Here's what I got out of the TvP, correct me if I'm wrong:
10-depot 12-Rax 13 Gas Command Center in natural Bunker 2 rax, 2 refineries Tech Lab on one rax, Concussive Shell Factory After Concussive Get Stim and a third refinery Starport 4th Gas 2 Tech Labs on Barracks Engineering Bay, start an upgrade 2 more barraks 2nd Engineering Bay, other upgrade Ghost Academy Armory If you scout Robo, make vikings after your 4th medivac, if not ??? Make some ghosts
Take map control, get a third.
Pretty much it snoodles, except you don't take any gas at first ( supply, rax, expo ). Also, i believe he only take his 3rd and 4th gas at the time he launch the +1 infantry upgrade. ( which would be fact, starport with the swap on the reactor, ebay +1 then the 2 gas of the natural)
I've only watched the mechanics and first TvP videos so far, but they were awesome! I like that you slowed down and demonstrated only clean apm, it definitely makes it easier for a bronze leaguer like myself to follow what you're doing and why. And commentating the videos after you recorded them definitely made for better analysis and explanations of your build orders and reactions than other similar tutorials (not ripping on those by any means, but this in particular simply made your's better :p)
I'm trying to think of constructive criticism, but honestly I can't think of anything I would criticize. I'll finish the rest of the videos and report back.
Thanks! And please do keep making these!
Max, I watched your TvT & TvZ videos and thought they were really well done. You present the material in a very clear and purposeful fashion and I think that's a big plus when it comes to material that is meant to educate.
I'm a gold league Terran (pretty awful) and because my main focus is on my mechanics I have been opening 1 Rax expand in TvT for the last few weeks. Generally, if I make it out of the early game I win, however I would say that the MU, at least at my level, involves a lot of early pressure and one base play. It's not uncommon to see 1/1/1 all-in, which you dealt with in your video and which I usually can handle by just pulling SCVs (still ahead), and cloak banshee opening which I think most Terrans have a lot of practice handling and I can generally scout and deal with pretty well.
The thing I don't like about 1 Rax expand is that it's pretty obvious what you're doing due to lack of gas. Barring some 5 Rax all-in or whatever, it's generally fairly easy to scout the expansion and I think that most people know when they see the 1 Rax FE that they can proceed with whatever early pressure they have planned knowing they're pretty safe. I tried your Reaper expand yesterday and really like it. You still get a pretty fast expansion with really early combat sheild, and the initial scout can't really tell what you're doing so easily as you're taking your gas. I'm going to use it for the foreseeable future.
My question is, how do you respond to an opponent who opens with their own Reaper pressure (let's say they do the same build) or that hellion/marine elevator play that everyone's so fond of these days? If I scout it should I keep the reapers in my base for defense?
Thanks to Max my APM has nearly doubled, not sure if its cause I'm building reactors now and building two of everything or because Max's builds are so awesome!
Max usually streams Tues. and Thurs. 6-10pm PST.
Don't worry be happy!
Theme song from Max's stream
Do- do, do- do
Dooo Doooo
Life is like a hurricane
Here in Max's room
Marines, Marauders , and Hellions.
It's a Max- blur
He might solve a mystery or rewrite history
Max Tales (woo woooh)
Every Tues & Thurs, Max is out there making.
Max Tales (woo wooh)
Tales of daring do bad and good.
Max Tales (wooo wooh)
Watch behind you.
There's a stalker out to find you.
What to do? Just tune into some Max Tales (wooo woooh)
Every Tues & Thurs, Max is out there making.
Max Tales (woo wooh)
Tales of daring do bad and good.
Max Tales (woo wooh)
Not pony tales, or cotton tales, no
Max Tales (woo wooh)
Thank you very much for these videos Max. They are excellent, great format and very informative.
I've just been focusing on TvZ. In your videos you say that if the zerg fast expands then terran should be able to fast expand as well, using the standard fast hellion opening. This is exactly the kind of info I've been after.
So I just went straight into trying to fast expand vs zerg on the ladder using your build as a rough guide. I've fast expanded against zerg about half a dozen times and I've had the most hilarious games.
I'm high gold, so pretty bad, and I've lost my hellions, failed to scout incoming attacks with them, and been forced to lift off and evacuate my natural more often than not. Yet somehow once I've stabilized and start to apply counter pressure with hellion bio medivac the zergs just can't handle the constant pressure and drop harass. Slowly but surely they fall apart.
It really is a great feeling to be playing aggressively rather than turtling up and defending until 200/200. Thanks a lot for the fun times.