Important threads to keep in mind when playing at all: (considering scouting) (on engaging)
ZvX- A new way to play
Pseudo gassless. Sounds simple enough doesn't it. Unfortunately it really isn't. This guide covers the ideas of mineral-centric play in the early game and how you and your opponent feel those effects in the mid-game and late-game.
Basic Ideas
Minerals are key
Do whatever possible to be able to acquire minerals to expand aggressively while being safe.
Tech is incredibly important, but can be delayed with minimal negative effects if your economy is good enough, and you can supercharge your tech by introducing 4-6 gases at once.
Gas is precious and should only be spent on units, upgrades, and structures that are necessary to staying alive and winning.
Upgrades are key, and getting them started early makes a big difference.
Strive to be as efficient as possible on larvae/cost with regard to units. The better army trades you make, the further your advantage will grow.
Basic Openings
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This is different enough from the 11/18 because you get 17 drones instead of 16 or 15 and a pair of lings, still the one queen, and a pair of lings. It's safer, if slightly delayed, and more economic actually because you are mining at peak efficiency for longer.
The most basic speedling expand build ever. It also fits precisely within the idea of pseudo gasless, as it allows you to get map control and be safe against aggression, it also allows you to macro aggressively as you get your natural expansion rather quickly and act as you see fit.
Hatch/gas/pool- get 2bases, 2 queens, and metabolic boost up all moderately quickly, none very quickly. This opening is not entirely applicable as you need gas AFTER you expand. The point of much of this guide is going no gas once you’ve fast expanded.
This is different enough from the 11/18 because you get 17 drones instead of 16 or 15 and a pair of lings, still the one queen, and a pair of lings. It's safer, if slightly delayed, and more economic actually because you are mining at peak efficiency for longer.
The most basic speedling expand build ever. It also fits precisely within the idea of pseudo gasless, as it allows you to get map control and be safe against aggression, it also allows you to macro aggressively as you get your natural expansion rather quickly and act as you see fit.
Hatch/gas/pool- get 2bases, 2 queens, and metabolic boost up all moderately quickly, none very quickly. This opening is not entirely applicable as you need gas AFTER you expand. The point of much of this guide is going no gas once you’ve fast expanded.
ZvT: My greatest Match Up, and how it works
In modern ZvT, hellion expands are the go-to Build Order. This is great for Terrans, as it gives them map control and early pressure and an early second base. This is bad for gassless builds as you NEED units that use gas, either speedlings or roaches, to hold them off. The other option, spines, is useless against 4-6 hellions. This is because hellions can just walk right around the spines with minimal damage, only taking approximately 2 hits per spine. Fortunately, you won't need gas after that initial 100 for a long time. You DO need minerals though.
This means that you MUST 14/14 or 15/15/15 or something similar, if you aren't afraid of bunker rushes. I am more comfortable with pool first as it is safer.
Given you must acquire 100 gas, doesn't that mean this isn't gasless? Well, yes. Happily, however, if you dedicate the rest of your resources to minerals until about 5:30 or 6:00, you can either get a really fast third and about 55 drones or a macro hatch and about 55 drones (you don’t want to over saturate in case they push and you needed those larvae for units or if hellion harass manages to kill those extra drones, making the ease of saturating your third a very, very sunk cost). Drones are good units. The more you have, the better off you'll be later, but the less safe you'll be now. You must sink resources into spines and spores if aggression looks like it might be incoming, and don't be afraid to resaturate your 1 gas if you see them meching and need roaches now so that you won’t die to hellions. No more though-roaches are too expensive, and with a significant ling presence on the map, they can’t actually move out unless they want to lose most of their workers. With the sheer number of drones you get and no gas, you take thirds and fourths relatively quickly, just to spend your resources.
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This is where this style shines.
You need roaches for anti-mech. Drop the warren and all 4 gas as well as two evolution chambers, with priority on Lair and upgrades, roaches following with spare gas, lings if you have none- you need them against Thors and to flank or do runbys with later. A few spines for drop defense, and take your third and fourth, or fourth, and if he moves out, attack while he is unsieged. The most important part about roach-centric styles is good positioning. If you can pre-form a partial concave or set up your units to attack from two directions, you auto-kill their army, even if it is spread out really well.
