Happy September!! Thank you very much for all of your support, I really appreciate it! I'm very happy to announce another month of Bear Cups! ^^ If you aren't already familiar, I host/cast 4 tournaments a month! Yay! Please feel free to sign up, as all are welcome. There are no entry fees, as I'm a happy sponsor to my Bearcubs! ♥ All leagues are welcome, so let's play! Thank you mucho muchies!
Saturday, Sept 24th (Bronze - Diamond)
*Europe: MBL Bear Cup #3 Time: 8:30am PT / 11:30am ET / 17:30 CET http://www.z33k.com/z/4tl
*North America: MBL Bear Cup #5 Time: 2:30pm PT / 5:30pm ET / 23:30 CET http://www.z33k.com/z/4tj
Sunday, Sept 25th (Master & GM)
*Europe: MBL Bear Cup #1 Time: 8:30am PT / 11:30am ET / 17:30 CET http://www.z33k.com/z/1oy
*North America MBL Bear Cup #5 Time: 2:30pm PT / 5:30pm ET / 23:30 CET http://www.z33k.com/z/4tn
Bear Cup champions for Master & GM - NA Server Bear Cup #1 - xSixShadow (Protoss) Bear Cup #2 - coLrsvp (Protoss) Bear Cup #3 - sixjaxMajOr (Terran) Bear Cup #4 - EGStrifeCro (Zerg)
Please sign up and spread the word!! I expect some ownage! You're much appreciated! ♥ -megumixbear
thumbs up ^^ looking forward to the EU tournament :D <3 megumixbear
Make a 3v3 and/or 4v4 team tourney!
Cant wait for the tourney Its gonna be great  Megumixbear, keep going your great <3
Can't wait for this, my saturday? What saturday, I'm playing starcraft . Hope to do better than last tournament at least ^_^
how awesome, i'll have to plan ahead for it =] and try to wait on getting promoted to masters until after..
hope we get some really nice games in this
There's even a prizepool, noice :D
this is ganna be awsome !!! : D cant wait
I got the last spot for the bronze-diamond on NA = P
On September 16 2011 11:23 RezChi wrote: I got the last spot for the bronze-diamond on NA = P
There will definitely be a fair number of no-shows, everyone who shows up will almost surely be able to play
MEgUmi, I saw you on Plenty of ffish!!!!
On September 16 2011 12:12 VPteaCher wrote: MEgUmi, I saw you on Plenty of ffish!!!! LOL TRUTH COMES OUT :D
On September 16 2011 12:12 VPteaCher wrote: MEgUmi, I saw you on Plenty of ffish!!!! Pics or it didn't happen. Actually it can just be a creeper also.
I Cant open the z33k.com site ..why ? can anyone help ?
It works for me (I use Firefox 6).
I use Firefox 6 too but i get error on z33k.com site .... how can i make it work again i would try to get in the Bearcup too T.T
It still not work only z33k.com not works for me at home all other sites are ok i resetted everything at home now at my friends home i can open z33k but at home i cant what could be the problem i use my Laptop and it seems like a network ........ I wanna play on this Cup