StarCraft: Subjection is a fully voice-acted 8 mission singleplayer campaign for StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty that features four difficulty levels of Brood War style gameplay. Search for the keyword "Subjection" on the North American or European server on, or download below.
Q: How do the difficulty levels scale? A: Brutal is meant to be extremely challenging and borderline placebo, sort like Diablo 3's inferno difficulty. Most players will be frustrated at this level, and as such, "Hard" is the recommended difficulty for everyone that beat Wings of Liberty on brutal. Casual difficulty is meant to be played by anyone, and normal difficulty is in between.
Q: I can't find the map. A: Be sure to simply type the word "Subjection" into the search box, not the entire title. The map should appear. It is also available for download on SC2mapster.
Q: What is the best way to contact the creator? A: Send an email to grad42[at]gmail[dot]com.
Campaign by Gradius.
Brent Nitroz - Voice of Orthos and Deimios. Greg Vestal - Voice of Parker.
Throkdias - No Glow Tassadar Model, Khalai Obelisk, Eye of Adun, Citadel of Adun, Arbiter Tribunal, Protoss Civilian, Shard Cannon, Voranor Model GhostNova - Meliak & Voranor model. Logan, Voranor & Meliak Portraits. GnaReffotsirk - Super Carrier Model, Shuttle Model buhhy - Dragoon Model Supercarrier Beam - MGM Studios.
Soundtrack by Frank Klepacki, Marty Simon, John Powell, Trent Reznor, Immediate Music and Atticus Ross.
Whoa, looks great. Been looking forward to something like this (sorry if there already is and I've offended someone). I'll check it out in a few, can't wait to play!
This looks pretty fucking awesome. I love custom campaigns, especially if they deal with their own separate stories with unique characters (adds a lot of flavor).
Good points : - Loading screen - Fully voiced, and surprisingly, voices are allright - Decent wording. It feels a bit "too much", as if you tried really hard to write in the same vein as "epic novels". But all in all, it suits the protoss. - I was hooked
Bad points : - No savegames? Replays are really not a good way, I had to sit through 5 minutes of replay to restart my game? Simply not acceptable - Difficulty is... strange. I played in Brutal because I am Master on NA. But I got destroyed twice in the first serious fight (against the 3 zealots + 5 dragoons). My guys had full (or nearly full) HP/shield. Because of the absence of savegames, I didn't try my luck any further
Tiny details : - Hotkeys are not fully functional. I can't customize the templar - Hero priority is illogical. When I box all the heroes, I have the high templar first (no problem), then if I press tab, I have the zealot (who has autocastable abilities) then the DT (who has active abilities). It should be HT -> DT -> Zealot. - Hero regen is obscure. They regen to 85% of their max HP? It is not clearly explained - It's cool to have 200 shield on the heroes because you can micro them. It's not cool because you have to wait in between fights for a long time. Double shield regen perhaps? - When you talk to the protoss squad, you shouldn't start the fight immediately, simply because the player is surprised, and didn't control his army in any way. - Typo in the subtitles for the word Hierarchy in the first conversation with Voranor
So, well, here you are : I wanted to play the first episode and abandonned after 16 minutes. But I am willing to give it another go!
Bad points : - No savegames? Replays are really not a good way, I had to sit through 5 minutes of replay to restart my game? Simply not acceptable
I agree, but unfortunately that's the only option until Blizzard implements game saves for arcade. I added an FAQ discussing this in further detail.
- Difficulty is... strange. I played in Brutal because I am Master on NA. But I got destroyed twice in the first serious fight (against the 3 zealots + 5 dragoons). My guys had full (or nearly full) HP/shield. Because of the absence of savegames, I didn't try my luck any further
- It's cool to have 200 shield on the heroes because you can micro them. It's not cool because you have to wait in between fights for a long time. Double shield regen perhaps?
Unfortunately this is pretty much par for the course on brutal difficulty. I used to be masters on NA too, but I recommend you play on hard during your first playthrough. I've added more info to the FAQ.
