6 pool banes
6 gas (2 on gas)
5 pool
4@50 gas bane nest
Should have 1 drone on minerals
TAKE drones out of gas after you have mined 50 mins (bane nest and 50 for banes)
NOTE: If they have also 6 pooled, pull a drone out of gas and place down a spine.
@50 mins 2 lings
rally 2 lings to opponents base
morph 2 banes
Try and target down things that are important that you know need ''softening up'' such as assimilators and spawning pools.
The aim of this build is to hit a timing with 2 banes that's sure not to do any damage to your opponent what so ever but to that of your economy and render the game a complete waste of your time. Like this thread.
This build is strong against:
This build is weak against : Everything:
When the banes hit their target, smile, lean back in your computer seat, nod your head in satisfaction and proceed to GG and leave the game.
REPLAY http://drop.sc/349763
I also have a 1 broodlord fast expand for those games where i want to get an eco lead. I'll provide a guide shortly.
Any questions please ask, i'm happy to help out!