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Hey all, WaveofShadow here.
So in honour of the London 2012 Olympics (and the fact that my country sucks at bringing home medals) I decided, why don't we hold our own Olympic Games for fun?
I'm going to come up with a whole bunch of different events that people can participate in and list them here, and people can earn medals depending on how well they do. There are already some fun custom-type games that people have come up with on the League GD forums, and maybe we can come up with our own as well.
Due to popular demand, we will be using League of Legends city-states/areas as our 'countries' instead of real ones. Options are listed under Countries. If you want to participate, pick a country for your team and 5-7 players per team to represent that country (in case of no-shows or whatever).
Poll: Should each country be limited to their own champions(+free agents)?
Yes (29)
No (4)
33 total votes
No (4)
33 total votes
Your vote: Should each country be limited to their own champions(+free agents)?
Try to come up with teams on your own, guys! If you can't find enough people or don't have a team but still want to participate, in the spirit of the Olympics I'll assign the stragglers a country or mix team fragments together. I will list the names and countries here in the OP, as well as the games we come up with as they are added to the list, as well as official rules for each game. This will be NA server only, sadly, unless someone on EUW/NE wants to come up with one of these of their own. Alternatively you guys are welcome to sign up/join in on smurfs or whatever if you don't mind the lag.
I will be streaming the Olympics on my Twitch.tv channel whenever they happen to be. This is a work in progress so it may happen over the course of a few days. (If anyone wants to help with the organization of the Games let me know and you can help me cast or admin; I want to make sure everything goes real smoothly and may not be able to do it all myself!)
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Catch the Teemo
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Catch the Teemo Rules:
One team must have a Teemo. The other team may also have a Teemo, but only one Teemo counts for this game.
The goal of the game is to either protect Teemo for ten minutes or kill him twice in under ten minutes, depending on which team you're on. The winner of the game is the first team to accomplish their goal. Once a round is over, be kind and disconnect so that another game may be started quickly.
The game will be played almost entirely in the jungle, with the only exception being that you may cross mid in order to get to the other half of the jungle. Going to side lanes for any reason is illegal.
Leeching exp from minions by staying near a lane is illegal; farming minions or jungle creeps is illegal.
At any point in time, any player that is not Teemo is free to recall and shop. Teemo may not recall, and may only leave the jungle if he dies.
There are no item restrictions.
Teemo is not allowed to stealth, meaning Teemo must always be moving, if only to run back and forth over a tiny distance.
Good luck and have fun.
One team must have a Teemo. The other team may also have a Teemo, but only one Teemo counts for this game.
The goal of the game is to either protect Teemo for ten minutes or kill him twice in under ten minutes, depending on which team you're on. The winner of the game is the first team to accomplish their goal. Once a round is over, be kind and disconnect so that another game may be started quickly.
The game will be played almost entirely in the jungle, with the only exception being that you may cross mid in order to get to the other half of the jungle. Going to side lanes for any reason is illegal.
Leeching exp from minions by staying near a lane is illegal; farming minions or jungle creeps is illegal.
At any point in time, any player that is not Teemo is free to recall and shop. Teemo may not recall, and may only leave the jungle if he dies.
There are no item restrictions.
Teemo is not allowed to stealth, meaning Teemo must always be moving, if only to run back and forth over a tiny distance.
Good luck and have fun.
Dominion Double Dash
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The Rundown:
1. Each team: 4 runners and 1 blocker. Runners run 5 laps clockwise around the circle. Blockers can move anywhere.
2. Only buy Boots of Mobility and any pots. No Ignite or Offense masteries (except Summoner's Wrath)
3. All runners start on the pad at Windmill, and run at 2:30.
4. ONLY use abilities which CC opponents or buff your allies. Only use CC to hinder not damage.
5. The team with the MOST runners in the FIRST three to finish win.
6. OFFICIAL PERMA BAN LIST: Janna, Rammus, Shaco, Sona, Teemo, Global/Long Range Teleports
Everyone starts at windmill. Runners must start on point but blockers can be anywhere.
Game starts at 2:30 and everyone runs clockwise, counting each lap as they pass windmill tower.
