![[image loading]](http://professionalgaminglife.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/mousesports.jpg)
This one goes out for my best team of them all, Mouse fucking sports! They’ve proved it by winning the EGMC twice already but for those who don’t really follow the teamleague I’m going to do this write-up for the sick sick team!
Marcus “ThorZaIN” Eklöf
![[image loading]](http://www.gosugamers.net/starcraft2/images/2011/october/thorzain-480-320-1.jpg)
This guy is so gosu after he had his breakthrough Blizzard had to make a patch so he wouldn’t dominate this shit out of the whole community (TRUE STORY!). Once upon a time people thought that Koreans were unbeatable in StarCraft 2, and then ThorZaIN came and beat two GSL Champions (Fruitdealer and MC) in TSL3 and said FU to all the doomsayers. Also this guy is so good he can kill people with spoons!!! One last thing, you guys know that guy called MMA? The guy who beat MVP to win the GSL October and DRG to win the Blizzard Cup? Yeah he says that ThorZaIN is the best foreigner in the world, just saying guys.
Grzegorz “Mana” Komincz
![[image loading]](http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/313283_201062186625241_158210954243698_561412_650354_n.jpg)
You know what year this is? Its frickin 2012, the year Mana will graduate from school and be able to start playing fulltime, you guys should know what’s coming. This guy is also kind of the western world kong (not really, but close enough). He never wins an event; he just gets them 2nd and 3rd places. But hopefully when he goes fulltime he’ll make Poland the “New Korea”, and everybody will be going to Poland to practice with the best (Aka Mana and his homeboys!).
Dennis “HasuObs” Schneider
![[image loading]](http://i248.photobucket.com/albums/gg169/Myrkskogg/hasuorbs.jpg)
This guy played undead in WC3 and he plays Protoss in sc2 that says it all, if it weren’t for that he would’ve already won everything. He also has a really really nice voice, check out his casting at HSC4. I also heard he’s practicing his ass off at Take apartment with Titan in Krefeld, Germany. Hopefully he’ll be able to win lots of tournaments!

Stefan “MorroW” Andersson
![[image loading]](http://www.teamliquid.net/staff/Plexa/Morrow_Interview/morrow3.jpg)
Every time I see this guy play I get a boner because this guy always produces the sickest macro games ever, doesn’t matter if he loses or wins the game, it’s always so fucking entertaining. MorroW had lots of success in late 2010 when he was replacing BratOK at IEM Cologne (who couldn’t manage to obtain a German visa) and went on to take first place by taking down the favourite EGIdra 3 to 1. Back then MorroW used to play Terran, but later on he decided to switch to zerg and eventually start racepicking (ZvT, ZvP, TvZ). However most of you won’t really understand why I get a boner everytime I watch MorroW play so I’m just going to link two of his games, I recommend you guys to watch the WHOLE games, because their fucking sick! Hopefully MorroW will win lots of tournaments in 2012!
Han “biGs” Sang Cho
![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/thumb/d/db/Bigs.jpg/220px-Bigs.jpg)
This guy is Korean, he has it in his blood. You guys will see, he’ll be 3-0ing the shit out of foreigners in 2012. Although he just recently got picked up by Mousesports, he has already showed that he’s a forced to be reckoned with. I’d recommend you watching his games against SlayerS from IPL TAC from last year.
Gabriel “HeRoMaRinE” Segat
![[image loading]](http://wiki.teamliquid.net/starcraft/images2/e/e5/HeRoMaRinE.jpg)
This guy is 14 years old, he’s Grandmaster on EU and is on the best foreigner team. Do I need to say more?
Mouz Twitterguy
This guy is hilarious, hopefully we’ll see him own and ridicule the EG twitter a lot more in 2012!
This guy does better commentary than many people out there who are getting payed to commentate! deserves a lot more recognition! Hopefully Kaelaris will get to commentate some major events in 2012 and kick ass!

Sorry for have written such a poor thread, a team like mouz definatley deserves better