From here, roach upgrades scale as amazingly against mech as they do against Protoss; and while infestors are good, they aren’t the most efficient units in this comp as tanks outrange them and do bonus damage to them, and so corruptor/ Brood Lord with roach support is the goal (corruptor/BL because you need to deal with prodigious numbers of vikings). With your 6-8 gas, Brood Lords should pop around 15:30. You may not need them and assume more units right now is better, but try to prioritize tech. From here, it's just a formality to kill your opponent.
MMM is pretty good, you may have heard
. The mobility and flexibility, as well as how well Bio scales is really, really good. Generally inefficient, but able to output an amazing amount of DPS for cost.
You need infestors and you need mutas as your mid-game tech, but you need banelings to stay alive and deal with the bio-ball. This is a LOT of gas consumption, but not to worry, you won't have any for a long time.
This is because you still need those minerals more early game than you need to try to get stuff. As long as you don't die, and don't get contained too hard or lose your natural, you'll be fine, if not in a commanding lead.
Once you have 3 hatcheries, pump lings once you're at saturation for minerals, throwing down your third as soon as humanly possible, with the third mining base taking precedence. If there are rocks, drop your 4 gas (or 3 more) and get them saturated and the drones replaced in the meantime- prioritize double ling upgrades and lair, if aggression is incoming, zergling upgrades and baneling nest, although you want to get that baneling best as late as possible. You should have enough lings to handle light aggression and to morph into banelings once you have a nest and still have quite a few left over to do damage to unit that live through the banelings. Your focus is getting mutas for drop denial, not a flock of them- up to 10 or so is reasonable, you can't spare the gas or supply for more than that. From here, infestors and hive (don't forget Pathogen Glands and the timing for getting infestors out ASAP with the energy upgrade.). With hive and a spire and 2/2 lings with 3/3 and adrenal glands on the way, you can choose to go BL or Ultralisks. I recommend Brood Lords, as long as you make a lot of corruptors as well so that your Brood Lords don't die immediately to Vikings. From here it is making increasingly cost-efficient armies that force the Terran back and ultimately to surrender due to his lack of cost effective units in comparison to infestors and Brood Lords.
This is generally Marine/Tank or some variation, and some of the variations will be covered. Same rules apply for fast 3rd or macro hatch and a quick third mining base if the former.
With Marine/Tank, you must be wary of drops, but not as much as if he were going bio. Banelings are of primary importance here- as to where you will spend your gas early on, following upgrades and Lair of course; banelings get phased out as of primary importance for gas consumption once you have infestors, but do not be afraid to morph more- they are very good against Bio. Banelings are necessary to remove the primary sources of DPS- the marines, while the lings hold the marines in place and the kill the tanks. Here comes the main clincher for your gas consumption; you still need mutas, however, to have map presence if he contains you, and for some harass, but avoid too large a flock- they are for making the Terran afraid to walk out of his base, not to do damage. I prefer to get infestation pit and spire at the same time so that I can react as necessary, as infestors are once again where you want to be headed. Locking units down for banelings to roll into is very satisfying and the survivability rate of your zerglings goes way up, as well as allowing for faster hive-tech units and upgrades. Similarly, infestors are the most cost-efficient units on the battlefield for Zerg, which is something that you need to be working towards- unit efficiency.
This is standard stuff- play smart but get as fast of a third base as possible- you can deal with much more pressure and much bigger death balls with full production capability earlier on. Just make sure to watch your positioning and his constantly so that you can catch him unsieged, and so that you can get a flank if possible.
You need roaches for anti-mech. Drop the warren and all 4 gas as well as two evolution chambers, with priority on Lair and upgrades, roaches following with spare gas, lings if you have none- you need them against Thors and to flank or do runbys with later. A few spines for drop defense, and take your third and fourth, or fourth, and if he moves out, attack while he is unsieged. The most important part about roach-centric styles is good positioning. If you can pre-form a partial concave or set up your units to attack from two directions, you auto-kill their army, even if it is spread out really well.
