The Big 3: Basically this thread is about 3 major issues I see in the game, revolving mostly around the Terran race. How to change these things? I do not know, I am not a programmer, not a designer, I am simply someone who plays, watches, and loves this game, and has an opinion on it. The solution is anyone's guess, I am simply here to present the (at least I feel) problems that are present, feel free to share any advice that you think may improve these situations... so without further adue, here we go:
#1 Upgrade synergy
This is something the Terran race is extremely lacking. There is little (if any realistic) upgrade synergy in the Terran race. You go bio, you are pretty much stuck on bio throught the game... you go mech, you are pretty much stuck on mech... the reason being, all of a sudden popping out a bunch of 0/0 siege tanks after going bio all game is not going to really help you at all against a 2/2 opponents army. Throwing down double armories or double ebays and switching to mech or bio 15 minutes into a game is extremely impractical (the one exception being late game battlecruiser tech switch against protoss via viking attack upgrades). The production facilities required, the upgrade time/cost basically make any sort of play like this impossible. The problem with this is that there are counters to all units in SC, so once an opponenet has a good idea of what youre doing, they can make those counters and crush your army... and you really don't have much of an option but to remax on that same army even though you KNOW your opponent has all sorts of counters to it. While protoss' entire ground army benefits from forge upgrades, and zerg has pretty solid synergy with their upgrades (all ground units share the same carapace).
#2 Production facilities/tech switching
This ties in to upgrade synergy and is a very similar issue. The late game tech switches of zerg and protoss can be accomplished by throwing down one, two, maybe 3? extra buildings, and they already in most cases have the production facilities to churn out those units. The broodlord/ultra tech switch literally requires ONE building to switch from one of the most powerful units in the game (broodlord) to one of the other most powerful units in the game (ultralisk). Colossus/templar switch is the same, requiring ONE building to go from producing colossus to mass producing templar/archon. Again, two of the most powerful units in the game. Terran has no ability like this. The amount of time/money you have to invest to switch to late game battlecruisers or thors or something is rarely, if ever, worth it. The huge investment (and mining time lost due to scvs producing these buildings) into 4 starports/factories/double armories/upgrades is just so impractical you basically never see it. This sort of leaves Terran on one tech path which they can not get out of and your opponent knows this, thus there are few suprises late game in the Terran army.
#3 Vikings and Ghosts
I don't think there is a Terran on the planet that likes either of these units, but they are literally REQUIRED that Terran get them against Z and P (maybe not so much ghost in TvZ anymore, due to snipe nerf). Late game tech switches make one or both of these units impractical and useless. Specifically the colossus/templar switch making vikings completely worthless, the Templar/Colossus switch making ghosts not nearly as effective, the broodlord/ultra switch making your vikings worthless. Without vikings versus broodlords or colossus you get creamed, without ghosts versus templar/archon, again, you get wasted. I am not sure what the answer is, a more practical unit that does well against something other than ONE unit in the enemy arsenal?
Well there is, feel free to speculate!