I could feel passion of Coach Park in this interview, really good read ^_^.
And yes this will be the final Medic Date, but there is a goodbye Medic Date where Lee So Ra interviews Tossgirl, coming soon. Let's begin :D
[Organization – Daily e-Sports Lee So Ra Journalist – sora@dailyesports.com]
[Photos – Daily e-Sports Park Woon Sung Journalist – photo@dailyesports.com]
Sources -
Part 1 - http://esports.dailygame.co.kr/news/read.php?id=59131
Part 2 - http://esports.dailygame.co.kr/news/read.php?id=59319
Part One
[Tossgirl’s Medic Date] Coach Park Yong Woon, “Meeting ‘Doh-Taek-Myung’ was good fortune”.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/926PY.jpg)
Hello. This is STX Soul’s Progamer Seo Ji Soo (

Last week’s ‘Medic Date’ interviewee was SK Telecom’s Jung Myung Hoon (

After interviewing Fantasy, the next person to interview came up immediately. Because we talked with a player going into the Proleague finals, there was a lot of discussion about it. Until now, I thought about attempting to do the very first coach interview on ‘Medic Date’. Thinking it would be nice to talk about a variety of stories from the winning team’s coach, I talked quiety to both SK Telecom’s Park Yong Woon and KT’s Lee Ji Hoon coaches.
Since it was an important period of time, I was careful asking the two coaches, but they allowed it with pleasure and mentioned, “After the victory I hope I get interviewed”. In the past when I saw the finals I had a calm mind, but knowing that I will interview one of the coaches added excitement for me.
It has been 3 years since SK Telecom has claimed the Winner’s Cup, and the SK Planet Starcraft Proleague Season 1 ended. Also this week’s ‘Medic Date’ interviewee naturally became SK Telecom’s Park Yong Woon coach. For me it was a first meeting other coaches other than Samsung Khan’s Kim Ga Eul (

SK Telecom’s Coach Park, greeted me with a warm smile. Time flew by as we talked about many interesting stories, and now let’s dive into this interview.
◆Walking on thin ice-like conditions preparations for the Finals.
TG – First, congratulations taking the winner’s cup in 3 years.
Park – Thank you. Really I think it’s better than the 08-09 Season’s win. Honestly watching this season’s mid-playoff, playoffs I prayed that KT would drop out (laugh). The players probably felt the same. Probably caused a trauma. But thinking about it now, if a different team came up and won, the feeling of something bothering me wouldn’t have left. Anyhow, after winning now I feel great.
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TG – If you lost again, I bet the damage would be bigger this time. Losing to the same team 3 times in a row in the finals, probably would lose your self-esteem.
Park – The day the playoffs ended I was in the audience. After KT was decided to be out opponent, my facial muscles were shivering (laugh). To calm myself down I took a walk outside, it was that intense. Because if we lose to them again, it would be big trouble so it was tough times.
I think the coaching staff was really careful and took precious time for the entry and build planning. Additionally saying, ‘You can’t afford to lose’ (laugh). Coaches gave a lot of pressure to the players (laugh). We were that desperate. The players also had vacant minds, but later went ‘We’re not losing to KT again’ and grinded their practice.
TG – While preparing for the finals, what points were the most important?
Park – One thought took 50% of thinking. If we lose we’re in big trouble (laugh). I thought we couldn’t reclaim our fallen pride, not to mention that SK Telecom seemed like it would collapse. I’m talking like this even after we won, but at that time day by day felt like hell. Rather would have preferred to play fast and get it over with.
TG – Before the finals, in Starleague Kim Taek Yong (

Park – I wasn’t particularly worried. Because I gave plenty of time to practice, that they won’t have complaints or regret. There are three ways to prepare for the preliminaries. There is preferring the team operation’s management method, put a coach on a player and helping him prepare, and lastly having the players play freely to practice giving them free time to do so. They all have pros and cons, the first two methods whether they win or lose, they have complaints. However the third method, the players practice the way the want so no complaints arise. If the players had no complaints, they would get out of the shock of losing, I learned that through experience.