From here, roach upgrades scale as amazingly against mech as they do against Protoss; and while infestors are good, they aren’t the most efficient units in this comp as tanks outrange them and do bonus damage to them, and so corruptor/ Brood Lord with roach support is the goal (corruptor/BL because you need to deal with prodigious numbers of vikings). With your 6-8 gas, Brood Lords should pop around 15:30. You may not need them and assume more units right now is better, but try to prioritize tech. From here, it's just a formality to kill your opponent.
MMM is pretty good, you may have heard

You need infestors and you need mutas as your mid-game tech, but you need banelings to stay alive and deal with the bio-ball. This is a LOT of gas consumption, but not to worry, you won't have any for a long time.

Once you have 3 hatcheries, pump lings once you're at saturation for minerals, throwing down your third as soon as humanly possible, with the third mining base taking precedence. If there are rocks, drop your 4 gas (or 3 more) and get them saturated and the drones replaced in the meantime- prioritize double ling upgrades and lair, if aggression is incoming, zergling upgrades and baneling nest, although you want to get that baneling best as late as possible. You should have enough lings to handle light aggression and to morph into banelings once you have a nest and still have quite a few left over to do damage to unit that live through the banelings. Your focus is getting mutas for drop denial, not a flock of them- up to 10 or so is reasonable, you can't spare the gas or supply for more than that. From here, infestors and hive (don't forget Pathogen Glands and the timing for getting infestors out ASAP with the energy upgrade.). With hive and a spire and 2/2 lings with 3/3 and adrenal glands on the way, you can choose to go BL or Ultralisks. I recommend Brood Lords, as long as you make a lot of corruptors as well so that your Brood Lords don't die immediately to Vikings. From here it is making increasingly cost-efficient armies that force the Terran back and ultimately to surrender due to his lack of cost effective units in comparison to infestors and Brood Lords.
This is generally Marine/Tank or some variation, and some of the variations will be covered. Same rules apply for fast 3rd or macro hatch and a quick third mining base if the former.
With Marine/Tank, you must be wary of drops, but not as much as if he were going bio. Banelings are of primary importance here- as to where you will spend your gas early on, following upgrades and Lair of course; banelings get phased out as of primary importance for gas consumption once you have infestors, but do not be afraid to morph more- they are very good against Bio. Banelings are necessary to remove the primary sources of DPS- the marines, while the lings hold the marines in place and the kill the tanks. Here comes the main clincher for your gas consumption; you still need mutas, however, to have map presence if he contains you, and for some harass, but avoid too large a flock- they are for making the Terran afraid to walk out of his base, not to do damage. I prefer to get infestation pit and spire at the same time so that I can react as necessary, as infestors are once again where you want to be headed. Locking units down for banelings to roll into is very satisfying and the survivability rate of your zerglings goes way up, as well as allowing for faster hive-tech units and upgrades. Similarly, infestors are the most cost-efficient units on the battlefield for Zerg, which is something that you need to be working towards- unit efficiency.
This is standard stuff- play smart but get as fast of a third base as possible- you can deal with much more pressure and much bigger death balls with full production capability earlier on. Just make sure to watch your positioning and his constantly so that you can catch him unsieged, and so that you can get a flank if possible.
What is the difference between standard and this style?
You’re getting your macro hatch much faster than normal and your third mining base much faster than normal as well, which means you’re at full production significantly faster than normal. 2+2=4. This has a significantly greater result in ZvT than ZvP because you can mass lings and be ok to kill his army once it is on the map- and you have so many units you don’t know what to do. The important thing is to make sure you transition to cost-effective compositions and not stay on inefficient ones like ling/bane.