The idea is NOT TO KILL YOUR OPPONENETS. You use CC and collision to hinder or help. (But like nascar, cars explode, people are killed on accident. If a player is killed they just run to the last point they passed and continue from there. ) Blockers come in handy to keep the enemy time in line or to give teammates openings to catch up.
CLARIFICATIONS: (yes we know that its hard to 100% balance almost 100 champs but were trying. If there is EVER a conflict, game creator sets the deciding factor: please be unbiased in this as it is not fun to allow something that you know will benefit a win for you. We like good sportsmanship!)
Skills Clarification Page (What you can and can't use!)
Other Banned Abilities: Global/Long-Range teleports such as Shen, Pantheon, TF ults (for obvious reasons), Global ults that just do damage such as Ezreal's and Karthus' (GP and Ashe ults are allowed since they CC and dont really do a ton of dmg anyway)
After 5 laps do what you want in mid or just leave and restart new game!
Dying and Preventing It (Pit Stops, Longer Games, and You):
Some people recommended trying a 'Pit Stop' clause and different versions of it. Currently the favored version: Anytime after your 3rd lap you can stop by your teams base to heal back up and buy more pots.
This comes in handy especially in longer games as well as a risk/reward policy. Do you potentially give up your lead runner status to get back some health? Can you survive in the pack much longer and you're out of pots? Gotta way these decision carefully.
Current favored way of dealing with actual Death: if you die, run back to the last point you passed.
List of useable skills:+ Show Spoiler +1. Each team: 4 runners and 1 blocker. Runners run 5 laps clockwise around the circle. Blockers can move anywhere.
2. Only buy Boots of Mobility and any pots. No Ignite or Offense masteries (except Summoner's Wrath)
3. All runners start on the pad at Windmill, and run at 2:30.
4. ONLY use abilities which CC opponents or buff your allies. Only use CC to hinder not damage.
5. The team with the MOST runners in the FIRST three to finish win.
6. OFFICIAL PERMA BAN LIST: Janna, Rammus, Shaco, Sona, Teemo, Global/Long Range Teleports
Everyone starts at windmill. Runners must start on point but blockers can be anywhere.
Game starts at 2:30 and everyone runs clockwise, counting each lap as they pass windmill tower.
The idea is NOT TO KILL YOUR OPPONENETS. You use CC and collision to hinder or help. (But like nascar, cars explode, people are killed on accident. If a player is killed they just run to the last point they passed and continue from there. ) Blockers come in handy to keep the enemy time in line or to give teammates openings to catch up.
CLARIFICATIONS: (yes we know that its hard to 100% balance almost 100 champs but were trying. If there is EVER a conflict, game creator sets the deciding factor: please be unbiased in this as it is not fun to allow something that you know will benefit a win for you. We like good sportsmanship!)
Skills Clarification Page (What you can and can't use!)
Other Banned Abilities: Global/Long-Range teleports such as Shen, Pantheon, TF ults (for obvious reasons), Global ults that just do damage such as Ezreal's and Karthus' (GP and Ashe ults are allowed since they CC and dont really do a ton of dmg anyway)
After 5 laps do what you want in mid or just leave and restart new game!
Dying and Preventing It (Pit Stops, Longer Games, and You):
Some people recommended trying a 'Pit Stop' clause and different versions of it. Currently the favored version: Anytime after your 3rd lap you can stop by your teams base to heal back up and buy more pots.
This comes in handy especially in longer games as well as a risk/reward policy. Do you potentially give up your lead runner status to get back some health? Can you survive in the pack much longer and you're out of pots? Gotta way these decision carefully.
Current favored way of dealing with actual Death: if you die, run back to the last point you passed.