While the players practiced for the prelims, I said to them, ‘You don’t have to go up, and do the best of your abilities’. The players also after practicing and their results, received the results calmly. I think this probably helped Best and Bisu to get rid of the aftereffects of dropping out of the prelims.
But for Bisu, more than other players he felt the most shock from dropping out of the preliminaries. Coming back from the prelims, he seemed to be struggling a lot. An admirable thing about Bisu is that he can recover by himself well. Bisu must have suffered, but the day afterwards he did he best to practice for the Proleague finals, and that made the other players practice even harder.
TG – The hardest decision probably was choosing the player to send in the Ace match.
Park – It was the biggest worry (laugh). Usually we have one person set as the Ace, but this finals we prepared both Fantasy and Bisu. We learned something from the last finals.
Last year’s finals were entirely my fault. At that time the Ace match map was ‘Circuit Breaker’ but Bisu did terrible on that map. Not just versus Terran, but his versus Zerg was shaky. Especially after losing once to Hwaseung’s Goo Seung Hoon (Hiya – retired), he had produced a vs Terran trauma on it.
Making the players play forcefully on the map, yielded only bad results. If you push players to play, they don’t feel any responsibility. That’s why I like for them to volunteer. At that time Best had a sense for vT so I trusted him and sent him. But in my head I thought it would be tough for him in the Ace match.
My biggest mistake is not having Bisu practice on ‘Circuit Breaker’. Even having a month and a half time to prepare, I didn’t having practice one game on it. That day Best’s condition wasn’t good, and intuitively I thought that we would lose the ace match. But I couldn’t send anyone else for the Ace match. Bisu has not practiced on Circuit Breaker for a time, and the same for Fantasy.
Still we gained a lot from that. After those finals Bisu felt lots of regret. Maybe he thought he should’ve played, so this final he volunteered himself to play. I was happy. Best also changed his approach to practice, Fantasy also thought leaving it all on one person was dangerous, and practiced hard. It was a big help.
This season preparing both Bisu and Fantasy, was because of that. That day condition can affect anyone, and they would be good practice partners on Circuit Breaker. And they did for real.
Honestly not choosing ‘Neo Outlier’, but ‘Neo Chain Reaction’ is hoping Flash would play. After continuously letting Fantasy and Bisu play, it seemed possible for Terran to play but in the game contents Bisu always had the advantage. If Flash came out, I had a certainty that would make the game favor us.
On the final’s stage, both said they were confidence. Fortunately they both won their matches, and in a coach’s position it was a pleasant worry. But Fantasy has mixed in bluff in his confidence, and Bisu really was filled with confidence. For Bisu you can definitely tell if he is confident or not (laugh).
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/0GZIf.jpg)
Still Flash played beyond expectations. I didn’t think Bisu would lose, but when Flash moved out Bisu lost his Reaver I had a scary thought ‘He can lose this’. But on the other hand, losing the Cybernetics Core became a big help (laugh). Bisu was forced to produce only Zealots, and in the rush in the heat of the moment into the main worked well (laugh). After the game ended asking Bisu, he tried making Dragoons but he realized late that he lost his Core and thought ‘Oh shoot’ and as a last hope went for a Zealot rush. Winning this season was lucky for us (laugh). I’m really glad.
Honestly I was worried (laugh). Even in last season not using Bisu for Ace, and sending Best in the Ace I got lots of flak from that. But this season’s ace was truly Fantasy (laugh). I was nervous that I would get more flak, on why this coach never used the Ace and using other players, and giving us these results (laugh). I’m truly thankful Bisu gave us the win (laugh).
◆’Doh-Taek-Myung’ as Coach Park sees it
[T/N - Doh-Taek-Myung is the trio Best-Bisu-Fantasy the main pillars of SKT]
TG – Normally a team filled with strong players, are known to be hard to control. In SK Telecom with Best-Bisu-Fantasy and many good players, it would seem like that but how is it?
Park – Of course there are parts like that. If there is a concentration of strong players, they all have their own style so it’s hard to handle them. But for me I think I’m a very lucky coach. The easiest players to manage are ‘Doh-Taek-Myung’. Rather the players under them are harder to handle.
The players that play average are really stubborn. Thinking that they rose up here on their own strength, they ignore other people’s advice.
