First of all, I was not sure where to place this thread, I'm kinda new here, but I think it's about the TL staff/community more than the player CombatEX, so I thought this was a good place to put this thread in.
Why are you guys instaclosing all threads without an explanation? If you would leave one open for discussion you wouldn't get all the other 72 threads about the same subject, if you refuse to do that I guess if you would just explain in the first thread why he's not getting another chance and why you're closing it you wouldn't get as many threads as it is right now.
Personally I'd like to see him get a new chance, I believe that when he got his other chances he was still immature, and wasn't mature yet. If you look at his content on his youtubechannel lately, it's really good stuff (and i'm a zerg, lol), and his behaviour haven't been that bad in my opinion for the last couple of months. The real problemchild in the sc2community is Deezer in my opinion.
But my opinion doesn't matter - I just want a reason for him _NOT_ getting another chance, and why the threads are getting closed right away. This immature way of handling it is just gonna lead to more question marks and more threads from the users.
So TL mods, man up please and give us the answers!
Best Regards zaihtaM
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Just PM one of the mods. From what I understand he has been quite the asshole since BW. Edit and he has been given several chances so far.
Why is this getting so much attention?
10 years of bullshit is not erased with one apology video. Why the fuck does TL mods need to explain their actions to you? It is their forum. They can do what they want on it.
Even the "no" response these threads get are more than he deserves. Sometimes you can't be forgiven for the shit you have done. I know its hard to understand that...but you can dig yourself into a whole that you can't climb out of.
Actions have consequences...and I hope TL will continue to hold him to his actions for years to come.
On December 21 2011 07:02 McFeser wrote: Just PM one of the mods.
I don't think PM is a good option, most users won't do it and it will result in 25 extra threads (and that's just annoying).
On December 21 2011 07:02 McFeser wrote: From what I understand he has been quite the asshole since BW. Edit and he has been given several chances so far.
That's what i'm saying, he was immature and bm then, but to me, it looks like he matured up (that sounded strange in english, is it correct to say that? lol)
If been around since before anyone ever heard of Combatex and if it's one thing that guy has gotten through all this time it's chances.
16952 Posts
Combatex doesn't deserve any attention. It's as simple as that. He's also never welcome on these boards, no matter how many fake, once-a-month, "final" apology videos he makes.
On December 21 2011 07:05 zaihtaM wrote: That's what i'm saying, he was immature and bm then, but to me, it looks like he matured up (that sounded strange in english, is it correct to say that? lol)
That's correct English, but no, the statement is incorrect.
On December 21 2011 07:04 Khaymus wrote: Why the fuck does TL mods need to explain their actions to you? It is their forum. They can do what they want on it.
I think that's a horribly attitude, the community is what makes TL possible, and we should have some rights here.
Thank you. I will try that if this thread gets closed.
16952 Posts
Also lastshadow managed to clean up his act somewhat.
On December 21 2011 07:06 Empyrean wrote: Combatex doesn't deserve any attention. It's as simple as that. He's also never welcome on these boards, no matter how many fake, once-a-month, "final" apology videos he makes.
I think it would just be better if you leave one thread open for discussion or give a good reason, I think we deserve it (and it would help against the massthreadstarts).
That's correct English, but no, the statement is incorrect.
How can you know that's incorrect? Have you've seen how he's behaved the last couple of months?
Anyway, that's offtopic I guess.
16952 Posts
He's done this "sincere" apology bullshit before. We've accepted it in the past, but he really just reverts to his old shit behavior.
And no, random combatex drama isn't worth anyone's time or a thread. He's like the Snooki of SC2.
Canada19447 Posts
I will be perm banning people who continue to make these threads. Combatex has an incredibly rich history of abuse, cheating, disrupting players practice, shitting on TL, shitting on players, scamming, and this apology is no different than the others he has given. A few months of good behavior may be all that is required in your eyes - it is not in ours. This is a guy who faked an illness in order to get donations and then came back a few months later with "im fine guys".
If you do not agree with this stance, it's fine. You are welcome to visit his stream and youtube channels to enjoy his content. Do not bring it to TL.