The reasonings here are different, and primarily personal. A lot of people who know me know that I was involved in a lot of different things (NASL, CSL, Fnatic/LighT, and other things). Over the past year I've been cutting down the number of commitments, as I get more involved in things, my time goes down.
For me, CSL is a full time job, and really it's more than that. It's the primary focus of my life right now and unfortunately this means that I really don't have the time to manage LighT the way it should be managed.
Funding is not really an issue, but I'm at a point where I can continue the team on a status-quo basis, and frankly I'm not rich and that just wouldn't be a smart way to use my money. The investment is worth it if I had the time to do the necessary things: help build my players personalities, help attain sponsorships, help the development, work on marketing, etc. Right now though, I don't have the time to do that, so I've decided to close down the team.
2012 was a really great year, I had Golden live with me, Binski stayed with me during the summer, and StarDust during the fall. I really enjoyed the team and everyone on it and view them all as family and hope they feel the same.
I've been thinking about it for the past 3 weeks or so since the CSL Finals ended.
So ya, that's that for now.
Much love to
* Tilea, Binski, Caliber, Heavens, Ursadon, Cyrus, Fox - who were the original Kiwiclones that made up LighT
* Gerbil, Rocker, Aquanda, Kumiho, Zoia, Saikou, Moose, RaNgeD, Cedstick - the new guys and staff that helped make the team possible
* Golden <3
* SeoHyeon <3
* StarDust for being a great roommate and the coolest Korean I've known, and for teaching me a lot of Korean words I was so happy to see you win ESET! I want to see you win again
* KawaiiRice - I can't really think of being on a team without you (lol, we've been on the same team since 2008, crazy;;. I'm sorry we couldn't do everything we wanted with LighT.