LG IM's Consecutive Finals Appearance and the person who showed the greatness of the Protoss Race, IM_Seed is here with us.You continiously got pummeled in the early game, had to struggle just to make a pylon outside, fire and anger must have been boiling inside you during the game. Please tell us how you feel about your victory.
Well.. First... It feels great to win...Continuously... Those hellions... They not only burned the probes but burned their very soul...So I just felt like giving up during Atlantis spaceship. But something unknown made me want to continue the games a little longer.I think that is why I won.
It was an amazingly Tough Fight after all the harrasments you recieved. Where are you getting your powers? Where does this protoss power originate from?
Ah... The Protoss' power comes from Immortals. And Immortal's are sagi* (Fraud, IMBA). I don't say other things are sagi, but I think Immortals are sagi. This is my heartfelt confession. Immortals are sagi. (points finger at camera)
Hahahaha. Many viewers have come out here to cheer for you in unison. The cheers and its heat, can you feel it inside you?
Well first of all... I can feel the Caster Park Sang Hyun's (The person interviewing) spit on my body. Yes this really is the substance that cools down the body from the heat of the crowd's cheers. But this victory makes me feel happy even after feeling the spit.
Mr Park)
Even spit. If we talk spit, Mr.Chae is famous for it.
Mr. Chae)
Hey, what are you talking about?
Mr. Park)
This season you became the man of Monsieur J. In the finals you will be playing infront of Jung Woo Sung (Famous Korean Actor, and the cover model for Monsieur J). One spot has now been decided and there still are two players fighting for that last spot. Who do you want that person to be?
Well...For Me...Personally if MC comes up to the finals, then there will be another toss winner, and MC is a good younger brother of mine (in korea when you are younger they call you dongsang meaning younger brother), so it would be good for multiple reasons. But from the fan's perspective, they have been saying "PvP cannot Occur" "Jung Woo Sung would not come if there is PvP" So because of these talks it would be good if DRG comes up as well.
So do you feel confident whoever comes up?
Yes I feel confident to lose no matter who comes up. yes. yes. I can lose no matter who comes up, but... ya i can lose no matter who comes up.
hahaha yourself?
Yes. Hahaha
Mr. Park)
What's so crazy about your games this season, it was true for the ro.4 and ro.8, you startout getting pummeled.But you always win the last game.
Yes. Well this is... I think it was vicotry of the mental strength. At first I had the continous feeling of "ah.. I can't do it" and that feeling was welling up and coming up from the stomach all the way to my throat. But I swallowed it and barely broke through that mental lapse and at the last game played very standard, and I think that is why I won. Because intitially that was not the build I planned for that game. At Daybreak.
Mr. Engine)
Both Ro.4 and Ro 8. You came back in a comeback fashion. What did you feel when the games ended after your opponent typed gg?
Well first...Regardless of getting first or second, I want to win lot of money and buy a house for my parents.
Mr Park)
Ah~~ Yes! Thats right. Win to buy house for your parents. Now its finals in the beach of Haeundae. Lot of viewers must come and watch your finals. Please tell us your Preparedness for the finals and your words to attract more viewers to the finals.
...At Haeundae, other than me and one of either MC or DRG, Sir Jung Woo Sung will be there. Come and Witness the Greatness that is Jung Woo Sung.
Mr Park)
Your Statement regarding your preperation for the finals?
My Statement... There is none.
Mr. Park)
Oh! He will show his readiness through his games in the finals. Please a round of applause for IM_Seed.
Another great personality in SC2, and its a shame lot of people cannot recognize it due to inadequete translation during the group selection and these interviews.
Hopefully we see a good Finals, and Seed better do well in the finals!