There are mothers grieving over the lives of their lost children, while you are grieving over a lost ladder match.
Children are born infected with H.I.V. with no hope for a future. Their existence is plagued by pain and disease with no hope for a future. So excuse me, if I don't care about the imbalanced units and unfair advantages Terran players have compared to Zerg players or vice versa.
There are lots of people who struggle with getting an education due to being dyslexic. This is while you are struggling to improve your APM.
While you train 10 hours a day, you have surgeons from Doctors Without Borders whom haven't left the operation room for 20 hours straight!
Next time before you ladder, remember the more of the world you see, the less significant your lose/win will be. Don't throw your life away... Starcraft 2 is irrelevant.
Let the flame commence before the hammer of fear and insecurity will fall and nail this thread along with my membership in the coffin.
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