Unfortunately, Steve Jobs died from a pancreatic cancer today.Steve Jobs died from a pancreatic cancer today.
As sad as that is by itself, tons of other people lost relatives and friends to this disease.
This is why I would like to take this momentum to introduce something to you guys...
I don't know if you guys know about this already, but YOU can contribute to find the cure (or some type of relief to those who suffer) to several diseases.
How do you do that?
The answer is: Volunteered Computing.
Basically you donate computer power while your computer is idle for science.
One I find super important is Folding@Home. (http://folding.stanford.edu/)
There are several others here: http://boinc.berkeley.edu/projects.php
Be a volunteer!
You won't be donating money directly, won't be anything physically enduring, it's plain easy: Download the software and forget about it!