Ahri: Charm (E) and Spirit Rush (R)
Akali: Twilight Shroud (W)
Alistar: All skills. (Alistar's passive may deal too much damage, just try not to purposely trigger it to hurt people)
Amumu: Bandage Toss (Q), Curse of the Sad Mummy (R)
Anivia: Flash Frost (Q), Crystallize (W), Glacial Storm (R)
Annie: May cast QWE but CANNOT target a champion unless her passive is set to stun. (Tibbers off limits due to high unnecessary damage)
Ashe: Volley (Q), Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R), (★Auto attacking is not allowed)
Blitzcrank: ★Do not level your ultimate (Passive tick will kill people), QWE fine
Brand: No skills allowed sorry. (Too much damage with passive, requires skillshot combo to stun )
Caitlyn: Yordle Snaptrap (W), 90 Caliber Net (E)
Cassiopeia: Miasma (W), Petrifying Gaze(R). (★Noxious Blast Q deals too high damage)
Cho'Gath: Rupture (Q)
Corki: Valkyrie (E)
Darius: Crippling Strike (W), Apprehend (E)
Dr. Mundo. Infected Cleaver (Q), Sadism (R)
Draven: Blood Rush (W), Stand Aside (E)
Evelynn: Dark Frenzy (W) only (Agony's Embrace does too much damage as does repeated Hate Spike)
Ezreal: Arcane Shift (E)
Fiddlesticks: Terrify (Q)
Fiora: Lunge (Q), Burst of Speed (E) (May only be used for Lunge MS boost, not autoattacking)
Fizz: Playful/Trickster (E), Chum the Waters (R)
Galio: Resolute Smite (Q), Bulwark (W), Righteous Gust (E), Idol Of Durand (R)
Gangplank: Remove Scurvy (W), Raise Morale (E), Cannon Barrage (R). (★Parley and Autoattacks are banned for the same reason Ashe can't autoattack. Too much sustained damage)
Garen: Decisive Strike (Q) (no attacking, just MS boost), Courage (W), /Judgment (E) (tap on and off to break a slow)/
Gragas: Body Slam (E), Drunken Rage (W), Explosive Cask (R)
Graves: Smokescreen (W), Quickdraw (E)
Hecarim: Devastating Charge (E), Onslaught of Shadows (R)
Heimerdinger: H1 Concussion Grenade (E), Upgrade (R) (For the CD reduction passive). (★Turrets not allowed as they do not normally slow, deal too much sustained damage, and are lingering damage source after Upgrade over)
Irelia: Equilibrium strike (E)
Janna: PERMABANNED. (Impossible to deal with. A Swiss Army knife of CC and the most OP passive for a race)
Jarvan IV: All abilities. (Only use Demacian Standard and Dragon Strike as a combination for knockup/distance closer, not to be used individually as harass)
Jax: Leap Strike (Q)(Allies only), Counter Strike (E)
Jayce: ???????
Karma: All abilities. (★Soul Shield CANNOT be used with Mantra. Heavenly Wave can ONLY be used with mantra and ONLY on allies to heal them)
Karthus: Wall of Pain (E)
Kassadin: Riftwalk (R), Force Pulse (E), Nether Blade (No attacking, just to feed Force Pulse charges)
Katarina: Shunpo (E) (allies only), Killer instincts (In combination with Shunpo to mitigate damage)
Kayle: All skills
Kennen: Lighting Rush (E), Slicing Maelstrom (R). (★You may only use Thundering Shuriken or Electrical surge to apply the THIRD mark of storm for the stun effect. See Annie's stun ruling)
Kog'Maw: Void Ooze (E)
LeBlanc: Distortion (W), Ethereal Chains (E), Mimic (R)
Lee Sin: Safeguard (W), Tempest/Cripple (E), Dragons Rage (R)
Leona: All skills
Lulu: Glitterlance (Q), Whimsy (W), Wild Growth (R)
Lux: Light Binding (Q), Lucent Singularity (E), Prismatic Barrier (W). (★ Do not detonate Lucent Singularity early. Let it run out naturally)
Malphite: Seismic Shard (Q), Brutal Strikes (W) (for armor buff only), Unstoppable Force (R)
Malzahar: Nether Grasp (R)
Maokai: Arcane Smash (Q), Twisted Advance (E), Vengeful Maelstrom (R)
Master Yi: Highlander (R)
Miss Fortune: Make it Rain (E)
Morgana: Dark Binding (Q), Black Shield (E), Soul Shackles (R)
Nasus: Wither (W)
Nautilus: All skills, (★Autoattack and Titan's Wrath (W) off limits)
Nidalee: Pounce (W Cougar), Primal Surge (E Human), Aspect of the Cougar (R).
