I first discovered TL when downloading your app onto my iPad. Ever since then, I'm on TL everyday more then I am on Facebook, Reddit, and the Bnet Forums combined. However, I think that the app needs improvement by adding new features which will not only make the app more convenient, but will help the community a lot. These are the features that I think should be added into the app:
1. Enable people to login through the app. This will allow them to make/reply to threads and do much more. This will help the community by allowing people to instantly post what they want from wherever there is internet, making the TL forums become more productive and have more discussion.
2. Add a search function. Not only will this make the app much more convenient, but it will decrease the amount of threads that are closed daily due to help questions that could have been easily answered through the search function on the website itself (AKA spamming topics).
3. Make streams available to watch. Streamers will get much more hits, increasing the popularity of professionals who stream on this website. However, there is another reason. TL will gain much more revenue. I have no idea how much money you guys get from the ads thousands of people watch tens of times every day. However, the ability to watch streams wherever you go that has internet will significantly boost the money TL and its streamers gets from ads. I am not sure if this additional feature can be possible, as the iPad can’t play Adobe Flash, and I don‘t know much about how it could work on the iPod.
4. Create an iPad designed version of the app. When I read the forums on my iPad through the app, there are occasional glitches in the formatting of the replies in threads. Also, as everything is zoomed in to fit the size of the iPad, the design itself looks a little unpleasant. There are lots of people with iPads, you know!
I understand that these requests may seem rather large and time-consuming. However, I just wanted to put these features into your consideration, as it will benefit the TL community significantly.
Members, tell me what you think about my proposal! Did I miss anything important? Are any of the requests a little too ballsy? Should I change some of them?
Thank you.