Poll: Which game has highest skill cap?
DotA2 (50)
LoL (7)
57 total votes
LoL (7)
57 total votes
Your vote: Which game has highest skill cap?
I was accused of "flame baiting" in a previous thread because I made a distinction between skill and knowledge and argued that DotA2 lacks skill shots and therefore has a low skill cap compared with LoL, regardless of how much deeper DotA2 is in terms of its gameplay.
No, I wasn't flame baiting. I was quite serious. For the record, I don't deny that DotA2 is tremendously deeper than LoL as far as knowledge and strategy are concerned. However, there is a reason that many sports players retire around the age of 30 and then spend the rest of their lives as coaches and managers. Because skill is not the same as knowledge.
We're not talking about knowledge. We're not talking about strategy. "Skill" does not refer to either of those things. My question is: which game has the highest skill cap?
Personally, I get more enjoyment out of DotA because I'm more of a strategy person. So I'm not some LoL fanboy. The point remains that skill shots are a huge component of skill in LoL, and DotA2 is relatively deficient in this department. (Note to pedants: I say RELATIVELY. It doesn't matter whether you can find some examples of skill shots in DotA2. The point is that LoL has more of them.)
Maybe I was too hasty in jumping to a conclusion. So I apologize. It's quite possible that the more complex positioning and map awareness in DotA2 more than makes up for the relative deficiency in skill shots. But then, it's also possible that the presence of skill shots add a new layer to positioning in LoL.
So I'd like to put the matter up for discussion, and I'll give as an example a healthy and moderate debate on roughly this subject, hosted by PC gamer. These guys aren't accusing each other of "flame baiting" or being idiots. Read that debate and you'll see that there's valid points on both sides. So no insults, please.
Which game do you feel has the highest skill cap out of LoL and DotA2, and why?