- Hero priority is illogical. When I box all the heroes, I have the high templar first (no problem), then if I press tab, I have the zealot (who has autocastable abilities) then the DT (who has active abilities). It should be HT -> DT -> Zealot.
I based the priority on something else. If somebody else mentions this, I will change it though. I assumed you guys would be using hotkeys.
- When you talk to the protoss squad, you shouldn't start the fight immediately, simply because the player is surprised, and didn't control his army in any way.
Agreed, I was worried about that. I've updated it so that they don't charge at each other right away.
So, well, here you are : I wanted to play the first episode and abandonned after 16 minutes. But I am willing to give it another go!
Negatives(Yes them first so we end on a high note):
Relying on Resume from Replay is STUPID and isn't feasible. Saving is always a nifty thing for campaigns it sucked in alot of WC3 campaigns aswell(as they were rather long and without autosave). Something better needs to be done.
The writing could use some work but overall still very impressive considering you also got Voice acting for this, something very few WC3 campaigns did.
The victory screens conceals the mouse so you can't actually click on score screen when you finally win.
You don't give me terran medics and then make it so they can't heal the units that actually matters... you just don't. Their default regen system sucks aswell.
Really impressive work overall. The gameplay is solid and provides decent fun.
The story is somewhat intresting through the sloppy writing at times breaks the emersion.
Impressive custom models aswell good job on that.
Voice acting was overall very impressive and this is an advancement from "traditional" WC3 campaigns. Quotation marks is there because there weren't that many WC3 campaigns worth of notice.
Overall impressive work and moving on to Chapter 2.
I don't know how well know this is, but you can actually play arcade maps offline. Before you log into bnet, disconnect your internet connection, then try to log in. You will then be asked if you want to play in offline mode, click yes and now you can play arcade maps offline.
Really exited to test out a full single player campaign, but I'm wondering why theres no mention of hots anywhere :p surely you guys have hots by now and could take advantage of it's new features?
On May 02 2013 02:52 Whiplash wrote: Really exited to test out a full single player campaign, but I'm wondering why theres no mention of hots anywhere :p surely you guys have hots by now and could take advantage of it's new features?
If i were to take a guess i would say that they have been working on this for longer than since HOTS was out, hence why no interaction with HOTS.
really interesting campaign, its more challenging than any blizzard mission aswell so THUMBS UP edit: you can safe after resuming from replay once edit2: defending the base in mission 1 on brutal is really challenging TT
First of all, thanks so much to everyone involved in this for making something that has obviously has a huge amount of effort put into it - it's a real thrill to play new SP missions. Here a few hopefully constructive criticisms from me on the basis of having played the first thee missions:
My main point is about the dialogue. It's fantastic that we have this huge volume of brand new, voice-acted dialogue but I really think that Subjection is far too talky. If you compare these missions to those in the existing StarCraft II campaigns, they have massively more dialogue which I think could be condensed into fewer lines. As it stands, I think a lot of players will skip most or all of the cutscenes, given how long they tend to drag on. As others have commented, the writing is also quite "heavy" and the Protoss heroes often say things that sound unintentionally funny or long-winded.
While I'm on the subject of heroes, I think this is one of the aspects where Subjection really is similar to Brood War; as in those missions, I find the heroes largely useless in combat (except for psionic storm) and much more like a liability than something that is actually useful. Controlling three heroes at a time is also quite confusing, given the number of abilities in play.
I've noticed two issues with dragoons, I'm not sure if anyone else has come across them - firstly, they don't seem to benefit in any way from armour upgrades, which leaves them very fragile relative to the rest of the army (I'm not sure if this is a limitation of the arcade or anything like that - I think it may also affect other units). Secondly, dragoons are completely silent for me when they fire, which is a bit eerie!
I could pick on any number of other little problems but mostly I'm just really pleased to be able to play this. Again, congratulations on what you've achieved and thanks for going to all the effort.