Nocturne: Duskbringer (Q), Shroud of Darkness (W), Unspeakable Horror (E), Paranoia (R) (★The darkness part usable, the dash is not as it applies no CC and is considered semi-global atm)
Nunu: All Skills (Will look into R dealing too much damage)
Olaf: Undertow (Q), Ragnarok (R)
Orianna: All Skills. (Try to avoid hitting people with Command Attack. Aim it ahead of them, then use slow when they walk in range)
Pantheon: Aegis of Zeonia (W), (Grand Skyfall Ultimate permabanned)
Poppy: Paragon of Demacia (W), Diplomatic Immunity (R), Heroic Charge (E)
Rammus: BANNED (OP everything)
Renekton: Slice and Dice (E), Ruthless Predator (W)
Riven: Broken Wings (Q), Ki Burst (W), Valor (E).
Rumble: Scrap Shield (W), Electro Harpoon (E)
Ryze:Rune Prison (W)
Sejuani: Arctic Assault (Q) , Permafrost (E), Glacial Prison (R). (★AUTOATTACKING IS NOT ALLOWED)
Shen: Shadow Dash (E), Faint (W), (Stand United permabanned)
Shyvana: Burnout (W) , Dragon's Descent (R)
Singed: Mega Adhesive (W), Fling (E), Insanity Potion (R)
Sion: Cryptic Gaze (Q)
Sivir: Spell Shield (W), On the Hunt (R). (★AUTOATTACKING FOR HER PASSIVE is NOT ALLOWED)
Skarner: Crystaline Exoskeleton, Impale. (★Crystal Slash does not slow until the 2nd use, thus it is not allowed.
Soraka: Astral Blessing (W), Infuse (E) (allies only), Wish (R)
Swain: Decrepify (Q), Nevermore (W)
Talon: Rake (W), Shadow Assault (R), Cutthroat (E)
Taric: All Skills (★Cannot activate Shatter, Can only activate Radiance when no enemies in range)
Tristana: Rocket Jump (W), Buster Shot (R)
Trundle: Contaminate (W), Pillar of Filth (E)
Tryndamere: All Skills
Twisted Fate: Pick A Card (W) (★Red and gold cards only)
Twitch: Ambush (Q), Debilitating Poison (W)
Udyr: Turtle (W) and Bear stances (E) (★only autoattack every 6 seconds or more on same target for the stun)
Urgot: Terror Capacitor (W), Noxian Corossive Charge (E), Hyper Kinetic Position Reverser (R). (★Noxian Corossive Charge is allowed ONLY while Terror Capacitor is active to make it slow)
Varus: Hail of Arrows (E), Chain of Corruption (R)
Vayne: Tumble (Q), Condemn (E), Final Hour (R). (★Autoattacking to cool down tumble is not allowed)
Veigar: Event Horizon (W)
Viktor: Gravity Field (W)
Vladimir: Sanguine Pool (W)
Volibear: Rolling Thunder (Q), Majestic Roar (E)
Warwick: Blood Scent (E), Infinite Durress (R)
Wukong: Decoy (W), Cyclone (R)
Xerath: Locus of Power (W)
Xin Zhao: Audacious Charge (E), Crescent Sweep (R)
Yorick: Omen of Pestilence (W), Omen of War (Q) (special ruling: omen of war is only usable on minions. good luck finding one to hit though)
Ziggs: Satchel Charge (W), Hexplosive Minefield(E)
Zilean: Rewind (W), Time warp (E), Chronoshift. (R)
Zyra: Grasping Roots (E), Stranglethorns (R) NO SEEDS ALLOWED!