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Ladder Games
MECH <- in this one, I accidentally recalled that MajOr was on TSL because he was at the TSL house. He is actually on CheckSix, has no significant results, and changed his tag to WinDy... yay.
coming soon (will be custom games)
MECH <- in this one, I accidentally recalled that MajOr was on TSL because he was at the TSL house. He is actually on CheckSix, has no significant results, and changed his tag to WinDy... yay.
coming soon (will be custom games)
ZvP- My most balanced match up, and what I do to make it imbalanced

Modern ZvP is either a FFE or a gateway expand. The more gates the more pressure that can be applied. You only need gas if they FFE, because roach allins just win in these scenarios. If they gateway expand, feel free to macro like a god. Variations of anti-FFE styles as well as variations on gateway expands will be discussed, and how best to play them.
This means that 11/20 is ideal, as it removes the dangers of hatch-first against a FFE and it allows for an early queen and mounds of drones. If you scout a FFE and would prefer to roach allin, by all means transition from the 11pool to gas + roach warren following your pool finishing- don't forget overlords, roaches are heavy on supply.
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Unlike ZvT, you control your own unit composition more in ZvP. Unless they go mass air or air in their army composition, you aren’t forced to make hydralisks, but you are forced to invest in plenty of spore crawlers. Therefore, this section is more about the variety of compositions you can have and their strengths and tactical decisions that make all the difference.
This is really viable all the time except when facing mass air. The difficulty is figuring out what upgrades you need first, but I’ll make it easier on you- get the ones that you have units for NOW and then the ones you expect- so get +1 melee and +1 carapace NOW and then with the second round of upgrades get +1 ranged and +2 carapace. Once you get 3 bases mining and a macro hatch for spare larvae, you should be fine on units. Try to get a spire as you hit lair, and a few mutas for harass is always good- you can sometimes win games because of simultaneous assaults, which Mutalisks excell at helping create, but don’t get more than 8-10, they aren’t supply or cost efficient against the Protoss army. Get corruptors, trying to maintain them as much as possible, but do not be afraid of losing them if it means sniping the colossus and killing his army, therefore killing him.
While the best mix of lings/roaches in ZvT is about 1:1, in ZvP, you need more roaches than lings- the lings are support once youre walking across the map and for quick reloads- they take too much damage and are really only good as buffers and for runbys.
From here, you can sometimes just win games by sheer macro alone, but if this isn’t your style you can transition into infestor/BL with roach support and roflstomp. Remember to spread your Brood Lords out and pre-form concaves as much as possible when expecting or making an engagement. It makes a huge difference. The last note is that Protoss armies are incredibly weak as a general rule when they are without Colossi or templar or other support. They, as a race, require their support units way more than other races in order to be viable in the mid-lategame. As a result, if you can snipe the colossus (PLURAL), spend your army on achieving this. Killing the colossus is always of primary importance, and your units’ efficiency immediately skyrockets following the Colossi’s death.
This may seem to be an outdated style, what with the Neural Parasite nerf, but it still can work against early gateway compositions and as a way to transition into late game. You need to focus on Zergling upgrades to have as good of unit retention as possible. The primary thing you have to worry about is Zealot/Archon, and staying on Ling/Infestor too long as your primary composition. Also, make sure that you have at least a roach warren in case you need beefier units NOW. This style is very conducive to fast hive tech, and don’t forget that.
I largely discourage this style of play. Roaches and Hydralisks are really good and scale really well with upgrades, and corruptors are the necessary support to kill colossus, but it has always felt very fragile to me, with ratios of roaches to hydras being the determining factor as to whether you win or die. Similarly, your gas consumption is insane, and your army is not mobile enough to protect expansions all around the map. This is your choice, but the timings on the hydralisk den seems a little wonky, and one of the determining factors as to whether or not you live or die.
From what I know, you want to get your hydralisk den when youre taking your third mining base and your spire when you have all 6 gases, and pump corruptors, with an approximate 2:1 roach:hydralisk ratio.
