This mod (applicable to any map) is meant to let players of any level enjoy a fast paced "warcraft 3 type hero" map in the sc2 environment, it is a work in progress and any help or feedback is highly appreciated and valued + Show Spoiler +
I mean that help from map makers, players, viewers .. your grannie.. would help
It is published on eu + Show Spoiler +
and "could" be published anywhere else if asked for
Meant to be played alone against ai or up to 8 / 12 players (depending on the map) it uses the same gameplays you know and some you don't .. so do allow yourself (if you try it) a smidgen of analysis between the fun .. because some of it is really "out there".
Map + Show Spoiler +
Hero showcase:
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Barrage: attacks ground area (target) .. immobilizes flash, which is never a good thing, will be quickened
Yamato cannon: standard battle cruiser issue .., zone effect will be reinforced
Defensive matrix: area of effect around mecha that stuns opponent forces, area of effect will be widened
Emergency thrusters: medivac standard issue thrusters
Heal: heals bio units near to mecha
Blink: short range warp in/out
Abduct: standard viper spell, will be widened
Seeker missile: standard raven spell, aoe will be heightened
Catapult wraith: if funds/food available, creates a wraith on target
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Mind blast: aoe target, stuns units
Force field: standard
Scan sweep: standard energy use
Nuke (aim for launch): standard ghost ability, distance to target will be widened
Experimental (Raynor) rifle: standard
Deploy widow mine
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Cloak: unsure if it w rks
Psionic wave:
Zeus load unload:
Training submenu
Cloaking field: non functional at the moment
Emergency warp: non functional at the moment
Nuke (arm and target):
scv/marine/custom Marauder/medic/spectre
Vulture/Goliat/custom Goliat/custom Tank
Valkyrie/Griffon/Science Vessel/custom Battlecruiser (the Val and Grif function but cant pass cliffs yet (since they are transposed from space environment))
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Game philosophy:+ Show Spoiler +
1/ Character design:+ Show Spoiler +
qxc is faster than any unit (except tara) and certainly than any of the regular blizz issued unit. He jumps cliffs and is permanently cloaked. He will not survive long if you let him call upon you for too long.. in a high dps exchange situation with an opponent.. he will die and not re spawn!!! (none of the heroes re spawn.. it's a logic that goes with .. at the end you ally between beat players to make "potential winners" lose) ... fun fun fun. Of course kevin can scan any island he wants.. The unit is aimed at high level micro/multitasking .. aimed at killing all other permanently cloaked enemy heroic (or not) units. Kevin, providing he has the funds.. can deploy an army of widow mines all game long (like all Star heroes he allows for a lower number of melee buildings to be required for a quick unit production after a big engagement has depleted one's army count). Working on flash's "s "catapulted wraith", the "special" widow mine i have in mind :-) for q and the last unit (based on 'vking) are like sweet candy awaiting for me mmmmm (sounds of coyote slurping)
babcock (tara) is the fastest unit to ever cross a mini map (hips power!!!), she detects the "kas" starships and is permanently cloaked. Her master spell allows her to convert any zerg unit (specifically good for heroic zerg units.. but any really). Like q she will die quicker than you can react in a 200 200 conflict unless babysited, however if done in time.. she will always get out of anything with her op acceleration and speed .. so is naturaly q's nemesis.
Kas is the flagship.. houses all you can think of on top of your head: training an scv or a science vessel .. nuke capability (arm and launch) .. the planet cracker weapon for desperate measures.. cargo space for an army .. more hit points than god.
2/Hints:+ Show Spoiler +
Hint for Kas: supplementing your heroes with mass thors and ravens seems to be the best bet to take one down
Hint for babcock: most powerful unit until all zerg units have been depleted, her master spell include buildings .. so she can grant you an entire civilization's worth of units
Hint for qxc: meant to kill all babcocks so a free world can be possible
Hint for flash: trust no one, strike first and ask questions never
3/PR philosophy: + Show Spoiler +
4/Where is this going next? + Show Spoiler +
who can tell...
How to play right this second (lobby/player info strategy):+ Show Spoiler +
I thought long and hard to keep it as ez as possible so as to make it totally customizable
eu custom games
type "baby" in the search
select "create game" if you are setting up the game .., "join" if you are joining .. duhhh
select "miscellaneous" instead of "melee" on top of options (top left on screen)
select free for all in "custom teams"
SET the locked alliance to NO (so you ally and disally galore ; best part of this mod)
add how many users / players you have (up to 8) in the 8 separate teams by "opening to players" or invite them
add a zerg computer in a separate team (at least on ai hard, but you be the judge of that) ..
re reread this thread for preparenessfullness + Show Spoiler +
then press start and have fun
eu custom games
type "baby" in the search
select "create game" if you are setting up the game .., "join" if you are joining .. duhhh
select "miscellaneous" instead of "melee" on top of options (top left on screen)
select free for all in "custom teams"
SET the locked alliance to NO (so you ally and disally galore ; best part of this mod)
add how many users / players you have (up to 8) in the 8 separate teams by "opening to players" or invite them
add a zerg computer in a separate team (at least on ai hard, but you be the judge of that) ..
re reread this thread for preparenessfullness + Show Spoiler +
then press start and have fun
Credits: + Show Spoiler +
Blizzard entertainment and lil ol'me