I'll give it a try when it's offline and saves are available. What's the point of single player campaign mission if you can't save them?
Q: Why is this not available for offline play? Real answer: Because the mapmaker loves DRM.
I presume if the files are offline some other developers can take a look into his files and the selfish mapmaker is afraid of that. So the more DRM the merrier. If this was paid to play I'd try to understand it, but alas it's just a major hassle for the users. I don't understand how such a "feature" could make it through beta.
He could have provided the files not hide behind presumptions that users are 6 years old that can't open a file because they can't find it on their computer. or come clean and admit it's all about DRM.
Well, they say that best course of action for DRM is to vote with the wallet. In this case I simply refuse to test such a map.
On May 25 2013 04:52 Kakaru2 wrote: I'll give it a try when it's offline and saves are available. What's the point of single player campaign mission if you can't save them?
Q: Why is this not available for offline play? Real answer: Because the mapmaker loves DRM.
I presume if the files are offline some other developers can take a look into his files and the selfish mapmaker is afraid of that. So the more DRM the merrier. If this was paid to play I'd try to understand it, but alas it's just a major hassle for the users. I don't understand how such a "feature" could make it through beta.
He could have provided the files not hide behind presumptions that users are 6 years old that can't open a file because they can't find it on their computer. or come clean and admit it's all about DRM.
Well, they say that best course of action for DRM is to vote with the wallet. In this case I simply refuse to test such a map.
What a selfish prick, you know just how much effort it takes to make such a thing? The way you have to play is as fine as any other, and until you make such a contribution to the community you can't just disrespect people who do.
Not related to the last part, I only started playing this now and it seems like a really nicely done campaign, although it would benefit from some of the HotS aesthetics, but even without them it looks really nice. I am really happy to play as a Protoss since LotV is really far away. Thank you so much for doing this, really anyone who participated in the making of these maps is awesome!
Other updates: 1) Pressing f2 selects all your heroes as well. 2) Mission 5 gameplay has been semi-reworked. Sniping the HT no longer causes the base to go neutral. 3) Other random fixes.
On May 25 2013 04:52 Kakaru2 wrote: I'll give it a try when it's offline and saves are available. What's the point of single player campaign mission if you can't save them?
Q: Why is this not available for offline play? Real answer: Because the mapmaker loves DRM.
I presume if the files are offline some other developers can take a look into his files and the selfish mapmaker is afraid of that. So the more DRM the merrier. If this was paid to play I'd try to understand it, but alas it's just a major hassle for the users. I don't understand how such a "feature" could make it through beta.
He could have provided the files not hide behind presumptions that users are 6 years old that can't open a file because they can't find it on their computer. or come clean and admit it's all about DRM.
Well, they say that best course of action for DRM is to vote with the wallet. In this case I simply refuse to test such a map.
1) You think that I put DRM into a free product? Ridiculous. I'll definitely think twice about crossing "the 99%" now that I felt your heavy blow to my "wallet". 2) I had to change several things to make the campaign playable locally, so it's not a matter of just "providing files". Among other fixes, it took me a while because I recently relocated to a new city for a new job. 3) Arcade may suck for campaigns, but it has several advantages, one of which is the fact that people only found it because they were browsing through the arcade. Another is the fact that I can apply bug-fixes to everyone and nobody has to redownload anything (I had always planned on releasing the maps, but this was my main motivation for holding off).
On May 02 2013 02:52 Whiplash wrote: Really exited to test out a full single player campaign, but I'm wondering why theres no mention of hots anywhere :p surely you guys have hots by now and could take advantage of it's new features?
Mainly because I started the campaign way early in WoL beta. I'm sure LoTV will have lots of art I can make use of as well, so I'll probably do a revised "LoTV Edition" in the future.
Wanted to ask a question. When I play through the game, the portraits don't work in the cinematics except for the ones that are in stock SC2, e.g Artanis. How do I fix this?