This is really viable all the time except when facing mass air. The difficulty is figuring out what upgrades you need first, but I’ll make it easier on you- get the ones that you have units for NOW and then the ones you expect- so get +1 melee and +1 carapace NOW and then with the second round of upgrades get +1 ranged and +2 carapace. Once you get 3 bases mining and a macro hatch for spare larvae, you should be fine on units. Try to get a spire as you hit lair, and a few mutas for harass is always good- you can sometimes win games because of simultaneous assaults, which Mutalisks excell at helping create, but don’t get more than 8-10, they aren’t supply or cost efficient against the Protoss army. Get corruptors, trying to maintain them as much as possible, but do not be afraid of losing them if it means sniping the colossus and killing his army, therefore killing him.
While the best mix of lings/roaches in ZvT is about 1:1, in ZvP, you need more roaches than lings- the lings are support once youre walking across the map and for quick reloads- they take too much damage and are really only good as buffers and for runbys.
From here, you can sometimes just win games by sheer macro alone, but if this isn’t your style you can transition into infestor/BL with roach support and roflstomp. Remember to spread your Brood Lords out and pre-form concaves as much as possible when expecting or making an engagement. It makes a huge difference. The last note is that Protoss armies are incredibly weak as a general rule when they are without Colossi or templar or other support. They, as a race, require their support units way more than other races in order to be viable in the mid-lategame. As a result, if you can snipe the colossus (PLURAL), spend your army on achieving this. Killing the colossus is always of primary importance, and your units’ efficiency immediately skyrockets following the Colossi’s death.
This may seem to be an outdated style, what with the Neural Parasite nerf, but it still can work against early gateway compositions and as a way to transition into late game. You need to focus on Zergling upgrades to have as good of unit retention as possible. The primary thing you have to worry about is Zealot/Archon, and staying on Ling/Infestor too long as your primary composition. Also, make sure that you have at least a roach warren in case you need beefier units NOW. This style is very conducive to fast hive tech, and don’t forget that.
I largely discourage this style of play. Roaches and Hydralisks are really good and scale really well with upgrades, and corruptors are the necessary support to kill colossus, but it has always felt very fragile to me, with ratios of roaches to hydras being the determining factor as to whether you win or die. Similarly, your gas consumption is insane, and your army is not mobile enough to protect expansions all around the map. This is your choice, but the timings on the hydralisk den seems a little wonky, and one of the determining factors as to whether or not you live or die.
From what I know, you want to get your hydralisk den when youre taking your third mining base and your spire when you have all 6 gases, and pump corruptors, with an approximate 2:1 roach:hydralisk ratio.
What is the difference between standard and this style?
This style focuses on getting a fast third, much faster than normal. Take your third by about 25 supply and make plenty of extra queens at each base with priority on queens following optimal saturation on minerals (concerning distribution of resources). Good creep spread and extra AA is really good to have laying around. From here, you pump drones until about 7:30 and then units from there. If you ever find yourself getting behind, drop as many gas as you can and focus on getting as much gas stockpiled for infestors. Your macro should explode and win you games just because you have more stuff earlier than they know how to deal with.
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ZvZ: Some ramblings
In ZvZ, you can’t get away with much of anything. You have to squeeze out drones when you can, and expect a bunch of intense ling/bane action or roach + support unit stuff if it makes it to a macro game, where little things like 1 or two roach difference making a HUGE difference. The other big thing is that gas is necessary in ZvZ. Therefore, the pseudo gassless style is invalid against other Zergs.
This style is not applicable to this guide
This style is not applicable to this guide. While inapplicable, this is a very strong build if you pull it off. Here are suggestions and thoughts as to how to do so.
First, you must think of early game Zerg units:
-Drones (light units)
-Zerglings (fast, light units)
-Queens (support, base management and creep spread)
-Banelings (slow-ish light units that deal huge bonus and splash damage to light units)
-Roaches (expensive, larva efficient, tank-y, with high HP)
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Do not use these for attacking unless absolutely necessary. These are good for macro, but more often than not, one or two two many can actually kill you.