Ahri: Charm (E) and Spirit Rush (R)
Akali: Twilight Shroud (W)
Alistar: All skills. (Alistar's passive may deal too much damage, just try not to purposely trigger it to hurt people)
Amumu: Bandage Toss (Q), Curse of the Sad Mummy (R)
Anivia: Flash Frost (Q), Crystallize (W), Glacial Storm (R)
Annie: May cast QWE but CANNOT target a champion unless her passive is set to stun. (Tibbers off limits due to high unnecessary damage)
Ashe: Volley (Q), Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R), (★Auto attacking is not allowed)
Blitzcrank: ★Do not level your ultimate (Passive tick will kill people), QWE fine
Brand: No skills allowed sorry. (Too much damage with passive, requires skillshot combo to stun )
Caitlyn: Yordle Snaptrap (W), 90 Caliber Net (E)
Cassiopeia: Miasma (W), Petrifying Gaze(R). (★Noxious Blast Q deals too high damage)
Cho'Gath: Rupture (Q)
Corki: Valkyrie (E)
Darius: Crippling Strike (W), Apprehend (E)
Dr. Mundo. Infected Cleaver (Q), Sadism (R)
Draven: Blood Rush (W), Stand Aside (E)
Evelynn: Dark Frenzy (W) only (Agony's Embrace does too much damage as does repeated Hate Spike)
Ezreal: Arcane Shift (E)
Fiddlesticks: Terrify (Q)
Fiora: Lunge (Q), Burst of Speed (E) (May only be used for Lunge MS boost, not autoattacking)
Fizz: Playful/Trickster (E), Chum the Waters (R)
Galio: Resolute Smite (Q), Bulwark (W), Righteous Gust (E), Idol Of Durand (R)
Gangplank: Remove Scurvy (W), Raise Morale (E), Cannon Barrage (R). (★Parley and Autoattacks are banned for the same reason Ashe can't autoattack. Too much sustained damage)
Garen: Decisive Strike (Q) (no attacking, just MS boost), Courage (W), /Judgment (E) (tap on and off to break a slow)/
Gragas: Body Slam (E), Drunken Rage (W), Explosive Cask (R)
Graves: Smokescreen (W), Quickdraw (E)
Hecarim: Devastating Charge (E), Onslaught of Shadows (R)
Heimerdinger: H1 Concussion Grenade (E), Upgrade (R) (For the CD reduction passive). (★Turrets not allowed as they do not normally slow, deal too much sustained damage, and are lingering damage source after Upgrade over)
Irelia: Equilibrium strike (E)
Janna: PERMABANNED. (Impossible to deal with. A Swiss Army knife of CC and the most OP passive for a race)
Jarvan IV: All abilities. (Only use Demacian Standard and Dragon Strike as a combination for knockup/distance closer, not to be used individually as harass)
Jax: Leap Strike (Q)(Allies only), Counter Strike (E)
Jayce: ???????
Karma: All abilities. (★Soul Shield CANNOT be used with Mantra. Heavenly Wave can ONLY be used with mantra and ONLY on allies to heal them)
Karthus: Wall of Pain (E)
Kassadin: Riftwalk (R), Force Pulse (E), Nether Blade (No attacking, just to feed Force Pulse charges)
Katarina: Shunpo (E) (allies only), Killer instincts (In combination with Shunpo to mitigate damage)
Kayle: All skills
Kennen: Lighting Rush (E), Slicing Maelstrom (R). (★You may only use Thundering Shuriken or Electrical surge to apply the THIRD mark of storm for the stun effect. See Annie's stun ruling)
Kog'Maw: Void Ooze (E)
LeBlanc: Distortion (W), Ethereal Chains (E), Mimic (R)
Lee Sin: Safeguard (W), Tempest/Cripple (E), Dragons Rage (R)
Leona: All skills
Lulu: Glitterlance (Q), Whimsy (W), Wild Growth (R)
Lux: Light Binding (Q), Lucent Singularity (E), Prismatic Barrier (W). (★ Do not detonate Lucent Singularity early. Let it run out naturally)
Malphite: Seismic Shard (Q), Brutal Strikes (W) (for armor buff only), Unstoppable Force (R)
Malzahar: Nether Grasp (R)
Maokai: Arcane Smash (Q), Twisted Advance (E), Vengeful Maelstrom (R)
Master Yi: Highlander (R)
Miss Fortune: Make it Rain (E)
Morgana: Dark Binding (Q), Black Shield (E), Soul Shackles (R)
Nasus: Wither (W)
Nautilus: All skills, (★Autoattack and Titan's Wrath (W) off limits)
Nidalee: Pounce (W Cougar), Primal Surge (E Human), Aspect of the Cougar (R).
Nocturne: Duskbringer (Q), Shroud of Darkness (W), Unspeakable Horror (E), Paranoia (R) (★The darkness part usable, the dash is not as it applies no CC and is considered semi-global atm)
Nunu: All Skills (Will look into R dealing too much damage)
Olaf: Undertow (Q), Ragnarok (R)
Orianna: All Skills. (Try to avoid hitting people with Command Attack. Aim it ahead of them, then use slow when they walk in range)
Pantheon: Aegis of Zeonia (W), (Grand Skyfall Ultimate permabanned)
Poppy: Paragon of Demacia (W), Diplomatic Immunity (R), Heroic Charge (E)
Rammus: BANNED (OP everything)
Renekton: Slice and Dice (E), Ruthless Predator (W)
Riven: Broken Wings (Q), Ki Burst (W), Valor (E).
