Hi, a lot of people had been asking me on twitter, facebook, skype, etc for a replay pack of games I had been playing lately. While I do not have some of the replays I would've liked to have included as I played those games from the fnatic house, this replay pack contains 55 replays, which include:
17- TvP 15- TvT 22- TvZ 1- ZvT
Download link: https://rapidshare.com/files/1131503174/replaypack42012.zip
All games are played at the highest masters level / GM on Korea, and the replay pack includes me vs players such as: Jjaki, Maru, Genius, Leenock, Losira, F91, SlayerS`Ryung, CoCa, Soulman and more ~
Enjoy the games :D, and if there's any game someone saw on stream in particular they wanted uploaded or something, please feel free to ask and I can get it.
Thanks ~
OMG , Thank you so much nick.
Thanks! I have a tendosynovitis which keeps me from playing for a few days so I'll watch this instead D:
Thanks :D
On a side note, decaf, tendovaginitis sounds like something that happens when a girl strains her groin lol
Thanks LS, This may help in getting me back in the game.
On April 03 2012 18:17 enigamI wrote: Thanks :D
On a side note, decaf, tendovaginitis sounds like something that happens when a girl strains her groin lol picked the wrong translation, now it should be fine~ it's hard translating stuff like that when you don't use latin names in german.
Great stuff dude! Appreciated.
One question: weren't you playing zerg? how come the race switch?
Great to see more replay packs from the best foreign player. Ill watch for sure.
hope seeing you soon in more tournaments like GSL etc, i really like your play !
Couldnt download for some reason? Invalid parameters?
Cant wait to look through them thank you.
cant wait to watch all these thanks LS
Watched the recommended TvP game on Shakuras. The protoss had 131 apm and 99 eapm. You had 280apm and 160 eapm. It was a close back and forth game too.
I have more apm/eapm than that protoss and I'm only dia wtf. Almost no protoss players I've ever seen have high apm except for HerO, Parting, and MC. Maybe that's why they're so good lol.
Sweet, even though I'm protoss this looks promising! The replay vs Genius I must check out O_o
Was that really Genius in the replay also? Noticed also like some other post that said that his hotkeys were different than they use to be.
Feature this guy instantly, TL.
On April 03 2012 19:13 nface wrote: who are you?
He said who he is, what else matters? He is lastshadow and play against people you "respect". If you want to know more about him, I'd say go find out but don't bother trolling if you know.