The main problem was that u can see Creep Tumors without vision.
I tested all of the Unit stats and some timings to see if anything else changes after adding the Dependence.
There is only one more, the Archon attack dmg is 20/+30 in the campaigne and 25/+35 in melee.
How to fix the Archon problem:
1. Add Campaigne Dependence
2. change the order of the Documentdependence to
-Liberty (Mod)
-Liberty (Campaigne)
-Liberty Multiplayer (mod)
Now the Weapon which the Archon use (Psi-Shockwave) uses Liberty (Mod) as source.
How to fix the Creep Tumor problem:
1. Open the Data Editor
2. Search 'Creeptumor' in Modells Tab
3. Select 'Creeptumor'
4. go to the Units line in the bottom left box
5. select CreepTumor (burrowed)
6. select the units tab on the right side
7. scroll down to 'identification' and check mark 'burrowed' and 'cloaked'
HF with all the new doodads