WOuld love to stay up for this, but I'd be too drunk watching UFC Jones vs. Evans to see this. Too bad this is the most packed groups in the Dual Tournaments.
I'm really happy to see HiyA playing again. I don't know how well he'll do, but even if he loses -- loses embarrassingly, it'll still be preferable to the STX Masters final being his last televised game... what a miserable night that was.
So yeah, no matter the outcome, it's still good. Of course, I'm hoping he wins 2-0 ezpz and crushes through this OSL and KT's like "fuck man, our Terran line sucks, we need HiyA" or some other team picks him up... but this is definitely a start.
please better games that yesterday, please better games than yesterday, please better games that yesterday, please better games than yesterday, please better games that yesterday, please better games than yesterday
also, I'm sturggling here to pick 2 of horang, hiya and zero. theres already too many zergs, but it's zero