If any of you would like to follow my stream, I commentate my ladder games on NA and KR, masters on both servers. www.twitch.tv/maxsc
Hey guys, I really enjoyed Apollo's Terran tutorial video, and I'm sure many of you have as well. But I didn't want to wait until part 2! So I gave it a go myself. Have a look, let me know what you think, and if you like my tutorials I can definitely make more in the future!
Basically I copied Apollo's style, with a few major differences. All credit for the tutorial style goes to him. The differences are
1) I am organizing the videos by matchup. Basically I played a bunch of games in a row and recorded them, then compiled all the TvP's together (and will do so for the other races soon).
2) I record the games without commentary, just focusing on my play. Then I overlay commentary in my movie editor. I believe this gives both my play and my commentary and insight better quality.
3) When I play, I slow down and "polish" my APM - I try not to spam, move the screen around super fast, and basically do anything confusing. I want to make the games easy to follow and I want to give a good example of a clean mechanical style with low APM redundancy that lower league players can try to copy and it will benefit them.
Apollo Style TvP Part 1 (35 minutes) - This is my first attempt at the tutorial series. Please check it out! Part 2 will be uploaded shortly.
Apollo Style TvP Part 2 (42 minutes) - Part 2 is out!
Apollo Style TvZ Part 1 (30 minutes)
Apollo Style TvZ Part 2 (37 Minutes)
Basic Mechanics - This video was my idea as a standalone, not part of a series of tutorials. I feel like mechanics are very under-examined in pretty much all SC2 videos, so I am trying to fill that void. I don't talk about any strategy here, I simply explain ALL the mouse and keyboard actions that I take, and how you can copy them. The game is a real game in bronze league, and the build is a real build that I use at a grandmaster level in TvZ.
Apollo Style TvT Part 1 (30 Minutes) - NEW!
Apollo Style TvT Part 2 (29 Minutes) - NEW!
TvT Replay pack - http://www.mediafire.com/?111qz6cc7bbh03n
When I upload more videos I will post them in this thread.
PLEASE let me know what you think, and give me advice like what I should talk about in my commentary, what I should NOT talk about, stuff that was confusing to you, mistakes I made and didn't mention, whether my strategies are good at the lower levels of play, ANYTHING.
I want to make these videos the best that I can to help everyone out.
Thanks for watching!