Compared to that ‘Doh-Taek-Myung’ have a good mindset and good manners, and open to thoughts about the game. Originally SK Telecom is, ‘You can’t do it alone’ is taught as common teaching but not many players really take it to heart. But ‘Doh-Taek-Myung’ realized what they can do, and what they couldn’t do a long time ago and they know what they can provide for the team.
Of course the players sometimes act like babies (laugh). Back then I did not respond to it a lot, but recently I’m trying to respond (laugh). Asking the fans or the organizers, they say Best and Bisu do that outside too. Of course Fantasy doesn’t do that much.
TG – There are rumors that Fantasy’s mindset is really good.
Park – From all the players I’ve seen, he is the most mature and intelligent. He doesn’t like being a problem to others, and does his work by himself 100%. Sometimes it’s sad to see. Weirdly he has no luck and even if he plays well, the attention goes to other players often.
In these finals, Fantasy had perfect management and beat KT’s Flash and seemed all the attention would go to him. But in the end Ace match, Bisu beat Fantasy and the situation was reversed. After the Ace match, I said to Fantasy ‘what now’ and tried cheering him up, he responded ‘It’s okay’ and laughed bitterly. I felt sorry. I felt that he regrets a small bit, in the words of ‘It’s okay if the teams wins’.
He’s a really hard working player, but he’s so unlucky, it’s such a shame. But I have faith in Fantasy, after practicing his best someday he will become big. That’s why even when it’s tough, he’s doing his best. Someday he knows that it everything will turn out right.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/qM35p.jpg)
TG – Bisu really could not perform well in individual leagues, in a coach’s standpoint it must be a big concern.
Park – I was worried it might affect his morale. The reason it was hard to decide on an Ace to play these finals, honestly I was worried the prelims result had an influence to decide.
If I think about his position and his struggles, my heart hurts. Not expressing it outside is even sadder. In adult’s eyes you can see it. Still trying to get over it himself and striving hard, I thought that was commendable.
While he had been struggling from the prelims, on the finals day I had confirmations that Bisu overcame all of it. I’m really glad. For the occasion of this final, I think Bisu will shake off this prelims outing and be reborn as a stronger player.
TG – As a coach, You must be happy to have such strong players.
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Park – Of course (laugh). I bet other coaches are envious as well. They have a strong mentality, and they are players that can be role models for others, this is really a happy job. I hope I can be happy even longer (laugh).
Part Two
[Tossgirl’s Medic Date] SK Telecom’s coach Park Yong Woon, “I want to remain as an e-Sports person”.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/uPCM2.jpg)
Hello. This is STX Soul’s Progamer Seo Ji Soo (

Today we’re starting with sad news. Honestly this time is the last time for Medic Date readers. For me of course I am very sad about this. In a Progamer’s life momentarily being active as a journalist/writer, these 4 months felt like a dream to me. I loved meeting the fans through this, and I will never forget all the support from you all.
For my story, I think I have more time after this. So today let’s have a more cheerful start to this Medic Date. Thinking of this as the last time, I feel more motivated to provide the reader’s with entertaining stories.
Since it was the last Medic Date interview, when I looked for a suitable person I chose from the e-Sports biggest celebration, and decided to meet the coach of the winner of the Proleague Finals. To do this I needed to have the green light from both coaches. They both listened to my request readily; I want to sincerely thank both KT’s Lee Ji Hoon coach and SK Telecom’s Park Yong Woon coach.
While interviewing the Park Yong Woon coach of SK Telecom from the Proleague Finals, I felt a mysterious emotion while conducting my last Medic Date. Thinking of this as the last time, I felt a sudden surge of sadness. If I did not have the calmly composed Park Yong Woon coach, this interview probably would not have progressed far.
Last time we talked about the preparations against KT in the Finals, and SK Telecom’s key players (Doh-Taek-Myung – Best-Bisu-Fantasy). This week we’ll have more entertaining stories for the last Medic Date, please show lots of interest.
◆The reason why they’re the best.
TG – After being appointed as a coach, reaching the finals 4 years in a row with SK Telecom, is there a secret or method to maintain your high position?