Rumble: Scrap Shield (W), Electro Harpoon (E)
Ryze:Rune Prison (W)
Sejuani: Arctic Assault (Q) , Permafrost (E), Glacial Prison (R). (★AUTOATTACKING IS NOT ALLOWED)
Shen: Shadow Dash (E), Faint (W), (Stand United permabanned)
Shyvana: Burnout (W) , Dragon's Descent (R)
Singed: Mega Adhesive (W), Fling (E), Insanity Potion (R)
Sion: Cryptic Gaze (Q)
Sivir: Spell Shield (W), On the Hunt (R). (★AUTOATTACKING FOR HER PASSIVE is NOT ALLOWED)
Skarner: Crystaline Exoskeleton, Impale. (★Crystal Slash does not slow until the 2nd use, thus it is not allowed.
Soraka: Astral Blessing (W), Infuse (E) (allies only), Wish (R)
Swain: Decrepify (Q), Nevermore (W)
Talon: Rake (W), Shadow Assault (R), Cutthroat (E)
Taric: All Skills (★Cannot activate Shatter, Can only activate Radiance when no enemies in range)
Tristana: Rocket Jump (W), Buster Shot (R)
Trundle: Contaminate (W), Pillar of Filth (E)
Tryndamere: All Skills
Twisted Fate: Pick A Card (W) (★Red and gold cards only)
Twitch: Ambush (Q), Debilitating Poison (W)
Udyr: Turtle (W) and Bear stances (E) (★only autoattack every 6 seconds or more on same target for the stun)
Urgot: Terror Capacitor (W), Noxian Corossive Charge (E), Hyper Kinetic Position Reverser (R). (★Noxian Corossive Charge is allowed ONLY while Terror Capacitor is active to make it slow)
Varus: Hail of Arrows (E), Chain of Corruption (R)
Vayne: Tumble (Q), Condemn (E), Final Hour (R). (★Autoattacking to cool down tumble is not allowed)
Veigar: Event Horizon (W)
Viktor: Gravity Field (W)
Vladimir: Sanguine Pool (W)
Volibear: Rolling Thunder (Q), Majestic Roar (E)
Warwick: Blood Scent (E), Infinite Durress (R)
Wukong: Decoy (W), Cyclone (R)
Xerath: Locus of Power (W)
Xin Zhao: Audacious Charge (E), Crescent Sweep (R)
Yorick: Omen of Pestilence (W), Omen of War (Q) (special ruling: omen of war is only usable on minions. good luck finding one to hit though)
Ziggs: Satchel Charge (W), Hexplosive Minefield(E)
Zilean: Rewind (W), Time warp (E), Chronoshift. (R)
Zyra: Grasping Roots (E), Stranglethorns (R) NO SEEDS ALLOWED!
Nidalee Hurdles
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Race through the jungle as cougar form Nidalee on a pre-determined route. This will include wall-hopping! Best time wins.
Map of the route will be displayed here as soon as I come with it! 2 reps from each team will participate.
Map of the route will be displayed here as soon as I come with it! 2 reps from each team will participate.
CS Contest
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This one's pretty straightforward. You have 10 minutes alone on Summoner's Rift with the any Champion on your roster. Goal is to get the highest possible cs you can, any way you can. 2 reps from each team will participate.
5v5 Summoner's Rift Showdown
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'Nuff said.
Ezreal Skeet Shooting
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For this event, you will pick Ezreal and level up to 6. You must head down to the bottom right of the map. Your goal is to fire your Trueshot Barrage up towards the top left of the map, hitting only one minion in the top lane. You can only stand anywhere along the end of one brush to another, and the shot must travel in between the 2 centre turrets. You receive 45 seconds from the time your ultimate comes off cooldown to line up your shot, and you get 3 shots total. 3 points for a shot that only hits one minion, and -1 for every other minion hit along the way. 2 reps from each team will participate.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/8k6oe.jpg)