Stop the incessant whining and complaining in this topic pretty please. From page 8 and onwards this will have consequences. |
+ Show Spoiler [RESULTS] +On September 18 2011 15:29 deL wrote:Final Standings1st. mOOnGLaDe ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/6jpdR.gif) ($5,000) 2nd. xGKingJazBas ![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/6jpdR.gif) ($3,000) 3rd.  xGKingMafia ($2,000) 4th.  MiTHRedArchon ($1,000) 5-6th.  TARossi ($500) 5-6th.  xGKingLight ($500) 7-8th.  TAdeth ($500) 7-8th.  iMYoonYJ ($500) On September 17 and 18, eight of the top StarCraft II players from Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia will gather to compete against one another in the 2011 regional Battle.net Invitational tournament. They'll be fighting it out not only for their share of a $13,000 USD prize pool, but also for an invitation to represent their region in the 2011 StarCraft II Global Battle.net Invitational held at BlizzCon on October 21 and 22. The PlayersAndrew “ mOOnGLaDe” Pender Ray “ Light” Zi Tim “ Mafia” Lei He Yoon “ YoonYJ” Yo Jun Thanapol “ RedArchon” Kuachart Daniel “ deth” Haynes David “ Rossi” Rossi Sung “ JazBas” Cho Look out for profiles and interviews next week to learn more about the invited players! The Prizes1st - $5,000 USD 2nd - $3,000 USD 3rd - $2,000 USD 4th - $1,000 USD 5th-8th - $500 USD Stream: http://www.twitch.tv/bnetinvitational2011Brackets: http://challonge.com/bnetinvitational2011Schedule:SEA/ANZ Battle.net Invitational - Day 1Starting 1:00pm local (AEST) Sydney time, September 17thUpper Bracket Round 1 xGKing.MaFia 2- 1 ArcMSI.deth  mOOnGLaDe 2-0 xGKing.JazBas  xGKing.Light 2-0 ArcMSI.Rossi   IM.YoonYJ 1-2 MiTH.RedArchon Lower Bracket Round 1 ArcMSI.Rossi 2-0 ArcMSI.deth  xGKing.JazBas 2-0 IM.YoonYJ Upper Bracket Round 2 mOOnGLaDe 2-1 MiTH.RedArchon   xGKing.Light 1-2 xGKing.MaFia SEA/ANZ Battle.net Invitational – Day 2Starting 1:00pm local (AEST) Sydney time, September 18thLower Bracket Round 2 xGKing.Light 1-2 xGKing.JazBas   ArcMSI.Rossi 0-2 MiTH.RedArchon Upper Bracket Finals xGKing.MaFia 0-2 mOOnGLaDe Lower Bracket Round 3 xGKing.JazBas 2-0 RedArchon Lower Bracket Finals @ 5:30pm xGKing.JazBas 2-1 xGKing.MaFia Grand Finals @ 7:00pm  mOOnGLaDe 2-1 xGKing.JazBas Casters: Jaczie, Benji, Paz and Dox. Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/StarCraftSEA Please check the official live update thread for news of changes or delays. As with the nature of StarCraft games, it may run short or longer than expected. The Mana Bar in Brisbane and Melbourne are also hosting a BarCraft event, both venues will be streaming the games live! For more information check out the Facebook events below : Brisbane: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=247146635322569Melbourne: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=173853032693269
haven't heard of any of these people except for mOOnGLaDe
No tgun invited?
On August 26 2011 12:58 hypno_toad wrote: haven't heard of any of these people except for mOOnGLaDe "Look out for profiles and interviews next week to learn more about the invited players!"
On August 26 2011 12:59 Shaxe wrote:No tgun invited?  I heard it was based on ladder ranks, and if so then it makes sense tgun isn't included as he wasn't laddering too much on SEA last season while in Korea.
On August 26 2011 12:59 Shaxe wrote:No tgun invited? 
"eight of the top StarCraft II players from Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia"
Good thing slayers_dragon isn't in there, since he smashed our server.
so I guess moonglade wins then eh? I remember red archon from old sotg where they read out ladder rankings, that's about it.
Americans that dont follow our scene what so ever surprised they dont know anyone? Amazing.
YoonYJ and RedArchon are my picks for giving mOOnGLaDe a run for his money, at least they have in the past, secretly cheering for brotoss nGenLight to be the only protoss except naniwa at blizzcon.
On August 26 2011 13:11 Oreo7 wrote: so I guess moonglade wins then eh? I remember red archon from old sotg where they read out ladder rankings, that's about it.
Few SEA players are GM on NA ladder as well as the SEA one.
eg: http://sc2ranks.com/us/2137569/xGKingJazBas
Wow, lowest prize pool yet of the invitationals. All have been at 24K with the China one being 18K. Even the Latin American invitational was at 24K.
On August 26 2011 13:01 Lzuruha.FantaSy wrote:"eight of the top StarCraft II players from Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia"
ahaha, I'd love to see tguns face skrew up in confusion as he reads that.
Bit of a shame Iaguz is also missing from that list, definitely better than some of the others
On August 26 2011 13:31 RaiKageRyu wrote: Wow, lowest prize pool yet of the invitationals. All have been at 24K with the China one being 18K. Even the Latin American invitational was at 24K. Not sure if it's the actual reason but SEA has the most potential cost of flights for the players seeing it's a bunch of spread out islands and players from any of a dozen or so countries are potentially in the finals.
Redarchon FIGHTING! <3333333333
On August 26 2011 13:01 Lzuruha.FantaSy wrote:"eight of the top StarCraft II players from Australia, New Zealand, and Southeast Asia"
Cool story, bro.
I didn't get invited because Blizzard doesn't say _when_ they're taking the list of who gets invited: I was recently constantly in the top 8, thinking they took the rankings around the tournament date. From what I've been told, they actually take their list WAY earlier than that; it's very frustrating, but it happens. I think they need to be clear on how they determine their invites, though... without stating how (or when) they take their list, they could put down 8 random names and be able to justify them as we aren't able to challenge them.
And yes, before I'm asked. I'm mad. x_x;
(It's the top 8 average across the entire season!)