Park – This may be a formal response, but there is no other answer. We are a team that receives the best support. The players know if that they play good, they get compensation for it. Also you can’t ignore the experience of winning. From the coaching staff to the secretariat, we have know-hows on how we can win. I think we have a more solid infrastructure than other teams.
However more than anything, the biggest strength is probably our positive attitude. The players are always satisfied with the team situation, and receive all of it positively. Compared to the past we have less support now, the players instead of having complaints they are recognizing that the entire e-Sports scene has been downsized. In that situation, they have the positive mindset that they are the strongest team.
After becoming the coach, I constantly made a strong emphasis on the strength of staying positive. Maybe it’s because of that compared to other team’s players, the time it takes for our players to come out of slumps are short. I’m really glad.
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TG – No matter how much you tell them, to make the players become positive is not an easy task.
Park – Luckily in our team our key players trust in the power of staying positive and listen well. Since the players that perform become leaders by example, the other players follow them and create a synergy effect. Truthfully who would try and follow someone with a bad record. In Fantasy’s case, instead of looking at everything negative, he tries his best looking at it positive, puts in effort, and is keeping his strong position. Other players follow and learn from him.
Even within our team, there is a strong awareness that amongst the Terran that Fantasy is number two. That would be much stress for him. But he overcame that by himself. When I look at Fantasy, I feel the impressiveness of staying positive from him. He is happy because there is always somewhere to climb up, and when I see him practice hard I feel proud of him.
TG – I think being the coach of the strongest team would have lots of worries too. If I was a coach, I think all my hair would fall out (laugh).
Park – It’s stressful (laugh). When I’m sitting in the practice room there are many times I feel a surge of emotion (laugh). It’s not just me, I see other coaches do that too (laugh).
In the past the feeling of coaching staff and players working together was strong. At that time everyone was struggling, cheered each other on to become sponsored by a good business, and we did our best. We had a strong camaraderie for each other.
But recently that part has largely disappeared from the coaching staff and the players. The players while looking at the coaches, ‘they’re receiving money, of course they have to do this work’, kind of thinking. In other words it’s not backing or trusting the coaching staff, but thinking of them as people that are working for the team. Being identified like that, the players became hard to manage. Especially it’s hard to manage the team in the highest position.
Like I mentioned before, the point I’m glad about is that the players that perform well listen to the coaching staff more, so it’s becoming a lot better. Still a sad part is that any coach would like to be seen respected. Any sports coach would probably say the same thing. But recently it’s really tough to make that come true.
TG – When maintain the best team, the coach’s role is pivotal. You must have been worried when Choi Yeon Sung (

Park – I was super worried. Oov-coach really made a lot of builds, and through that build many victories and losses was commonplace. To try and fill Oov-coach’s position, I searched far and wide to find talent.
But unluckily, there was nobody that could fill Oov-coach’s role in the e-Sports world. I think of Oov-coach as a natural blessing. The really fortunate point is, we changed to best of 5, and Fantasy fulfilled his role so out team could stay strong.
If next season we changed back to a best of 7, that is worrisome. Still we learned a few methods, so it’s not too bad. The best thing is Oov-coach finishing his service fast (laugh).
◆SK Telecom players have strong individualism?
TG – This might be a sensitive question for you. There are rumors that SK Telecom players aren’t friendly and they have strong individualism. In a coach’s standpoint, how is it?
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Park – I should be honest yes? That is partially true. Also it’s an ongoing tradition that came down a long time ago. There are the current players learned from the seniors before them.
When I was an MBC Coach and entered SKT, the toughest part was individualism. With the MBC players we had no distance between each other, and exchanged our inner thoughts as well. Not just being a coaching staff and players, we were like a family.
But after arriving in SK Telecom, the atmosphere was really dreary (laugh). To have the players work together in harmony, first I need to find a method to do that (laugh). Now it has become a lot better, but compared to other teams their individualism is a bit harsh.
After asking around other teams, on resting days their players went to movies together and spend a lot of time each other. Of course there are players like that in SK Telecom, but most of them spend their time individually. When rookies enter, it’s hard for them to adjust.
