the edges, as the game goes on your bases get scattered too far for eachother. Usually in long macro games the armies get slower over time so bases shouldn't get too far. Also I'm a bit nostalgic of Boxer's TvT games where they would mine out the map and try to get the most effective as possible. Games almost mined out were a whole different game.
Now you mention the cliffs and textures I see what you mean, but in my opinion I stay true to the old style of Lost Temple, Kulas Ravine and Steppes of War where the artificial cliffs had mostly mud and grass inside. I liked it better when the cliffs were yellow though, now they're grey it looks a bit worn off.
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Thinking of using the bridge for a WIP, does it behave exactly like a ramp? Including high ground vision? (and is the bridge the one into the main or the one with rocks on it?)
The bridge behaves like 2 ramps facing eachother, like if you went down then up, but with a smaller distance than 2 real ramps. You have vision to a few squares on the other side if you let a unit before the bridge. On the picture with stalkers, if the mothership core wasn't there they wouldn't see the marines/depot but they would see them standing in the middle part of the bridge. Also you can only forcefield the top part of the bridge not the middle part. I haven't found how to make the whole thing forcefieldable though it's probably somewhere. Both bridges are bridges but one is small and the other one is wider. Both behave the same.
I initially wanted to put bridges in the middle of the map so I played with triggers and a system with Xel naga towers to keep the bridge open/closed and changelings holding them in the beginning. I stopped before finishing because it would have been very very gimmicky, all your army could be dead in one move. So that's a direction I wouldn't advise to try.
I've updated the map. There are now 2 bridges leading to the 3rd and they are shorter. The rocks blocking them are 1 big diagonal set of rocks. The area around the 3rd, 4th and middle is more open now. There are other fixes for some spots that could be abused.
I would like that the bridges can be destroyed and repaired
New update. I opened the path through the gold and made that ramp larger. The Xel naga towers are easier to defend and are a better strategic point now. The 6th base is easier to wall and defend.