Speedlings actually trade better than evenly with slow lings. Therefore, you need Zergling speed. Zerglings can take advantage and significantly punish minor mistakes due to their speed. Similarly, they can force mistakes by drawing units out of position. Later in the game, Zerglings are good for tanking a few of the first volleys of Roach v Roach engagements as well as provide additional cheap DPS.
Banelings are power units. They allow you to do things. This sounds foolish or stupid, but when you have defensive banelings, a zergling-heavy player cannot attack into you. When you are being offensive with banelings, that either kills some drones or forces your opponent to show you everything he has in order to defend. Similarly, you can kill or damage significantly a lot of stuff very easily with Banelings.
Roaches are also power units. Expensive on cost early game and supply, they are cheap on larvae for HP and damage output. The unfortunate thing is, if you commit to roach production early, mass ling can dominate you with no problem, even if you have a spine. Roaches are something to transition to, but only at the opportune moment, like when you scout a baneling nest or when you have enough drones and ling/bane is getting either tiring or turning into a stalemate.
Do not use these for attacking unless absolutely necessary. These are good for macro, but more often than not, one or two two many can actually kill you.
Speedlings actually trade better than evenly with slow lings. Therefore, you need Zergling speed. Zerglings can take advantage and significantly punish minor mistakes due to their speed. Similarly, they can force mistakes by drawing units out of position. Later in the game, Zerglings are good for tanking a few of the first volleys of Roach v Roach engagements as well as provide additional cheap DPS.
Banelings are power units. They allow you to do things. This sounds foolish or stupid, but when you have defensive banelings, a zergling-heavy player cannot attack into you. When you are being offensive with banelings, that either kills some drones or forces your opponent to show you everything he has in order to defend. Similarly, you can kill or damage significantly a lot of stuff very easily with Banelings.
Roaches are also power units. Expensive on cost early game and supply, they are cheap on larvae for HP and damage output. The unfortunate thing is, if you commit to roach production early, mass ling can dominate you with no problem, even if you have a spine. Roaches are something to transition to, but only at the opportune moment, like when you scout a baneling nest or when you have enough drones and ling/bane is getting either tiring or turning into a stalemate.
Early game strategy:
Drones are important. You need drones in order to make enough units to not die, but if you make too many units, you won’t have enough units and your production capability will be stalled in the late game. I recommend getting optimal saturation on minerals and 1 gas if you’re going roach or baneling, and no gas following speed if you’re going go mass Zergling. So that you may have the ability to make drones and not die, you need to be safe enough to be ALLOWED to make drones. This requires a larva-efficient defense. Spine crawlers, Banelings, and Roaches are larva-efficient defenses and units. A spine crawler requires 1 larva (the drone) and has 300 HP. Roaches have 145 HP and deal 16 damage (about half of a zergling’s HP) and cost 1 larva. Banelings have 30 HP and can kill about 20 zerglings if you’re lucky.
How this applies to Hatch-first:
When you recall that a 300 mineral hatchery is the equivalent of 6 drones for cost, you think about the hatch as an investment in your economy, exactly the same as drones, and you realize that you need some sort of “power” unit or units or structures so that you may be safe from early aggression, whether or no you make more drones at all. From the previous section, we know that you need spine crawlers, banelings, or roaches to defend early game harassment and assaults. Note that you will require plenty of gas either way you go.
Closing Thoughts on ZvZ
If you live through a hatch first, you generally can win. Your economy is ahead and you dictate how the game goes; just make sure to not die to mutas or something stupid. Don’t make mistakes, get upgrades, and dont forget to tech, and you can crush your opponent’s army.
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I was practicing this with one of my friends in custom games as a proof of concept.
Focusing on minerals early game really helps your economy get to it's maximum capacity quick, and allows you to play reactively, and dictate the way the game flows. If you're trying to get somewhere, might as well get there as quickly as possible, and this is how to do so as safely as possible while having a strong follow through.
If this style doesn't work for you, do this first: (replay analysis)
And then ask questions, include a replay if you want analysis worth anything

Dearest mods: the title should be [G] ZvX Pseudo Gasless Guide (it is Gassless, which is incorrect spelling <3) thanks for your consideration