But I am not trying to improve it forcefully. It’s an old tradition, and because of this I see areas of gain as well in a managing standpoint.
For other teams, they tend to all be affected by the atmosphere. If the team atmosphere is good, the player’s atmosphere also increased but on the other hand, if the team atmosphere settles down you can see the player’s records can plummet several times. Even if the team atmosphere is not good, one player can start playing well and the team mood recovers quickly. It’s never a sudden change. Maybe that’s why SK Telecom’s record never lingers long in the lower tiers. Having strong individualism is not all bad.
The most obvious part is that the seniors have to be really good? The younger players tend to copy the behaviors of seniors doing well. I think you have to be careful about this.
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TG – The rumor about Best and Bisu being awkward toward each other, would that be linked to having strong individualism?
Park – You can interpret that part a little differently. When Bisu entered SK Telecom, Best was playing really well. In Best’s standpoint, of course he would be wary. Bisu also, must have been sorry a bit as well. The definite part is, Best looked at Bisu as a rival.
Recently too, when I see them cooperating I can see them competing with each other. This also adds to our team’s synergy. They try to learn each other’s strengths. Best improving in his PvZ, and the reason Bisu improved his PvT must have had an effect from their cooperation.
In a team’s standpoint, having them maintain this relationship is not a bad thing. They become a help to each other, and to the team.
◆The coach is in distress?
TG – In the time you have lived as a coach, who is the most memorable player for you?
Park – It has to be Fantasy and Bisu. Their minds are really good, and when I talk with them I become deeply moved. When I talk with Fantasy, as a coach knowing that I have such a player on my team, I do sometimes become emotional and shed tears (laugh). Bisu is also reliable. Having the opportunity as a coach to guide these players, is a fortune in itself.
TG – You are known to dote on your daughter a lot, living as a coach you might be sad not being able to spend enough time with her.
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Park – It is one of the difficult parts (laugh). Thinking that I should not share the same starting time with the players, I’m always 30 minutes early in the practice room. If I start at 9:30 in the morning, it’s common to leave the office around 2-3AM.
During the season, I have no time to meet my friends. In the situation where I don’t have enough time to spend with my family, if I try and make some middle ground my rhythm is messed up; I cannot be an emotional support for my family. How can someone who cannot manage their family, to manage a team? When I can have time for the family, I try my best and make the best usage of that time.
Still this season, I know my wife was probably disappointed in me. Before I knew it, she had turned the cold shoulder to me (laugh). Whenever this happens, we try to settle this with conversation. So I try and explain the situation of the team, and bit by bit about the critical situation. Honestly, it really was dangerous (laugh). If we didn’t win, I don’t think I could have met the fans through this interview in the coming season (laugh). After saying that, she understood.
After winning when I mentioned our family for the first time, she was crying a lot. In the off season I will try and spend a lot of time with the family.
TG – As a coach, if you could comment about the introduction of Starcraft 2?
Park – This is a tough question (laugh). Truthfully there is no better content than Starcraft. I think it is tough to have another game like this. The crisis right now is not content based, but the flow of it is blocked right now.
As the Progamers receive salaries, and the team invests the scene has to become bigger, but the flow in tied up so it’s hard to deal with it. In those terms, I think the introduction of Starcraft 2 is an unavoidable result. We still have not delved deep enough, instead of discussing whether it will become a success or a failure, just that the flowing is going one way.
If the league creators have passion and can make an entertaining product, wouldn’t there be a good result? This is my thoughts.
TG – This is the Medic Date’s last question and the formal ending. For Coach Park, what is your dream?
Park – I think e-Sports is still in its infancy. There is no telling how long you can be on the coaching staff as well. If one cannot is out of things to show as a coach they can be fired, and also if you can’t produce results (laugh). However the important thing is, I want to remain and work to develop the e-Sports scene will not change. Even if I’m not a coach, I want to become a support to the growth of e-Sports. I will continue working for that. E-Sports fans, please give us lots of love and support.
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TG – As the last Medic Date interview, thank you very much for your time. I will see you in the match studios from now on.
Park – Thinking of this as the last, it is sad. I was one of the avid readers (laugh). I hope I can see you in matches often. Looking forward to it.
Edit: Typoes